                        Blastoise's revenge!
                          By: Ryan Smith
                        Wizards of the Coast
                        Woodbridge Mall, NJ
                         Tuesday June 19
                           League Play

Blatoise's Revenge!
Pokemon: 18

4 squirtle (3 rocket, 1 base)
2 Wartortle (base)
2 dark wartortle (rocket)
2 Blastoise (base)
1 Dark Blastoise (rocket)
1 Articuno (fossil)
3 eevee (rocket)
2 vaporeon (jungle)
1 lapras (fossil)

Energy: 26

4 dark
22 water

Trainers: 16

3 plus powers
3 energy charges
2 lass
1 defender
1 breeder
1 trader
1 oak
1 gold berry
1 ecogym
1 Lt. Surge's secret plan
1 super energy removal
1 nightly garbage run

        This deck has been my ultimate deck against every thing except eletric
decks but any other deck has or shall be defeated!

1st play:
        Blastoise against STS steelix and brock's nintales deck

        I started out and won the coin flip and i had a Lapras, squirle, Dark
Blatoise, breeder, and 3 water energy's!(sweet!) He had a neo onix as
his active and i had lapras. i added water energy to lapras water gun.
All he had was fire energy's and he attached and screech.  Then i put a
breeder on squirtle and evolved into dark blastoise and attached another
water to lapras. He still didn't have fighting energy or steelix so it
was my turn and attacked an energy to lapras for water gun for the win.

        2nd play:

        me against blaine and base nintales deck

        I started with a base squirtle and i had 5 water energy's in my hand
and 2 powerplus. I won the coin flip and all he had was vulpix and
attached a water energy and 2 plus powers for the win.

        3rd play: me and a haymaker

        I started this with a squirtle and breeder and blatoise and oak and 4
water since i went first again. All he had was a scyther.  i attached
water to squirtle and bubble, he was paralized. he attached a D.C.E. to
scyther and i went and attacked to squirtle water and breeder into
blatoise then oaked and the raindace for 3 water energies on blastoise
for the win.

        4th play me vs. kid with poison/wigglytuff

        He mulliganed 5 times in a row! he went first and had a rocket ekans
and jiggly. He attached a grass to ekans and a berry and used bite for
10. I went attached gold berry to squirtle and a water energy.
All he had was evolved pokemon so he just used bite. i went evolved
squirtle into dark wartorle and used double slap and both were headshe
got a grass energy and attached to ekans for poison sting and i wasn't
posioned.  I drew a dark blatoise evolved and attached water energy for
hydro cannon and ekans was dead. He brought out jiggly and used lullaby
and then i got heads and woke up.  I used hydrocannon and before i did
it i attached another darkness and a plus power for the win.

 record 12-2


-got my badge
-winning 4 in a row
-bought 2 neo discovery and got 2 tyranitar 1 holo 1 non holo. 
-then bought 5 neo genesis and got a metal energy, darkness, ecogym,
azumarill, and........lugia which i traded to some collecter for a dark
blastoise and a dark vileplume both holo!


i lost twice against my friend the league before that and he made an
electric deck jsut so he could beat me.(pathetic)

thanx for reading!
email me at doubletrouble1@home and tell me what you think of it and how
i can change it to make it better!