The ElectroThunderBeating deck
                      by the player
                         Wizards Trading Malaysia
                       The Summit,Subang Jaya,S. Ehsan
                       Malaysia(around 46 people)
here is a deck that i had used to play in tournements that comes out tobe not bad
pokemon 14
3 electabuzz
2 rocket zapdos
2 cleffa
2 igglybuff
2 ditto
1 magby
2 sneasel
trainer 28
3 com. search
3 item finder
3 pluspower
4 super energy removal
2 energy removal
4 gold berry
2 gust of wind
2 switch
2 nightly garbage run
2 prof. oak
1 prof. elm
energy 18
4 darkness energy
2 recycle
2 double colourless energy
10 lightning energy
here is the tournement report.the goal of this deck is to get sneasel 4 the beat up
and rocket zap. and electabuzz for some fun...
round one
me vs kid with blastoise/horsea deck
i started with cleffa and sneasel,electa at bench.
i won the toss and i started with darkness on sneasel and i swipe for 30.
he puts water energy on squirtle and lets his horsea to die.he passed.
i put darkness on sneasel and oaked and get quite a powerfull hand.
2 pluspower 3 lightning 1 rocket zapdos 1 computer search.
i put down zapdos and beat up to knock out his horsea.
his turn he puts down pkmn breeder and blastoise nut a major problem he has no
water energy muahahaha he passed. i put 2 pluspower on sneasel and beat up
for 3 heads. Just enough to kill.100 damage.
round two
me vs fella with blastoise/feraligatordeck
i won the toss and i started with 3 electabuzz and 3 lightning and one com search
in my hand.i won the round due to my electabuzz and also because i super energy
removal him 3 times on his blastoise, lapras,and feraligator.
round 3
me vs cj(one of the malaysian top 20 players)slowking,electa.,Rzapdos and baby deck
i started with ditto and he started with r zapdos.i won the toss and i put
down recycle energy and plasma.his turn he plasmaed turn i put down electabuzz
and put lightning on ditto and plamaed.his turn he put down a few slowpoke's and turn i drew pluspower.plasmaed with pluspower and kO'ed his r.zapdos.
he was only left with 3 slowpoke' turn i drew r.zapdos and started kiling
his slowpoke's.he lose because his prof oak/elm/com search did now come out.
i won a malaysian top player woo!!
round 4
me vs kid with jiggly/wiglly/szizor deck
this was the round that will decides who is going to go to the finals and have a
chance at getting 3 booster packs for 1st place.but luck was not on my side.
this kid used the do the wave attack and ko'ed most of my pokemon.but there was
this kid beside him that some how helping him how to play.but when i complained
it was to late.
round 5
me vs kid with horsea/seadra deck
i was amazed how he got up to this stage.nut it was an easy one because i used
my electabuzz and punced my way through.
i got 5th and received a genesis pack it contained ecogym.later i sold it to a
kid for was woth it after all the hard games.
beat up for 100 damage
beat top 20 player
puched mostly get heads
kid who get help from another kid