GATRAID Toys "R" Us Raleigh, NC Fri. October 5, 2001 Roughly 40 participants This was my preparation tourney for the Maryland qt. It's on the 14 and I want to be ready for it, unlike I was at Roanoke(even though I got 14th, which is good considering at least 5 illegal decks above mine). I did good at the Raleigh qt, but I want the tickets... Gatraid STS Style Pokémon: 18 4 Totodile 4 Croconaw 3 Gatr! 2 Cleffa 2 Elekid 1 Smergal 1 Pichu 1 Magby Trainers: 25 4 Elm 4 Wrath 3 Trash Exchange 2 Erika 2 Secret Mission 3 Double Gust 3 Focus Band 2 G. Berry 2 Sprout Tower Energy: 17 16 Water 1 Steel Okay it was going to be tuff, all the best people were there(me David, Daniel, and great deal of other talented players) Round 1 vs. T-tar deck Easy match, my opponent wasn't to good, but he tried hard and was a nice guy. I basically got up Gatr and killed all… 1-0 Round 2 vs. Ryan B with Gatr deck He made a few mistakes, like not evolving his totodile to a croc, I won pretty soon because I kept gusting his totodiles and babies. 2-0 Round 3 vs. David Friedlander (General Raikou) with Gatr In early game I thought I had it won. Boy was I wrong, I only took 2 prizes, while he took all 6. I did do okay though; maybe he won’t call me a n00b… 2-1 Round 4 vs. Little girl with Good night song deck It was pretty easy, she kept using good night song (igglybuff) on me, it was annoying but it was still pretty easy to win. 3-1 Round 5 vs. Daniel Dutre (ebArtemis) with you guessed it Gatr I knew I’d lose. I always lose to him. But it was different this time. I actually beat him. It was a good game. His flips on focus bands really sucked: tails every time. And every time I saw a Gatr in the making, I tried to gust it. Good game Daniel. 4-1 I got second and my rating will probably shoot up. Especially considering my qt performance (5-1 in Swiss) I’m hopping to get up to around 1750 =/ I got a bunch of promo’s too :) Props and Slops Props to me for coming in second Props to my bro for making top 8 at the qt and trying at this tournament Props to Ryan/Reepicheap/Insane Gatr V.5 for making top 8 at the qt Props to Cluny/Kwame for trying at the qt Props to Toys “R” Us for ()wning No “Slops” to day Jake Negley IM at Negleyjj