S.T.S Qualifier,Ridgemar mall Fort Worth Tx.
by The Chosen ONe
Roughly 400 Participants
May 26,2001

Hello Pojo people its The Chosen One again.Its been a while since i sent in a
killer deck report my last one was "The Aquistic Equelizer" wich did pretty
well.Today I will tell you about my sts Qualifier Experience.I Woke up at
around 6:30 to get ready for this event and my aunt picked me up and dropped
me off at the Ridgemar Mall  at about 7:50.When i got there about 25 people
were there waiting in line for the qualifier to start including Fritz and
Loyd (two people from my toys r us league) after chatting for a while many
people got there and i went back to my spot in the middle of the line.By
10:00 around 400 people were in line ready to start playing.It was a swiis
style tournament meaning 1 loss your gone.I used my best deck at the time my
Slowcoult powers deck and here it is...

2-Brocks Mankey

4-Computer Search
3-Professor Oak
2-Mistys Wrath
3-Gust of Winds
3-Item Finder
2-Sprout Tower
2-Nightly Garbage Run
2-Gold Berry
1-Super Energy Removal


Round One Versus Fritz??
Out of all the people there I had to face Fritz from my own league.The match
started off with me having an opening hand of murkrow cleffa and absoulutely
no card drawing,While he had a cleffa,onix,and slowpoke.He got to go first
and Eeeeeeeked.While i drew a super.I attemted to Eeeeeeek but it failed.3
turns later he had 2 Slowkings out and a fully powerd Steelix.While I
had...Cleffa and murkrow.He eventually Won and we shook hands.

After that match Master Trainer Conrad said that it was possible to sighn up
again for another Flight and continue to play.i took advantage and stood in
line.a couple minutes later i saw Fritz there at the end of the line( he lost
to Loyd his own brother)
at 12:30 i started to play again in the qualifier.

Round One Versus Zappy Hay
I Won the flip and started with a cleffa and benched a Murkrow.While my
Opponent had a rockets zapdos with a benched chansey.I first turned
Lassed-Eeeeeeeked hi m and by turn two 2 Slowkings sat on my bench denying
this kid every trainer he attempted to play.Sneasel beat up Zappy and soon
later Chansey for the win.

Round 2 Versus I think Sam with Psilink deck
I won the flip and he started out with an active mewtwo and a benched Rockets
Mewtwo.I had a Sneasel and a benched Murkrow.I went first wrathing,Oaking
,and burning half my deck just to lass and Eeeeeeek him first turn,it worked
and next turn i locked in Mewtwo with Murkrow and Feint attacked him to death
for the win.

Round 3 Versus Some guy With Sneasel Dark Dragonite Deck
He won the Flip and went First.I started with 2 Cleffas and he had a sneasel
and Cleffa.He played a Darkness on Sneasel and played a rockets Dratini and
fury swiped for 40 damage.I Drew and attached a darkness to a benched Sneasel
and Eeeeeeeked.He Then attached another Darkness to his Sneasel and beat up
flipping heads on the baby power.Then i attached a rainbow to Sneasel and
beat up only doing 30 damage!My Sneasel Fainted next turn.By then he had a
Dark Dragonite with no energy and a benched ditto fully pumped up.I knew
Sneasel wasnt gonna win me this one so i drew and got a gift from
above...Oak.I Oaked and got a murkrow energy and a brocks Mankey.I used a
Gust of wind to bring up Dragonite.Played a Sprout Tower and mean looked the
dragon with Murkrow and picked off his bench 1 by 1.

That match meant i was going to the finals.I got 24 Neo packs a hat and an
stsq T-shirt for making it that far.I went to get lunch at Paradise Bakery
=-).At around 3:00 we were being seated for the Final 16.a huge crowd emerged
to cheer us on.In the finals was Fritz who lost earlier and reregisterd like
me and also Loyd was there.(Fritz and loyd are brothers)

Round 4 Versus Joshua with Hay Varient
Joshua is a cool dude i met in line ealier and was a blast to talk to .We
both cringed at the fact we had to play each other.He won the coin toss and
opened with a hitmonchan while I had a lone Slowpoke.He benched a Jynx and
jabbed.Idrew a mistys wrath and got a search and a switch.I switched slowpoke
for Sneasel and Oaked getting a new hand.By turn 2 i won by benching him.

Round 5 Versus Loyd??
This is the second guy i had to play from my league.He and his brother Fritz
always play the same decks so ofcourse he was using Steelix king.His only
active was an onix i went first.I lassed him first Turn and Eeeeeeeked he
atached a metal and passed.By turn two there were 2 slowkings in play and my
active sneasel was fully powered with a full bench i beat up only doing 60
(darn metal!)He drew a search and poor guy couldent use it cuz of mind
games.I beat up onix again doing60 again and won.

Finals Versus kid with Slowking Sneasel deck.
Wow,It was the Finals.This is for the trip I was pretty confident but iwas
sorta worried because in the final 16 all but 2 people had sneasel-king
decks.I won the flip and went first.I had a cleffa and a Mrocks Mankey
benched.I went first and lassed- Eeeeeeeked him.I denied him a search a lass
and an oak.His basics were 2 slowpokes thats it.Next turn i had a murkrow up
front and a couple Slowkings benched I mean looked his slowpoke and proceeded
with my lock strategy.He attemped to search and failed.I Feint atacked his
slowpokes and i won the qualifier.

New Jersey here i come!
I won in all 24 neo packs,a hat,a tshirt,a trip to the sts and the admiration
of all the people there.I Also cant wait to see the pojo people in jersey
because they have the best pokemon site ever!

Now its time for Props and Slops-
Props-to winning such a cool prize
Props-to my league having 3 of its own in the finals
Props-Master Trainer Conrad(this guys cool)

Slops-none it was great!

I live in Texas and if you would like to e-mail me you can do so.My new s/n
is Mantis789@aol.com (my old one was Woodborer14@aol.com)