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Pokemon Tournament Reports

November 28, 2006
Dragon Frontier Pre-Release Tournament Report
By Computer Guy

I know this is a late tournament report but this is the first time I haven't been so busy with school and work. So I have a few minutes to write the report.

First off my prelease was on a Saturday and I had pokemon league the day before. So I was at league and was talking to some of my friends about the new set. I was pretty familiar with most of the cards because I studied the scans on Pokebeach.com. So after league I went home, got a snack, and went to bed.

The next morning I got up and gathered a couple decks and my trades together and got my money and it was off to the Pre. It was me, Nicole, Nikolas, and Adam. When we got there I saw the TO Kim Carry, his son Marshall, and his friend Steve. I've known them for a while now, so we started talking and we traded and played a few games before the tournament started.

As Kim passed out our packs I was sitting next to Marshall, Steve, and Nicole. Nicole pulled a Tyranitar ex with the prevos and a Dewgong line and put them line in her deck. Marshall pulled two Snorlax and an Altaria ex line. Steve also pulled a Tyranitar ex line and a Lickitung. How lucky can my friends be. As for me I did pull two Arbok but only one Ekans. I also had a Kirlia and Seadra line in my deck. I was really hoping I didn't have to go against any of my friends.

Round 1 Vs Steve

Nooooooooooooo. I started with Smoochum as my only pokemon. He started with a Lickitung, gg. 0-1

Round 2 Vs Marshall

Nooooooooooooo, come on, give me a break. He started with Snorlax and that was game.

Lunch Break.

Round 3 Vs Jared

This was so one-sided. I start with Heracross and all he has out are basics. gg
Finally a win 1-2

Round 4 Vs Giovanni

This was a tuff match but I pulled it out. gg Gio.
Yes, another win 2-2

That's what I finished with and got 9th. Marshall ended up with the same record as me because the two matches he lost his Snorlax got Holon Legacyed. Nicole finished 3rd, Steve finished 2nd, and Nik also finished 3rd in 11-14.

Props: getting a few good cards
Pulling a Gardevoir ex, and trading Kim for Latios ex.
My friends and family for finishing good.

Slops: My friends for getting better cards than me.
Pulling Gardevoir ex after the tournament was over.



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