SlowDeck v1.8 by Thiago Neto IX International RPG Mart Center - São Paulo - SP - Brazil Saturday, June 05, 2001 42 participants It was the tournament of the end of the league in here, and I got my last badge a week before... R$5,00 (U$2,00 I think...) to get in.... Some of my friends didn't have the badges, so just me and Paulinho played.... Here is my deck: SlowDeck v.1.8 Pokémon: 4 NEO Slowpoke 4 Slowking 3 Sneasel 2 Murkrow 2 Cleffa 2 FOSSIL Gastly Trainer: 4 Professor Oak 3 Computer Search 3 Iten Finder 3 Energy Removal (ER) 4 Super Energy Removal (SER) 2 Gust Of Wind (GOW) 2 Switch 2 Nightly Garbage Run (NGR) 2 Challenge! 2 Spout Tower Energy: 8 Psychic Energy 4 Rainbow Energy 4 Darkness Energy Ok, First of all in this deck is take at least 2 Slowkings in turn 2 or 3. Then you start to build a Sneasel or a Murkrow to kill all of your opponent's pokémon. If he tries something you can remove or super remove his energy cards... If a Licktung, Miltank ou Erika's Jigglypuff apear, you can use Murkrow's Mean Look to win easily the game.... And an important thing, if I lost some energy, se 2º atack of the FOSSIL Gastly bring to my hand 2 energys from the discard pile, the exactly number to make a full Sneasel or a deadly Murkrow! Sorry I don't remember much of the games because in the day of the tournament I was so tired that I just writed in a paper to remember some important things..... Round 1 against an Incolor Deck: He had Lickitung, Chansey and Wigglytuff in his deck..... in both games I got Sprout tower in the first turns.... he didn't use any Stadium Cards, so I won easily..... Record 1 - 0 - 0 Round 2 against an Alakachansey Deck My Murkrow killed almost all of his Abras, and Sneasel did the rest. The secong game he evolved a Abra to a Alakazam, but the Sneasel didn't left him time to transfer the damage and killed everyone.... Record 2 - 0 - 0 Round 3 against Old(new?) Fashioned Haymaker He used Hitmonchan, Electabuzz and Sneasel... Sorry guys, but I don't remember this match at all, just that was a eeasy won.... Record 3 - 0 - 0 Round 4 against my friend Paulinho with a Trapper I had MUTCH luck in this match..... I started both games and make my bench..... he lost...... Record 4 - 0 - 0 Round 5 against a Muk, Clefable, Magby, Cleffa and Scyther deck... This was a very long match...... He Sputtered me and them removed my energis.... I won because of my Gastly, who bring back my darkness energys lots of times.....I won the first game and the lost the second.... we dicided to draw... Record 4 - 1 - 0 Than they make a Top 16, if you lost one game now, you're out! Round 6 against a Fire Deck Sorry again............ All I remember is the 2 Dark Charmeleons (one of each game) goin down against Beat Up.......... He didn't evolve other thing..... Record 5 - 1 - 0 TOP 8 - They noticed the players in there that they'll not need to pay the tournament of the dar after... Round 7 against a real Old Haymaker I won easily..... a Haymaker without trainer don't play at all....... Record 6 - 1 - 0 They noticed now that all of we (4 players) was Pokémon Master (how cute =P) Semi Finals agains't Paulinho AGAIN!!! I started booth again....... in one of the games I Mean Looked a Erika's Jigglypuff and killed all his bench (Ditto, Sneasel, etc...) Record 7 - 1 - 0 Final against the same guy of Round 5........ We decided to have only one game because we was really tired...... I oaked too mutch and lost by decking....... and he gave me 2 boosters (????)........ Well...... then they take a picture of us ( in the pokémon area, I hope, because I wrote this before they put on the page...) and I won a rocket's binder, some deck protectors and 10 (+2) boosters and a Jumbo Card of Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos.... Props: - First of all, WOTC.... - Then to Pojo... without them I wouldn't know lots of strategies and other stuff... - Then, SNEASEL, SLOWKING and GASLTY!!!!!!! - The 3 Rocket's Trap I got trading cards.... and deck protectors... - My frind John for lent me the 4 english Slowkings... (my king are japanease, and we couldn't use japanease cards... =( ) Sloops: - My boosters.... all I got was a Heracross and a 100HP Feraligatr...... - My frind John for "stolen" my prize's binder... - The too expensive food.... I stayed more than 20 hs without eat..... That's not all!!! Look My other killed deck report of Sunday!!!! Ah, and my deck and other stuff will be in the site of DEVIR in some days... Thaks.... Thiago Neto _________________________________________________________ Oi! Você quer um iG-mail gratuito? Então clique aqui: