Deck: Organized Maymem 2
By Mike D. a.k.a. Uluse (You Lose) at #PoJo
Barry's Bay STS Consellation Tourney (No Weakness Or Resistence applied deck format)
Barry's Bay Arena, Barry's Bay Ontario
Saturday, June 23, 2001 (afternoon)
23 peeps in my 16+ age group, of the No Weakness Or Resistence applied format (4 formats in total)

hey, peeps! in my local area, we held a tournament for those in the area who couldn't go to STS. my car broke down, so my NJ trip got cancelled. I promoted this tournament for weeks, phoning local players, and putting up posters in schools. I was not an official judge or any kind of official for the event, so I was allowed to participate! I did well all day saturday, winning both formats in my age group on that day. this format was basically US standard, but weakness and resistance were NOT applies. Fighting and psychic basically had a chance to have their playtime once again, but I decided not to use them, as I wanted Electabuzz, who required less type-specific energy.

anyway...Here's my deck, Organized Mayhem 2!!!


4 Electabuzz

3 Clefairy(neo)
3 Clefable(IS THERE ANY OTHER KIND??? not until the next neo...)
3 Chansey
2 Cleffa
2 Unown N

4 Prof. Oak
3 Computer Search
3 Gold Berry
2 Itemfinder
3 Pluspower
2 Scoop Up
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Narrow Gym

Energy: 16
4 metal
4 Double Colorless
3 Full Heal Energy
5 Lightning

In this format, wiggly ran free, like a naked toddler, escaping bathtime. I needed a deck that could stomp those 80 HP, kill fighting which does big damage relatively fast, and still live to do it next turn. this was that deck. Chansey, on turn 2, can do 80 with Double Edge, and Unown N makes all my pokemon take 30 less from colorless attacks(which means my own, mwahahahahaha), so I take 50 for doing 80...not too shabby when ya remember Gold Berry, and I got scoop up, with Itemfinder just in case my chanseys are in trouble.I love this deck, and it loved my back, by going undefeated (single elim), to get me a championship. (which is nothing in comparison to an STS title, but I'm on my high horse, and I got NO intentions of comin down)

Single Elim, no round robin. (I had a friend with a mini tape-recorder doing something of a play-by-play so I could do a good report)

Round 1: vs Josh, with a Wiggly that had Cleffa, Hitmonchan, and Hitmonlee to fill the bench with.

I started out fast, wiggly was out first, and I got heads with scrunch(me won toss at start, too). he attached fighting on his active jiggly, had hitmonlee active. I comped for a Unown N, and oaked, to get the second double I needed for double-edge. I itemfindered oak, got unown N, and I comped a gold berry. it was all over from that point on. hiw wiggly did 30, and then went down, chansey took out a hitmonchan, and then buzz went in as clean up for his Cleffa. he actually cried, because he stayed up all night trading and building to win.


Round 2: vs Dave, with a wiggly featuring buzz and Hitmonchan.

I had the low-down on his deck, cuz I watched him play his round game(they started late, and I was already done). I started cleffa, with a clefairy bench. I eeeeeeek, and draw a clefable, buzz, and FHE, but I said something like "what a crud hand", and he got cocky. he comped, discarding a RSA, and a trap, and oaked, losing a couple energy. Hitmonchan fails jab, and I smirk. I draw a gold berry, slap it on clefairy, evolve and do 40 to his hitmonchan. he claims I cheated, but Bluffing is perfectly legal. he does 20 to my fable, and I draw a narrow gym. I slapped it down with ZERO hesitation, KO his chan, and draw a pluspower. he evolves his jiggly, and attached a double to go with the recycle, oaks for 3 more basics, and does 50 to my fable. I get a itemfinder, get oak, and receive a comp, and 2 pluspowers. down go the plusses, and I get a loaded bench, with a CHANSEY!!! double goes on chansey, he's really mad at this point.bye bye wiggly, he has no energy. I attach a metal to chansey, and tauils a thunder punch, and his buzz kills me with a pluspowered shock. GO CHANSEY, KILL!!! I have an Unown N, a metal on chansey, and a gld berry in hand, with like 5 cards left in deck. I ko buzz, take 30 after all the subractions, and hit hitmonchan makes my chansey have 10 damage (30+20=50-gold berry). bye bye hitmonchan, and chansey takes down another, for my last prize(at least I think so, the tape recorder died out, got batteries between matches)


ROund 3: vs Jason, using a mono-fighting of 4 lee, 4 chan, 4 top

his HP were all wrong...way too low. Clefable on turn 2 with a gust kills a top, and then a lee with a comped pluspower. chansey gave fable a hand by wasting 2 chans. I won in 10 mins or so. he was quite angry.


I dont know how the pairings worked out...but there was a wildcard dropped in this round, and a bye first round.

Round 4: vs Kyle toting a 4 hitmonchan, 4 Electabuzz, 4 Chansey, 1 Unown deck(he tried to copy mine)

I started a cleffa, with a Chansey on bench. I got a double on Chansey, and oaked, gettin a unown N, and a gold(HALLELUJAH).I get tails on scrunch, and he gets tails shock. gold down, unown N on bench, I item for a oak, and get a 2nd double colorless. ko buzz. he puts down his only Unown n, and I gust it for another ko. I sacrificed my chansey for a hitmon ko, and send out cleffa. he koed my cleffa with a pluspower on hitmonchan, and out goes Clefairy. evolve, FHE 40, he does 20 to fable. I win the match my next turn.

4-0 GO ME!

Round 5: vs John with an Aerodactyl, Erika's Jiggly, and Erika's Dratini (good concept)

he got erika's jig 1st turn, but tails on baby rule left my cleffa damage free. he didn't have a fossil down, so I was fealing okay. I had clefairy on bench, and oaked. got a unown N, and clefable. Unown went down, I attached to cleffa, and eeked(bye clefable). he got heads, killing my cleffa this time, and out goes clefairy. clefable, lightning, pluspower, KO. he sent out dratini, forgetting me being evolved saved him. he got tails, and did nothing(he also forgot about Unown N). he didn't have much of a chance, no fossils, and I hadta take 3 turns to kill his dratini, then killed his dactyl in 2 turns.

5-0, ONE MORE TO GO!!!

Final Round: Vs Trevor, with a mono-psychic, that had Mr. Mime, MP Mewtwo, slowking, and Fossil Gastly.

Turn 2 I had clefable, and turn 3 his Mew2 was dead and gone. Mr Mime was another story...I got 30 damage on the thing, then scooped my fable to kill it with buzz. buzz with a plus did 40 to gastly, and then koed his gastly with shock. I killed 1 slowking with buzz, then another 2 with Chansey. I finally win the match with another buzz killing a 2nd mime


I won 8 Jungle boosters, 1 1st edition. I never opened em.

Props: Barry's Bay Arena for holding the tourney
Slops: the guy who thought bluffing was cheating.

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