Duterte Green
by Daniel Duterte (ebArt)
Waldenbooks in Raleigh, NC
About 20 or so participants
I was contemplating my deck a bit, as my supersecret deck had some weakness I was ph33rin' like whoa.  Thus, I went with my tried and trued Erika's Victreebel, with one small tweak, probably fatal.
Duterte Green 1.2
4 Erika's Bellsprout 50 HP (Gym Heroes)
3 Erika's Weepinbell 70 HP (Gym Heroes)
3 Erika's Victreebel (Gym Heroes)
3 Cleffa (Neo Genesis)
2 Murkrow (Neo Genesis)
2 Rocket's Scyther (Gym Heroes)
2 Smeargle (Neo Discovery)
1 Elekid (Neo Genesis)
13 Grass Energy
4 Darkness Energy (Neo Genesis)
4 Focus Band (Neo Genesis)
4 Professor Elm (Neo Genesis)
3 Erika's Maids (Gym Heroes)
3 Chaos Gym (Gym Challenge)
3 Celadon City Gym (Gym Heroes)
3 Misty's Wrath (Gym Heroes)
2 Nightly Garbage Run (Team Rocket)
2 Double Gust (Neo Genesis)
This deck is loaded with little strategies and combos.  You try to get some Erika's Victreebel's out while you attack with something like Rocket's Scyther, Erika's Weepinbell, or Erika's Victreebel.  This deck can probably beat any deck except Fires.  Basic math: Lone Totodile + (Erika's Bellsprout, Darkness, loads of search/drawing, or a combo of all) = 3 points.  When playing Fires, you have to attack with Erika's Weepinbell with the status effects and have a Smeargle ready to go with 1 Energy on it ready to Sketch.  If you can lock a Cleffa with Murkrow and get a Chaos Gym out, that'll help even more, especially once they burn all their Double Gusts.  I figured this deck has lots more strategies than Feraligatr, which is probably why I'd play it.
I was really worried about Fires hurting me, even though there were like, only 2 (but Rai was playing it, that's enough!).  So I swapped a Celadon City Gym for another Murkrow.  After playtesting, Murkrow's probably your biggest chance against Fires, other than a luck-happy Erika's Weepinbell and a Smeargle.  The killer here was swapping a Grass Energy for a Focus Band.  I knew this would hurt the speed of my deck, the question was by how much.  Well, enough questions, let's get on with the tournament.
Jeff forgot his laptop, so his wife went back to get it, then we had cake cuz Friday was Jeff's birthday =D So we started pretty late.
Round 1 vs. Ben B. w/ P Steelix/Slowking
Crike, his Steelix got going before I did and I was screwed.  I Wrathed most of my deck looking for a Murkrow, and found it and locked his Slowking.  Unfortunately, I was about to deck and he ended up having only his Steelix on his bench, d'oh -_-
Record: 0-1
Round 2 vs. Ummmm, d'oh, forgot yer name w/ F Brock's Sandslash
Now how could I lose this game?  Everything that I had to get through a) was weak to grass, and b) had 80 HP or less, meaning c) Rocket's Scyther =D
Record: 1-1
Round 3 vs. Bryson B. w/ G Crobat/Steelix
It's kind of a weird combination, I woulda just run Crobat with the same kind of support in my deck.  His Steelix had me roped, 4 prizes to 6, but then what saved me was a lucky Murkrow lock and a little faith =D  I hit a Crobat and a benched Cleffa to tie it up, then with 30 seconds left, I unloaded all the trainers that I could, then went for a Playful Punch on the active, got heads, getting through Focus for the win, whew, I got lucky.
Record: 2-1
Round 4 vs. Justin C. w/ W Feraligatr/Parasect
If this deck can get going, it's just wrong, absolutely wrong.  Unfortunately, it didn't =P.  I got Totodiles with Erika's Bellsprout with Darkness, but then a Magby started pissin' me off and I kept flippin' tails, but luckily I got it before it got me.  I just had babies to roll now, and that would be it.
Record: 3-1
Round 5 vs. Brian F. w/ W Feraligatr
Can you say MURKROW LOCK? Basically I locked him early to pick off his Feraligatr benched and his babies, and once I did get an Erika's Victreebel going, I 0wned everything else.
4-1, not bad, but it was probably because of my Grass Energy tweak, slowed me down and gave me that loss.  Too bad I didn't get to play Rai's Fires deck, I woulda pwned him =\
Props and Slops
Later =\
Daniel Duterte
"If there's a door, we go in.  If there's something we can break, we break it.  And in the end we blow the place to smithereens!" - Selphie Tilmett, Final Fantasy 8
(go heels)