Baby Gatr v.2
By: Steven Bearzi
Agincourt Community Center
Toronto, Ontario

Saturday October 14
About 80 people

            Hey again. I left for the tournament at 7:30. Registration time was at 8:30. I went with my brother Derek Bearzi, and my friends Mike Frac, and Andrew Noble these are the two guys that I went with to Syracuse with. This tournament was going to be much harder than the Syracuse Qt, because there were more people and a lot of better decks. I made the nessescary changes to my deck. I bought a Gatr, before the tournament stated heres the deck:

Pokemon 18

4 Feraligatr

4 Croconaw

4 Totodile

3 Cleffa

2 Igglybuff

1 Elekid

Trainers 24

4 Misty’s Wrath

4 Trash Exchange

2 Secret Mission

3 Focus Band


2 Narrow Gym

4 Elm

4 Double Gust

Energy 18

18 Water Energy


Well I made the changes that were needed anyways here’s the tournament:

Round 1 vs. Skarmory, Fortress, Pinco

I smoked this kid. He started with a Mewtwo and a Skarmory. I started with 2 cleffa’s and a Totodile. I double gusted his Mewtwo and eeeeeeek. All he didwas load up his Skarmory and he left his Mewtwo out to die. I got my Gatr out fourth turn, and double gusted his Skarmory and killed it. After that I picked everything one by one.

Record 1-0 3 points

Round 2 vs. Slowking, Steelix

This game was a very good game. I got my Gatr out but then he got his Slowkings and Steelix out, but I had my iggylbuffs, and I killed his Steelix one shot. After that it went down hill. He kept phyburning me with his Mewtwo, and kept flipping heads on his focus bands. It came down to the end, one prize to one. He had a Steelix pumped and all I had was 2 igglybuffs. He had a 3 cards in his deck. SO he had 3 flips for the win. TAILS, TAILS, TAILS. YES I won. I was so lucky.

Record 2-0 6 points

Round 3 vs. Some kid

I really don’t remember this match. I am sorry, but all I know is that I won.

Record 3-0 9 points

Round 4 vs. Matt Bishop

He goes to my league, we call him Rodent. Anyways he was playing RK9/Typhlosion. All he had was a cyndaquil and a growlithe. I got my gatr out 3 turn and killed all he pokemon. No challenge. Then he got his cleffa but had no energy. I flip for the win HEADS.

Record 4-0 12 points

Round 5 vs. Vincent with Gatr

This was a very good match. I got my Gatr out first and killed his Crocnaw. But he got another Gatr out and Riptided me. I flipped heads. Then we realized that he only has 2 energies. SO he didn’t get to Riptide and it was my turn, but it didn’t matter. I did 110 to his Gatr, but the flipped heads, then he killed mine and I flipped tails on focus. Then I killed him with my Crocnaw. Then after that I got another Gatr out, and killed all this pokemon. I soon realized this wouldn’t be my only match against him during the day.

Record 5-0 15 points

Round 6 vs. Some kid in orange jacket with Gatr

This guy was playing some weird Gatr with Erika, Sneak, and Imposter. I smoked this kid. He never got a Gatr out, because he only played 3 Crocnaw and 3 Gatr, because of his half trap.

Record 6-0 18 points

Round 7 final round vs. Another Gatr

            Me and this kid decided to tie, because if I tied I would be first automatically so I tied and got something to eat. Because I was very hungry. After a played a practice game and killed him.

Record 6-0-1 19 points

            Going into top 8 I was in first. And I was facing the kid that was seated first in the last Toronto QT Leo Wang

Quarterfinals vs. Leo Wang with Sab’s Kazam

            This match was done fast. After he elmed he got nothing and I picked off everything one by one. Then he got he cleffa out an ekkkkkkked, but a downpoured 2 water energies and flipped for the win……. HEADS. Yes one more match.

Record 7-0-1

Semi-finals vs. The kid in the orange jacket with Gatr

            I went first, and got my Gatr out 3 turn. Then I double gusted his Crocnaw and killed him. Then for the rest of the match I kept picking off all of his Totodiles. Then it was just a flip on a baby for the win. HEAD. YES I AM GOING TO SAN DIEGO.

Record 8-0-1

Finals vs. Vincent with Gatr

            I told you we would face again. HE had beat my friend Andrew Noble to get to the finals. All I had was an igglybuffand no draw nd he killed me. No my first loss oh well. I still won the trip.

Record for the day 8-1-1

Props and Slops

Props for me winning the trips

Props to the guys a lost to in the finals

Props to the guys that sold me the Gatr before the Tourney

Slops for my friend losing in the semi’s

E-mail me at:

That’s it I am out. Later