Metal Men
By The Great One
Roseville Center, Roseville, MN
Saturday June 2, 2001
About 200 particapants

This my first killer deck report.  My deck did really well.  The point of it
is to get arcanine or zapdos powered up with a gold berry.  Use the lass
cleffa combo for hand disruption.  I use pichu instead of magby because if I
knock out the slowkings or what ever I get a prize and the are gone for good.
 Well enough with the talking here is the deck.
3 growlithe
3 arcanine
1 chansey
2 cleffa
1 pichu
1 ditto
3 R. Zapdos

4 Oak
4 Itemfinder
2 Gust
3 Gold Berry
2 Narrow
2 Energy Removel
3 Super Energy Removel
3 Lass

4 Metal
6 Fire
6 Lightning

My stepbro, my sister, my dad, and me had to get up at 7.  I was so nervous.  
We got there at 9:40.  The qualifer started at 10:00.  We started talking to
some other people.  I met a kid named Jack.  He was from Iowa.  He was
playing a sneaking lock (sneasel and slowking).  I got signed up and the
battles started at 10:45.  Time flew by and it was time to battle.

Round 1vs.  Newbie with colorless deck

This was easy.  I got a great hand.  Cleffa, R. Zapdos, 2 Lighting, A Comp.
Search, Gold berry, and Pichu.
I started with cleffa and pichu and zapdos on the bench, him spearow.  I draw
a gust.  I retreat cleffa for zapdos play a lighting and computer search for
plus.  Game

Round 2vs. Meaganium Deck

He was pretty good.  I had cleffa and growlithe and Lass in my starting hand.
 I draw a fire and attach it to cleffa. Lass.  I took his oak, comp search,
plus, and breeder.  (He had a chircorita as his active and meagaium in his
hand.)  Eek.  He draws and passes.  I draw and evolve growlithe play a fire
on arcanine.  Eek.  He draws and passes.  Play a fire on Arcanine and eek.  
He draws and passes.  This keeps going until I got arcanine powered up with a
steel and 3 fire and took down all his pokes for the win.  

Round 3vs. Raindance

Pretty easy another first turn win.  My Zapdos against his squirtle.  
Lighting down.  Game.

Round 4vs.  A cleaner without zapdos or steel energy.  
I couldn't believe it this was the match to go to the finals.  I started with
cleffa, zapdos and growlithe.  He had 2 growlithe.  I drew and was able to
pull of the lass cleffa combo first turn.  He draws and passes.  For a while
it was just passing until I got acanine and zapdos powered up with a gold
berry and steel on each.  Then he suppered almost all my energy away.  I had
zapdos get all my lighting back and supered his acanine and gusted out an
energy less one.  Then I started electroburnnig my way to victory.

I made it to the finals!  I met up with Jack to find out he had made it too.  
My stepbrother and I got Arby's and bought some neo 2 boosters.  I got a
houndour, scizor and smeargle.  I found out he traded for 2 Kabotops and 3
Yamna.  WOW.  After kicking butt in the first 4 matches Master Trainer Jeff
gave my the nick name busdriver because I was taking every one to school.


Round 5 vs. Dark Steel deck

This was a tuff match.  It was neck and neck.  I got a arcanine powered up
and got 2 prizes with him but he knocked him out.  In the middle of the game
I got the lass cleffa combo which saved me.  Then after that I got zapdos
with a gold berry and steel.  This is where my stepbrother saved me.  He used
his murkrow and feint attacked my active zapdos with 40 hp left.  He had to
dark on it and he knocked my out….BUT wait he saw that I had a steel on
zapdos so I took thirty damage.  I had 10 hp left and used gold berry.  Then
I knocked out murkrow.  He gusted out some pokes and before I knew it we were
tied with 1 prize left.  He retreated his Scarmory with fifty damage for a
stellix.  No!  I had 2 cards left.  I draw…Gust!  I gust for scarmory and
Electroburned for the game.    That was close.

Round 6 vs.  Sneasel Lock

This was hard.   He got 3 Slowking out on turn 3.  Luckily I got pichu out
and killed his slowkings.  Lucky for me he kept flipping tails on baby check
and beat up.  Shortly after that Arcanine was there with a gold berry.  I got
a couple prizes.  Then he Beat up 2 Arcanine a zapdos and a cleffa.  We were
tied at 1 prize each.  I draw a ditto with a DCE in my hand.  I put down
ditto attach DCE and beat up. Now I was up by 1 and he had no energy.  He put
out a slowpoke.  I draw a gust.  I gust out his other sneasel and beat up for

Round 7vs. Zappy hay

He was good.  I went first with my cleffa and zapdos on the bench.  He had 2
zapdos.  I drew and got a lass.  I attached a fire and lassed.  I took his
oak, comp. search, lass, and gold berry.  Then I eeked.  He drew and plasmaed
with tails.  I drew and removed his lighting put a lighting on zapdos.
Retreated and plasmaed.  He drew attached a lighting and plasmaed.  I supered
the two lighting on his zapdos.  Then I plasmaed.  He drew and passed.  I
draw and oak.  I got just what I needed a steel.  I attach it and
electroburn.  He draws and plasmaed.  I electro burn.  He draws and supers me
twice.  Then he plasmaed.  I draw a lighting and plasma for game.  

I couldn't believe I was about to play for the trip!  My freidn Jack also
won.  We were both playing for the trip.  

Round 8 vs. Zappy hay ( a different one)

I had a horrible hand.  I mulligan twice and got a zapdos with no draw.  All
I could do was plasma for a while.  Late in the game I got my draw going and
he was about to be decked.  But so was I.  All I could do was keep eeking
until he deck him self.  All he needed was 1 heads.  He got it with zapdos.  

I congratulated him.  Jack also lost to a kid with a Steel Chansey.  ( It is
the same one in the other Killer Deck Report from MN)  I got 12 boosters.  My
dci rating was shot up.  Well it was a great day.  I got a hat a t-shirt and
36 booster packs.  Now for props and slops.  

-My dad for taking me
-My stepbrother for saving me in round 5 and for helping me make this great
-My deck for doing so well
-To my great rares in my boosters.  
-To Master Trainer Jeff for the nickname
-Jack for doing so well
-My for losing (I almost had it)

Thanx for reading.

The Great One