The deatomizer v1.9 (Fire and
                                             by phil Mollicone
                                             toy's 'r' us
                                             Aberdeen Scotland
                                             62 participants

It's been a month since I last did anything with my deatomizer deck. They
also had to seat some of us in the actual shopping area (only about 4 for the
first round.)

The deck
2 x Cyndaquil(lvl 21)
2 x Quilava(lvl 28)
1 x Magby
2 x Gligar
2 x Wooper
3 x Squirtle(tr)
3 x Dark Wartortle
3 x Dark Blastoise
2 x Goop Gas Attack
3 x Rocket Sneak Attack
1 x Ecogym
4 x Nightly Garbage Run
1 x Mirricle Berry
2 x Berry
3 x Prof Elm
1 x Bill's Teleporter
1 x Focus Band
4 x Imposter Oak's Revenge
10 x Water Energy
10 Fire Energy

Round 1
Me vRaindance
I started with Gligar and he started with Lapras. He went first and Oaked
twice and water gunned me. I put down Magby and attached a water energy to
squirtle and RSAed i chose brreder I played Ecogym since he had SER and ER in
his hand.He attached a Water energy to Articuno and Water gunned. I evolved
Squirtle into Dark Wartortle and played a water on Magby. He breedered to
Blastoise and Oaked and played 7 water energy(2 to Lapras 3 to Articuno and 2
to Blastoise. He attaked for 30. I drew focus band and put it on Magby. I
played Elm and played a water on Dark Wartortle then passed. He played a
pluspower on Lapras and KOed Gligar. I put out Magby. I played Dark Blastoise
and used Bills Teleporter. I played a Water energy on DB and Sputtered. He
Flipped tails for baby rule. I Played a Water on Dark Blastoise and retreted
for Dark Blastoise | Hydro Cannoned for 70 I drew Elm as a prize. He put out
Blastoise. He attached Gold Berry to it and passed. I just used hydro cannon
for 30 (70 - 40 = 30). He was taking ages to get through his turn so time
would be called we would draw and flip a coin to see who wins after taking 10
minutes with his turn he reluctantly passed. I hydro Cannoned to win.
Round 2
Me v Suicidal deck???
He went first and Oaked 4 times billed 4 times and bills teleportered 3 times
(all heads)Lets do the maths 60 -7(hand) is 53 -6(prizes) is 47 minus 28(Oak)
is 19 - 8(bill) is 11 and - 12(bill's teleporter) is -1 the card he was
looking for must of been in his prizes. he passed. I passed. I won.
Round 3
me v Japenese deck
I had the chance to disqualify him because he had no translations but i
decided to have a fair win until he used Ditto's power to change it into
Rockets Zappy.
Round four
I can't remember the details for this match so i'll just give the stuff I
remember. This was hard a mewtwo deck luckily I managed to get out Wooper and
amnesia it i charged up Dark Blastoise on the bench retreated and killed the
stupid Mewtwo.
With the number of people that had left I had won. I got 15 neo packs.
Props and Slops
props to winning
props to it giving me a 25 match wining streak and 51-1 overall
props to the packs giving me enough Sloking and noctowl to make a good deck.
slops to the kid with the Jappenese deck

Phil Mollicone