"Titan Puff" Deck
                               By: Michael Trapani
                             Toys R Us (metro Mall)
                                Brooklyn, NewYork
                                     June, 3 2001
                                 about 20-30 people

              This tournament was origionally an STS card restricted tourny.
I had 10 min. to fix up my deck to allow myself the trainers and
modifications I needed. This was asingle elimination tournament. The kids
were all ages and I had my doubts. Here's what I conjured:


1 cleffa
3 clefairy(Neo)
3 clefable
3 jigglypuff
2 wigglytuff
3 scyther

14-Energy cards:

2 Recycle
4 D.C.E.
8 Grass


4 potion
2 G.Berry
4 E.Removal
4 P.Power
4 Berry
4 Oak
2 C.Search
2 E.gym
3 S.E.Removal
2 S.up

              Round 1
Me vs. Nicholai (Steelix, Lickitung, and Wiggly)

I got the 1st turn and used Jiggly with a D.C.E. and had 2 p.powers and
milled to find the others and took out his puff. He sent out Licki going for
heads after heads. I got out a full bech and got wiggly as my active off a
near dead jiggly and used Oak for a potion and a few other healers. I brought
down his 4 M.energy Steelix with a SER off a recycleE and a ER the Eco helped
him and after getting Steelix I had so much healers and cut righhht though
his onix with scyther and retreated to wiggly for a Puff killing and finally
1 more scyhter slashon an onix to wipe his bench. (1-0)

         round 2
me vs.shy kid with 2 many Evo lines

I shredded him for 6 prizes in 9 turns with Scyther since he had Totodiles,
poliwags,poliwhirls, and squirtles. I had a big advantage.(2-0)

         round 3
me vs. Tall kid who sings foreign songs to himself!? (Magmar Deck)

I couldnt understand what he was telling me so his friend translated and said
he had no basic pokes. He used Magmar and...nothin else as I saw! He kept
usin' smog and I kept waving bye-bye. It went fast I beat his 3 magmars after
a DCE and pound. smokescreen-i got heads. Recycle E wiggly and Oaks tofill da
bech and get P.powers ta wam him (3-0)

         round 4

me vs. Daniel (Chansey gligar & Elekid)

he got a gligar and used C.S. discarding a gengar and a alakazam! he
usedslash on my jiggly for40. I usde 2 potions and R.E and sleeped him. He
got playfull punch for heads. I got recoveries and stalled for my Scyther th
sweep him.

         round 5

me vs.Jap card kid

I asked an official if his neo 3's were legal and he was disqualified.(5-0)

         Final round

me vs. adult with a mistys tenta deck.

I was intimidated since all his wins were fast. he had 1 tenta and i milled
and DCE with clefairy and 2 heads+4+powers=I won!

I got a birthday pikachu, 3 Neo2 packs and an Ivy pikachu.

all the participants
my dad 4 taking me
my deck
and the store for the prizes

single elimination
the Jap card kid
and cancelling the tcg league