By Rob B.
Tuesday, June 12th, 2001
43 Participants

This deck is my favorite deck.  But I am finished my tytanitar deck today and I am going to try it out in the next tourny. 

All of you who think it takes magmar to make a great fire deck are wroung this deck is great with no magmar at at all


Pokemon (16)

2 Typhlosion (Level 55)        
3 Quilava (Level 35)           
4 Cyndaquil (Level 21)         
2 Blaine's Rapidash              
3 Blaine's Ponyta (Level 13)
1 Cleffa (neo 1)                       
1 Igglybuff (Promo)                 

Trainers (23)

4 Gold berry                    
3 Bill              
3 Elm               
2 Computer Search     
2 Master Ball                   
2 Potion                            
2 No removal gym             
2 Gust Of Wind                
1 Cinnabar City gym    
1 Plus Power                   
1 Defender                       

Energy (21)

21 Fire Energy

Game one
Vs really bad haymaker
This was not an interesting battle so I am not going in to much detail
I got Blaine's Ponyta and Blaine's Rapidash in my hand with 3 energy he had 5 basic on bench one active and one in his hand (ether he really likes basic pokemon or he is a bad shuffler).  They were all voltorbs and gastly's I energized evolve and killed pokemon right and left (he had no energies)


Game two
Vs Sneasel Deck
This was a great game I will go into a lot of detail

I got the best hand I could have but so did he.  I got 2 Cyndaquil, 1 Quilava, 1 Typhlosion, 2 fire energy, computer search and bill.  He had 3 dark energy, computer search and 2 Sneasel (he never used the last card so I do not know what it was).  I have a Cyndaquil active and Cyndaquil benched.  He had a Sneasel active and one on his bench.  He figured I could KO his active so he powered up his benched Sneasel.  I was powering up my Cyndaquil active and evolved to Quilava.  He did not worry though.  When I evolved to Typhlosion I had gust drawn a gust of wind.  He had all 3 dark energies on the benched Sneasel.  I used gust of wind and took hem out.  On the flip I got tails and saved my self from 20 damage.  He was still not mad he sent out his other Sneasel and used 2 energy charges and got heads on both (That made me po'd he got all 3 back!!!).  He used computer search got a chansey and put hem on the bench.  He switched and attached one dark energy to Sneasel.  I went use !
flame burst did 60 damage.  He a
ttaches another dark energy and plays defender.  I use flame burst again and get tails he has 20 left.  He attaches a third dark energy uses bill, then again, puts down a basic and uses potion, puts gold berry on chansey and says go.  Between turns 40 damage went of chansey.  I play no removal gym attach a gold berry to Typhlosion and use flame burst.  I flip and get heads KO to chansey.  He draws attaches dark energy to Sneasel then oaks.  He gets 3 basic pokemon.  He puts them on the bench then oaks again.  He gets 2 more basic pokemon and his bench is full.  Now there are 4 dark energy on hem and the bench is full.  He uses beat up and gets two heads I think or maybe it was one well anyway he did 80 to me and thanx to my gold berry I was not ko'd yet.  I was about to announce my attack when time was called and I won I flipped the coin to see If I would have killed myself or not and I would have gotten heads he would have tied me I had no bench!!!
Oh well I won that game by a thread


Game three
Vs Rain Dance
This was not a very good rain dance deck it did not have many water pokemon in, but he called it a raindance deck

I get a pretty good hand Cyndaquil and Quilava.  He gets an Igglybuff.  I go first on the coin flip.  I attach and say go.  He attaches a double colorless energy and says go.  I attach evolve and use smoke screen He attaches another double colorless energy and attacks.  He gets tails and hurts hem self 80.  I attach and use char for the win.


Game four
Vs my tyranitar deck (I gave it to hem to battle me with because he lost his deck)

I would have given hem a worse deck but he had 3 games already and lost them all I figured he wasn't good enough to figure out how to play with this deck.

  (I have Cyndaquil active and he has Larvitar) He attaches an energy to Larvitar and bites for 10.  I attach to Cyndaquil and use fireworks for 20 and discard the energy.  He attaches and bites again.  I attach use fireworks and win.

I had a pupitar and a hitmonchan in his hand!!! I guess I was right.  Oh well


I won the tourney other then that Sneasel deck the whole thing was easy. 
There weren't any prizes :(
But,  at least I won and finished making my Tyranitar deck

Props for finishing my Tyranitar Deck (I have wanted to get that out of the way If you want to see it e-mail me)
props to that Sneasel deck for being a good challenge
props for coming out on top
Props for pogo for posting this

slops that there were not any prizes

If you would like to comment on my deck, help me on it, help me make another great deck, get help on one of your own decks or anything e-mail me at losernumber8@aol.com or losernumber8@mail.com