Power of 3(Psychic/colorless) By Paul Kinzett Michael Flower Center Wellington/New Zealand Saturday 15th September 50+ competitors Ok for any one that doesn't know there was a pokemon tournament held at Armageddon on Saturday the 5th of September and this is my results of the tournament Power of 3 Pokemon (23) 4 Slowpoke (tr) 4 Slowking 2 Erika's Jigglypuff 2 Cleffa 1 Igglybuff 3 Clefairy 2 Clefable 3 Jigglypuff 2 Wigglytuff Trainers (24) 3 Energy Removal 2 Super Energy Removal 3 Professor oak 2 Rockets minefield gym 2 Item Finder 2 Professor Elm 3 Plus Power 3 Gust Of Wind 2 Switch 1 Mr Fugi 1 Scoop Up Energy (13) 4 DCE 2 Recycle Energy 7 Psychic Energy I would have like to play sneasel but I couldn't get the darkness energy so if anyone wants to trade for darkness energy send me an email. 50+ competitors 3 sections(senior, intermediate, junior) format: each section plays 4 round robin game then the top 7 of senior, top 7 of intermediate and top 2 of junior(low amount of juniors) to make up the top 16 then random drawing from a hat for match ups then single elimination Points: 2 for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss and prizes count towards points I play in the senior section Round 1 vs. Nick h As u all know about nick's no energy deck, well he was my first opponent with his very good no energy deck. I cant remember much but that I could never get any good pokemon going at all and whenever something good came out he used dark gloom to confuse it and I didn't koed any of his pokemon because of that evil card pokemon center. But the game went slow and it ended in a draw lucky for me. 1.. (0 prizes) Round 2 vs. Jeramy ' He played an arcanine deck. I stared with clefariy and a few cleffa's and erika's jigglys to his lone growthie. I went first and did 40 damage, he played a dce and some pokemon on the bench like another growthie and passed, I play an energy on a clefairy and did 10 more, he evolved to arcanine and played another dce and passed, I then super energy removed those dce and did another 10, he then used the last 3 cards and did a computer search for a dce and played it, I evolved to clefable and koed his arcanine and from there I koed his other arcanine to win the match. 1-1-0 (2 prizes) round 3 vs. Tom ( I think) He played a water deck with staryu and dark gyrados. He had no bench for most of the game and I had a good bench for most of this game with wiggly and clefable and I had a couple slowkings up as well. He really wasn't getting the pokemon on the bench but he slowly did but nothing really strong came out and with my fables and wiggly doing the damage I won. 2-1-0 (8 prizes) round 4 vs. Douglas (I think) congratulations to this guy, so far as he was unbeaten and had took all 6 prizes in every game, so here's how the game went I stared with erika's jiggly vs. his dratini's, I koed the first one and next turn he couldn't do anything but he parlayed me so we keep going. I had got a couple of slowkings out and he had dragonair out but didn't stop me to much as I had clefable koing it and after that ko he had no bench so I won. 3-1-0 (10 prizes) so my total points was 17 I'm not to sure what I came but I made the top 16 top 16 playoff vs. Ben The game stared and all I had was erika's jiggly active. I went second and in his first turn he nearly koed me with 2 plus powers and a plazma, second turn I elmed but got a bad hand, added a few to my beach like a cleffa and a slowpoke and a jiggly but I had no energy, he took out a cleffa, a erika's jiggly and a jiggly so I was losing bad and I lost, I got koed by rockets zapdos and a few other psychic pokemon and I ended up with no bench I was really disappointed because I was doing so well today. So I finished 9th= Props and Slops Props To Tim for winning the tournament To Snaps and Bezerk for all the tournament and work they do To Nick H for coming 2nd No slops Paul Kinzett Pony_Kinzett@Hotmail.com