Scyther's Daycare Center
                        June 9, 2001    about 15 participants
                        Books A Million  Columbus, Georgia
Scyther's Daycare Center

4  Tyrogue
4  Scyther [ Neo 2 ]
4  Sneasel
3  Magby
2  Ditto
1  Cleffa [ Neo ]
1  Cleffa [ Promo ]
1  Elekid
1  Yanma
4  Berry
3  Computer Search
3  Bill's Teleporter
2  Professor Elm
2  Energy Ark
1  Ecogym
1  Focus Band
10  Grass Energy
4  Darkness Energy
3  Double Colorless Energy
3  Full Heal Energy
2  Potion Energy
1  Recycle Energy

Round 1 against some kid with a grass and fire deck:
I started off with a Tyrogue as my active and had one on my bench.  He
started with a Spinarak and Magmar.  A few turns later he put down a Scyther.
 As he started making mistakes I got a Sneasel powered up and knocked out all
of his Pokemon with Beat Up and won.  1-0

Round 2 against some kid using the Psch Out theme deck
I started with a Scyther to his Gastly and Jigglypuff.  On my second turn I
got my Scyther powered up and used Fury Cutter for 20 to Gastly.  My next
turn Scyther knocked out Gastly.  My turn after that I got lucky on Fury
Cutter and knocked out his only Pokemon.  2-0

Round 3 against who I forgot but I do remember taking all 6 of my prizes and
winning.  3-0

Final's against Sara's Grass deck.
I started with a Sneasel and a Ditto. In a few turns she knocked out my
Ditto, but not before I knocked out her G.'s Nidoking.  She sent up G's
Pinsir with an almost full bench for both of us, I sent up Tyrogue who she
quickly knocked out, along with the next two Pokemon of mine.  But I still
had the Sneasel I started with, so I sent it up, slapped on his second Dark
Energy and came from behind to knock out her next 5 Pokemon and drew my last
prize!  Tourney Results: 4-0, I won Grand Prize, a free Blackout Theme Deck!

Nick Email: Gusbuds at