Total Darkness (Psychic, Grass, Dark) By: Samantha "Rocket" Medeiros M-Class Worlds Brockton, MA October 6, 2001 5 Participants Hello everyone! Today I'm here with another Killer Deck Report. This is a Modified deck I've been tinkering with called "Total Darkness". It's for the Milford, MA STS QT, but I've been practicing with it at my local tourney place (and getting destroyed, too). I haven't written up any reports on the past few tournaments to spare myself the guaranteed humiliation I would be forced to endure by showing how bad my Modified decks have done. Although it is a standard tourney... Anyway, today turned out different, as you will soon see. We had three rounds, each round's winner was the first player to win two out of three games. There was an entry fee of $5, but we also got a free booster pack for playing (and got the chance to win raffles). Here's my deck... Total Darkness Pokemon: 19 4 Grimer (Rocket...all that's allowed at the QT's) 3 Dark Muk 4 Psyduck (all Rocket...I'm trying to get some promos) 3 Dark Golduck 3 Murkrow 2 Igglybuff (Neo Discovery) Trainer: 21 4 Professor Elm 2 Misty's Wrath 3 The Boss's Way 2 Time Capsule 1 Warp Point 1 Double Gust 2 Focus Band 2 Gold Berry 2 Chaos Gym 2 Rocket's Training Gym Energy: 20 8 Grass 8 Psychic 2 Rainbow (All I have...) 2 Dark (See Rainbow...) Okay. Now...the five participants were: Me Raymond K. Ryan L. Matthew L. Michael P. Round One Pairings: Me vs. Matthew L. Michael vs. Ryan L. Raymond w/ Bye Round One vs. Matthew L. with Raindance Game One: Ack...almost everything went wrong...Energy Removal kept me from beating down, and Blastoise did me in. I couldn't even get out Chaos Gym. Game Two: I managed to load up and keep out a Dark Golduck. I used him to kill all the Blastoise, Clefable, and Gyarados that came out. Murkrow killed benched Cleffa. I won on prizes. Game Three: This game was a lot like Game Two. The game was saved thanks to Chaos Gym, which helped prevent Removals and kept poor Matthew from using most of his drawing cards. I eventually won on prizes. Game Standings: 2-1-0 Round Standings: 1-0-0 Round Two Pairings: Me vs. Ryan L. Michael vs. Raymond K. Matthew w/ Bye Round Two vs. Ryan L. with Fire deck Game One: I got pretty lucky, due to the fact that I got out a Dark Golduck pretty early. Again, I kept getting Removaled, but I managed to squeak out and attack a lot. I saw a Typhlosion, a Rapidash, some Cleffa, and a bunch of Fossil Magmar. Boy, I almost lost because of them. Their Smokescreen kept me from attacking a lot, but as with the Removals, I managed to squeak out and take the win. Game Two: This was much like the first game, since I was lucky enough to get out Golduck after Golduck. Muk came out a few times, but it didn't prove as useful as Dark Golduck did. I was saved from Removals again by Chaos Gym. I didn't know that it could be so helpful, and that Energy Removal was so harmful to this deck...either way, I still won. Game Standings: 4-1-0 Round Standings: 2-0-0 Since I finished somewhat early, I hung around to watch Raymond play his round. Michael had beaten him in game one. It was game two, and they were running out of time. Ray had Mike 3 prizes to 2 (taken), when time ran out and the TO declared Mike the winner since he won the first game. That seemed a bit weird, but I didn't question it. Okay, great. I was playing Michael in the finals. He's been winning tourneys like mad after a large losing streak. Yippee... Round 3 (finals) vs. Michael P. with Haymaker Game One: First off, let me just say, how unoriginal! He had Kangaskhan instead of Sneasel, but still...anyway, this was a very long game. I was within 5-8 cards of decking when I was beaten by prizes. Not much to go into detail about...just an occasional evolution up and running, soon to be KO’ed and/or Removaled... Game Two: This was just too short. It seemed long at first, but really, it was quite short. I only got up one Golduck and two Muk, but only attacked rarely because of vicious Energy Removal. Boy, do I hate that card...where's a Chaos Gym when you need it? Final Game Standings: 4-3-0 Final Round Standings: 2-1-0 Well, it was still a good day. Runner up got a back issue of a magazine, even though winner got store credit...anyway, time for some props and slops! Props to... - Chaos Gym for helping keep those Removals away! - Raymond for coming through with two of the Murkrow that I needed! - Ryan and Matthew for being good sports! - Everyone for having a great time! - My deck, of course, for doing so well in an “all goes” tournament! Slops to... - Mike for winning almost every raffle (plus the tourney! Maybe I should be bashing his luck instead......) - Mike's luck for everything I said above - The store for still not having and Neo: Genesis Thanks for reading, and I hope to see some of you at the Milford, MA STS QT on October 28! I'll be in a Team Rocket uniform! ^_~ Samantha "Rocket" Medeiros (Samantha 129 on the boards) AIM: SamMede129 (no SPAM or flaming please) E-mail: (also no SPAM or flaming please)