Achoo (dark)
Toys R' Us
East Brunswick New Jersey
Saturday August 23, 2001
15 - 20 people
    Hey this is my first Killer Deck report. I went undefeated with this deck for two weeks at the Pokémon League and figured it could have a shot to make the killer deck section. Oh and the name I got it from sneasel.
4 Sneasel
2 Cleffa (Neo)
2 Clefairy
2 Clefable
2 Scyther (jungle)
4 Oak
3 Bill
2 Nightly Garbage run
2 Trash exchange (get darks back)
4 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
2 Eco gym
4 Plus Power
2 Gust of Wind
2 Scoop Up
2 Imposter Oak's Revenge
2 The Rocket's Trap
4 Darkness Energy
2 Recycle Energy
2 Potion Energy
2 Full Heal Energy
3 Rinbow Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
    I don't remember too many of the details but I will try.
Round 1. Vs. Tom- Psychic/Dark
    I started off good with a Cleffa and a Scyther. I had a good hand too. He won the flip and didn't do much except use long range hypnosis 2 times and had both actives sleeping. I woke up and drew some cards. It was pretty boring till I put out a sneasel and a full bench. That was the end my sneasels were too fast for his. 1/0
Round 2. Vs. fighting/grass/psychic/dark
    I start with a sneasel and 2 darks and I won the flip. He started with a wobbufet. I got 30 from fury  swipes and then he used counter. I continued to power up sneasel. I got 4 dark on sneasel looking for an easy win but I didn't attack because of counter. He drew a card and put down a full bench from his hand. I killed the wobbufet which killed myself. He almost won by killing my 2 clefairys with a sudowoodo but I evolved and metronome with pluss powers for the KO. I won in the end after a close fight. 2/0
Round 3. Vs- Tyler fire/lightning/Fighting
    This kid lives around the corner from me and we battle all the time so I knew his deck well.(also because I made it lol) I got scyther and cleffa. I pulled an early sneasel against his neo magmar and killed it for the win. 3/0
Round 4. Vs- Matt   Fighting/electric
    This fight was pretty close I didn't pull a sneasel early so It was my scyther vs his. I killed his and he sent out a buzz. I scooped up scyther and played him again. I got my recycle back and had a dce. I killed buzz with a 2 slash and a pluss power. Another buzz. I had only 10 damage I killed this buzz the same way as last. Then came a Hitmonchan. Easy. I was going to kill it next turn when he switched to rocket's Zap. I thought alright but I would die soon. I slashed, he used plasma. I had 20 left I used item finder plus power I won. 4/0
Round 5. Vs Connor(tyler's brother I made this deck too)
    This was an easy mach I got sneasel and a dark. I did sury swipes and put on a little damage.
I used a computer search and got another dark I oaked got a full bench and ko'd his pokémon for the win. 5/0
This week I didn't batle much but Last week I won 12 matches and 0 losses.
To Achoo and tissues
To my sneasels
To connor for an easy win and his mom for the ride.
Sudowoodo for being Rock not weakened by grass.
And to Tyler for buging me so much for a rematch.
Hope this makes it