Fireworks Party By John IX International RPG Mart Center - São Paulo - SP - Brazil Sunday, June 06, 2001 Around 100 participants Here is the deck: Pokémons(17) 3xRocket's Charmander 1xDark Charmeleon 2xDark Charizard 4XCyndaquil(fireworks one) 2xQuilava 2xThyphlosyon(Fire Recharge one) 3xCleffa Trainers(25) 4xProfessor Elm 3xCPU Search 3xItem Finder 2xGOW 2xNGR 2xNo Removal 2xChallenge 2xPokémon Trader 3xPokémon Breeder 2xGold Berry Energy(18) 18xFire Energy Great!! the objective of this deck is to build as soon as possible at least one thyplosion and one dark charizard to begin the party.... ROUND 1 Fireworks Party VS. an old guy with a collorless deck Well it was an easy one, I built my dark charizard against it's ditto, or clefable... 1 - 0 - 0 ROUND 2 Sorry guys but i du not rememer anythig about this match, the only thing i could remeber is that i won with no problens 2- 0 - 0 ROUND 3 Fireworks Party VS. Carioca'people with a kindda psyquic with Sneasel Well this match was a piece of cake, the first match I start off with an cleffa and a charmander on my bench, against his MP mewtwo, I win the flip coin. Well I retreat cleffa and did fire tail, his turn, he search for an oak, after that, he attach a psy energy on MP and pass, I promoted my charmander into dark charizard, and did continuous fire ball, TAIL...... HEAD! I win the first match. Second one, He promoted an dark golduck with some dark energy, so I built an dark charizard, and finish the match 3 - 0 - 0 ROUND 4 Fireworks Party VS. another carioca guy with a stall with chansey and moltres fossil This was a tired match, the first match I won with no problem... but the second one was a kindda stupid one, I don't know how can someone play with this deck, it's so boring, I don't remeber so much about that, I only remember that I didn't have any cards on my deck, It was my thyphlosion against his moltres fossil, if heads I win, if tails I loose, and.............TAILS, sO WE ONLY HAVE MORE 5 MINUTES FOR THE OTHER MATCH SO WE DECIDED DO DRAW 3 - 1 - 0 ROUND 5 Fireworks Party VS. Haymaker with R'Zapdos scyther lick and some more pkm The first match was a hard one, but nothing could stop my Dark Charizard. The second match, I start off with charmader against his scyther, so I did fire tail on his scyther, he attach and energy to his scyther and pass, I didi fire tail again an won the match. 4 - 1 - 0 So I was on the top 8 Round 1 Firewoks Party VS. My friend paulinho with a trapper deck Paulinho is a friend of mine that we always trade card, and some minutes before I help him to built this deck. Well let's go to the match, the first one I built my 2 thyplosion, and destroy him.But in the other 2 match I start of with a cyndaquil, and he have been start all of those matchs, he have kill me with erika's Puff.... I Lose I got the 5º place, Well that's a good one, but I could e much better, all my friend's, the one that i have been help to build their's deck got 3º, and Paulinho has winning the champion, he have gave 3 booster pack, tha I've got blaine foil, Charity, and magby. for be the 5º I got 2 decks from Rocket, and some base set booster... Props: -For everybody to be so sportist Slops: -an old guy that was complaining about the judge, but they couldn't got on the top 8, he was saying that his friend got 12 points, I got 13, but the were a lots of people that got 12 too, the champion of the last day championship got 12 too... -to won BASE!!!!???? set booster That all, thanks to everybody, mainly pojo, the one that I "steal" some ideas... Any question e-mail me at _____________________________________________________________