Big Fishies by Jonathan Recktenwald Franklin County Veterans Memorial Columbus,Ohio Saturday,October 6th, 2001 47 participants in the 11-14 Big Fishies pokemon 18 3 cleffa 2 erika's bellsprout 2 magby 4 totodile (the 50 hp one) 4 croconaw (sweep away one) 3 feraligatr (riptide dur) trainers 26 4 mistys wrath 4 double gust 4 proffesor elm 3 erika 3 trash exchange 3 narrow gym 2 gold berry 2 focus band 1 nightly garbage run energy 16 16 water round 1 This kid was playing a koga deck. I got croconaw out pretty fast sweep away some of his pokes and then evolved to feraligart and KOed his pokemon before he could power them up. 1-0 round 2 This was a fast game. he started with a cyndaquil vs my cleffa and totodile. he went first put an energy on cyndaquil and passed I used elm then retreated cleffa and fury swipes for 3 HEADS. 2-0 round 3 I had to battle jared i cant spell his last name. He also was playing feraligatr, this game was very very close. we were tied in prizes at the end of the time limit so we went into sudden death in the end it came down to a coin flip and of course he got heads.=/ 2-1 round 4 This kid was playing a rocket's hitmonchan/blaine's arcanine. this was 0wnage, i double gusted his growlithes and KOed them with croconaw and feraligatr and KOed his hitmonchans before he could power them up. 3-1 round 5 He was playing kingdra and alot of babies. During the game he got kingdra out and powered up KOed a totodile then I brought out a gator and riptided him for the KO and then KOed some babies for the win. 4-1 round 6 I had to battle PKMNX from pokemon zeo and it was complete 0wNaGe he was playing typhlosion =). I kept double gusting his pokemon before he could power anything up, I think I beat him 6 prizes to 0 5-1 when they anounced top 8 I was 3rd but my friend Brandon burk (RS) didnt get top 8, he lost to PKMNX because he had 3 totodiles in his prizes otherwise he would have won and got top 8. =/ round 1 of top 8 They told me i had to battle seena ugh who also was playing feraligatr. He got gator out before me got a couple prizes then I got my gator out to KO his gator and then he KOed me with smeargle =/. For the rest of the game he got another gator out and double gusted all my croconaws and totodiles for the win.=\ 5-2 so now I was out of the tournament and got between 5-8 place while brandon got 15th place. I won 18 packs of neo dicovery but i was happy for doing so well in my first DCI tourney. you can e-mail me at