the moss deck
water/grass type       
Craig Miros,Huron OH
event held at theHerozone, Sandusky, OH
July 19 2001

participants- 8 in a three round tourney
deck breakdown:
1 cleffa ( neo genesis-the 7-card draw)
2 weedle (base set,poison sting)
2 kakuna (base set,poison powder, 80 hp)
2 beedrill (neo discovery, triple poison)
2 scyther (jungle, swords dance)
2 dratini ( base set, pound)
2 dark dragonair ( rocket, evolutionary light)
2 dewgong (base set, aurora beam)
2 seel (base set, headbutt)
2 articuno (fossil, blizzard)
2 mantine ( neo-genesis,  undulate)
2 misty's horsea ( gym heros, tackle)
2 misty's seadra ( gym heros, knockout needle)
1 squirtle ( rocket, shell attack)
1 wartortle ( base, bite)
1 blastoise ( base, rain dance)

2 proffesor elm
2 nightly garbage run
2 computer search
2 item finder
1 no removal gym
1 chaos gym

4 grass
18 water

strategy: get a gym card out as soon as possible, preferably "no removal".
from previous tourneys here, the kids all use energy removals. then, get to
the dark dragonairs, evolve and pump everything up.  use the beedrills and
scythers in a "free retreat" rotation" to stall and poison.  if the "chaos"
card is out, use the cleffa to get into the deck.  in all cases, the
poke-powers are always effective in this deck.

round one- jeff
he is one of the tough opponents, and uses energy removals.  he also has a
fire deck.  I had a minor energy crisis, as I couldn't get my articuno and
mantine pumped up.  however, I did slow him down with the no removal gym,
enough to make it a fair fight. I took out his rocket's charizard and
arcanine, but it was too late.  he took too many prizes early.


round 2- ben
ben uses mostly a psy deck with trainers, so it was no trouble taking him
out.  I got my chaos card out, and that made his life miserable.  He had a
bench crisis, as he was drawing energy and trainers, but not enough base
cards, after 3 wins, he was benched out.


round 3- andrew
andy hasn't been around in a while, but uses a fire deck.  I beat him twice
up front, and then got slowed down by evolution ( I couldn't get my squirtle
evolved).  I could get him with my fully evolved beedrill, and would have
won, had I reteated it for free and sent out my mantine( at that point, we
were down to one prize each, and I had him triple poisoned:  a simple turn
would have knocked him out!). unfortunately, I missplayed the card and didn't
retreat.  he knocked me out on the next turn.


in separate matches before and after, the deck did well against Mark, one of
the top players, and again against Ben.  also, the deck did well against
other players over the last three weeks, including getting  2nd place 3 weeks

props: To holding my own against the top players.   Nightly garbage run, dark
dragonair, and the chaos, no removal gyms really carry the mail in this deck!
 I may go to having another blastoise, but I don't think I need it.  

slops: to missplaying my hand.  the win would have put me at 2-1 and in the
running for 2nd place.  also super slops to cheating.  one of the kids drew
from his deck and not his prize pile, and ben tried to use a trainer with the
chaos gym out. as with misplaying my hand, always keep your mind on your
game, no one elses. read the cards and pokepowers of yours and your
opponents.  If you don't catch it, you can't call it cheating.  Also slops to
other non pokemon matches going on, taking up too much space.  

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