Sticky Liquid (Grass)
>Adam "Stegy" Trunzo
>The Game Trader
>Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
>Saturday, May 26th, 2oo1
>8 participants
>Word up, yo? A week ago, I participated in a tournament with my infamous Dark
>Muk deck. Needless to say, it did really well. Anyway, lets get on with the
>deck list:
>3 Fossil Grimer
>3 Dark Muk
>2 Chansey
>2 Rocket's Scyther
>2 Cleffa
>1 Magby
>1 Fossil Muk
>4 Oak
>4 Computer Search
>4 Itemfinder
>4 ER
>2 Gold Berry
>2 SER
>2 Nightly Garbage Run
>2 Sprout Tower
>2 Lass
>2 Pluspower
>2 Gust of Wind
>1 Scoop-up

11 Grass
4 Double Colorless Energy
>First match vs. little kid with Grass deck
>This kid didn't get to do much this game. I Lassed first turn and made sure I
>can set up a turn 2 Dark Muk. I did 20 to his active Grimer(via Pluspower).
>Next turn, I evolved into Dark Muk and killed his only basic with Sludge
>Second match vs. Eric with a Haymaker
>This match was close, very close. To shorten things up, at the end of the
>time limit, we were tied on prizes. I managed to gust out his damaged Scyther
>with 10HP left and Nasty Gooed it with Grimer. Good game, Eric!
>Third match vs. Andrew with Sneasel
>His Sneasels didn't see much play. I kept ERing and SERing them. I managed to
>collect all 6 prizes, him maybe 2.
>3-0! I'm guarenteed to go to the final 4.
>Fourth match vs. older teen with Slowking
>This match was very good. To really sum it all up, at the end of the time
>limit, he had one less prize than I did: his 4 to my 5. I was making a
>comeback too. =/
>3-1, not bad.
>Final 4!
>Fifth match vs. same kid in round 3
>Same thing happened. Nothing new. =/
>Finals! Me vs. same teen in round 4
>Ok, to sum up our half an hour game, he decked himself, but he split the
>prizes anyway. I got a whole $10.20 store credit for 3 bucks. Not bad. I got
>2 Neo genesis packs and a Magic Invasion pack. I got a Cleffa, Super Energy
>Retrieval, and a Urza's Rage. Sweet!
>A week later:
>I attend another tournament on the 2nd of June. This wasn't going to be fun.
>I used the same deck as listed above. ^^
>First match vs. small kid with Fire
>This wasn't fun, for him. I got 2 fully powered Chanseys plowing through his
>Pokes. I took 5 prizes, the last with Dark Muk before I benched him out.
>Second match vs. Eric with Dark Muk
>Eric liked my Dark Muk so well that he built one. I had the crappiest hand
>EVER and couldn't get anything going. He took 5 prizes when I decked. =/
>Third match vs. Andrew with Sneasel
>Andrew was bribing me to let him way. I don't think so! Anyway, as always, I
>totally ER'ed his Sneasels and Scythers and Gligars. He did take 4 prizes,
>but 2 were from suicidal Chanseys.
>Fourth match vs. Matt with Baby hay
>He didn't like Pokemon; he just plays for the prize to get Magic cards. =/
>Anyway, I had another bad hand, but I managed to Lass/Eeeeeek first turn. He
>killed my Dark Muk with a Pichu and 4(four!) Pluspowers and that pretty much
>screwed me. He kept ERing my energies and I couldn't get anything going. Not
>fun. =/
>2-2, no Final 4
>Oh well. I managed to trade for 3 Darkness energies and a Sneasel. I got
>another Magby in a pack I bought AND I got a Steel energy too! Next week, I
>plan on taking a turbo Sneasel deck..Hm.. :) *evil*
>My opponents for playing well
>Dark Muk and Magby, what could I do without you guys?
>Chansey, for taking atleast 6 prizes during both tournaments. Chansey is also
>leaving my line-up, because I'm including Murkrow and Darkness energies. If
>you want to send your regards to Chansey(or Chanseys!), e-mail me. :)
>My friend, Jeremy (Vapor) for coming with me and going 2-2 also with
>Neo 2 for coming out early! Yay!
>Nothing, really. :)
>If you want to contact me or send me letters/Darkness energies/Love
>letters/suggestions, e-mail me at Stegyman@aol.com
>Stegyman: Tastes like chicken!