Deck: LamerGod
By Mike D. a.k.a. Uluse (You Lose) at #PoJo
Barry's Bay STS Consellation Tourney (mono-type deck format, colorless as its own type)
Barry's Bay Arena, Barry's Bay Ontario
Saturday, June 23, 2001 (morning)
19 peeps in my 16+ age group, of the Mono-type format (4 formats in total)

hey, peeps! in my local area, we held a tournament for those in the area who couldn't go to STS. my car broke down, so my NJ trip got cancelled. I promoted this tournament for weeks, phoning local players, and putting up posters in schools. I was not an official judge or any kind of official for the event, so I was allowed to participate! My deck was mono-colorless, as I find it is one of the fastest types. double-colorless is great for speed. Here's My Deck, LamerGod!

Pokemon: 18
<font color=silver>
3 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Clefairy (3 neo...I had 1 base, because I can often kill zappies with it, but changed it just beofre the tourney began)
3 Clefable (2 jungle, 1 BS2, but like it matters, Clefable is Clefable)
2 Ditto (fast and furious)
2 Chansey (shuts down many decks, by taking out their evolutions that they worked so hard to get out)
2 Cleffa

<font color=black>
Trainers: 28
4 Prof. Oak
4 Computer Search
3 Itemfinder
3 Rocket's Sneak Attack
3 Pluspower
3 Gold Berry (nothing makes em madder than double-edging twice, or revitalizing that wiggly they worked so hard to damage)
2 GOW (if yer deck has less, it isn't a deck. excuses for less: ECSTS Format...that's it)
2 Chaos Gym (with mono-colorless, sprout tower is a pain in the backside, but I didnt see much of it, most people were anti-water or anti-grass)
2 Scoop Up
2 Energy Charge (for my energy, which are all non-basic)

Energy: 14
4 Double Colorless
4 Full Heal Energy
4 Recycle Energy
2 Metal Energy (for chansey and cleffa)

Main Idea: Do major damage, with WHATEVER pokemon you start with, or get in your hand early on. all the pokemon, if you start with them, have potential do to SOMETHING good. I was contemplating using some energy removal, or super energy removal...but had lack of deck space...so I went with absolute speed. Chaos gym doesn't hurt me much, I have cleffa. Plus, if they want to use trainers, I'll let them change the gym for me.

How The Tourney Went:(I had a friend with a mini tape-recorder doing something of a play-by-play so I could do a good report)

The 16+ age groups ALL had so many people, that they made us single-elim, with the younger age groups being double-elim, 25 mins or 6 prizes.

Round 1: Chad, a friend of mine, with a Lightning deck, featuring base trode, base zapdos, with r'z zappy and buzz

I started a cleffa, and won the flip. I moved my bench ditto active and thunderpunched his electabuzz for 30. he tailsed his shock, and ditto KOed his buzz on my 2nd turn. he got a trode evolved and buzzapped on his base zapdos, but didn't have any energy. I prof. then comp for a second double colorless, and KO his zapdos with a 100-damage onslaught.


Round 2: Dave, a guy who I played once, but he had a poorly-made grass deck, which he fixed plenty with the release of genesis. he ran 3 meganiums from breeders, 3 pinsir, 2 scyther, and 2 exeggcutor.(he told me before the game)

I started a jiggly, with a clefairy and a second jiggly on bench. he had a scyther active, and won the toss. he attached a double-colorless, and I thought to myself: he doesn't have a single grass energy in his hand. I gusted his chikorita, comp searched for a chaos gym(I didn't want any breeders bein successful), and did 20 to the chikorita. he attempted breeder, but failed, and atached a grass to chikorita for growl. I draw a recycle, evolve to wiggly, attempt oak, failed, attempt  comp successful (I try to play 2 trainers in a row with chaos out...one kinda gets the tails outta the way for the other to work, or something), and get a clefairy. I ko the chikorita, scyther comes out. he attached an anergy(cant remember what kind), and slashes. I get a clefable, but have no energy. 40 to scyther. he slashes again, and I ko the scyther, then I flip heads on a pluspower to KO his exeggcute, and end his evil reign of grass terror(I guess you could say I'm a national hero)


Before the tourney, the organizers said there was going to be a bye(which would've been me), but there was instead a wildcard spot, and he played my friend Steve.

Round 3: Ashley. WHO SAYS GIRLS CANT PLAY POKEMON??? she had a deck that was quite good. it was a blaine's fire, with B's dash, B's Rk9, and fossil magmar.

I won the toss, and my ditto (after comping a double C), did a tails smog. a smokescreen ended her turn, and I attached a recycle to my clefairy(clefable in hand). I smog again, but dont poison. she retreats, plays blaine, and has a loaded b's dash. she flips tails, I take 30, clefairy is safe. I evolve, prof, put down a chansey, and attach a FHE to ditto, and do 40 after I flipped heads. (magmar took 10). she gets heads, ditto dies, and out goes clefable as clean-up. goodbye dash, magmar took 10, she had nothing good in her hand, and I win. she even gave me a metal energy!!!(I'd have used it, but no deck changes after yer deck is registered)


Round 4: Jared, the guy who won the wildcard spot. he ran a raindance(my 2nd choice for this format) that had wooper for lightning.

I started a chansey, attached a double C, and passed. his lapras does water gun for 10, and it's time for some killin!!! I comp for a gold berry, and prof. I itemfinder comp for a 2nd double colorless, and ko his lapras, having 50 samage on my chansey(I wub gold berry). he send out articuno, and breeders his squirtle. attaches 3 water to blastoise, and passes. I attach a metal to chansey(so he does 10 less, takes 20 less, I'll explain that at the bottom of this), and itemfinder once again for the gold berry. I do 70, koing his articuno, taking 60(110 on chansey) gold makes me have 70. his blastoise doesn't get any energy, I do 70, koing my chansey, out goes clefairy with metal energy, and he laughed at me!!! he said something about delaying the inevitable. he does 40 to my clefairy, and then I smirk. evolve to clefable, attach a plus for the overkill, and victory is mine. he was majorly POed, but I put out my hand to shake hands nonetheless.


this is it!!! (no time limit)

Final: Shawn, with the worst fighting deck ever!!! (it was a great deck, but I had all colorless, and wasn't happy). he had 4 aerodactyl, 4 hitmonchan, and 4 machop(base)

he started hitmonchan, and I had ditto!!!I won the flip, and attach a double-c, then do 20. he asked the judge somethign about ditto's type changing, and making my deck illegal, but the judge sided with me. he does 20, and ends turn. I attach a plus, and oak. jiggly and chansey to my bench, recycle on ditto, KO. he got a dactyl out, and we both had resistence. chansey was on bench, getting ready, he had 2 fhe, and a metal after 3 turns, and I retreated ditto(recycle to hand), attached the recycle to chansey, and KOed the dactyl. then, I took down his 2-fighting energy hitmonchan for the win.

yay for me

5-0, the streak in tournies continues!!!

I won 8 jungle boosters (2 1st edition), and opened 4. I got a non-holo wiggly, and a holo scyther. he got 8 boosters of Neo Discovery.

I had a good day, and here's the deal about the metal chansey thing, if you dont already know:

metal says basically: this provides one M energy. all attacks dont to pokemon with metal energy on them take 10 less energy(which includes there own). if a pokemon that has metal energy attached is NOT a metal-type pokemon, that pokemon's atacks do 10 less.

the way this works out:
chansey had 1 metal energy, and 3 miscellaneous energy attached to it, and does double-edge. edge now does 70, and chansey takes 20 less, because metal reduces the damage you take by 10, AND all your damage you do(which includes to yourself) is reduced by 10. that is 0wnage with rocket's zapdos!!!

Props: everyone who got to play, but couldn't go to STS.
Props: Barry's Bay Recreation Council for letting us use their hall for the event.
Props: Comics Comiks Comikz for donating the boosters for prizes.
E-mail me at dunbar_michael@hotmail.com with any questions or comments!!!
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