Justin and Maccy's combined Report (both decks are dark/lightning)

Murfreesboro, TN

July 21, 01

About 20 participants

<Maccy> Hey Pojopeople and Pojoholics! Its Maccy with a double-deck report with mi friend Justin Langston!
<Justin> Sup! Looks like we decided to collaberate and share a report, so sit back, and enjoy this heartstopper. It really was a good one, huh Maccy?
<Maccy> Yeah it was, considering we faced each other two times in this report =/.
<Justin> In which I...wait I can't tell em the ending!
<Maccy> Anyway, here's mi deck:
Whisper in the Wind Version 3
3 Sneasel
3 Buzz
3 Ditto
2 Cleffa
1 Rocket's Zapdos
1 Magby
4 Oak
4 Search
3 Plus Power
3 Gold Berry
3 Eco Gym
2 Bill
1 Lass
2 Finder
4 Darkness
8 Lighting Energy
<Justin> Here's mine:

Pride's Dark Spirit
3 Sneasel
2 Buzz
2 Ditto
2 Cleffa
1 Magby
2 Murkrow
3 Lass
4 Search
4 Oak
3 Finder
3 Gust
2 Ecogym
1 Sprout Tower
1 Nergy charge
3 Removal
1 Time Capsule
8 Lightning
4 Dark
1 Rainbow
<Maccy> This tournament was a double-elimination. There was a 30-minute time limit, too. Justin and I will go match from match so don't get confused =P
<Justin> Well that's gonna happen any way Maccy!   Anyhow, you start first...

Maccy's Matches: Round 1 Versus Kid
Deck Look: This is a Wallup deck. Yes, a Wallup deck. I don't know much about the deck, but go buy a Wallup deck and you'll see his exact deck =P I took him out in two shots. He had Neo2 Scyther active and no bench while I had a lone Rocket's Zappy. I attached Plasma'd twice, the second one with two Plus Powers, and won the game fast.

<Justin> Ow... The same kid I beat horribly last week. I hate it when people trust Wizards for a deck! Anyhow my first match was this:
<Justin> Round 1 Vs. Cory with Mono Water
Real good Raindance, just not good enough. Poor kid saw all his Lapras fall and finally got a 'Toise out. He sent my Sneasel down hard. Luckily, I had put 80 on the sucker before I did. I was down to a Murkrow w/ A dark and 7 cards in my deck. I Oaked my last seven attached a dark to him and made the 40 I needed to take my last prize.
<Maccy> Sniff....I like Raindance decks... Hang in there Blastoise!
Round 2 Vs. Chris with Anti Maker
Deck Look: I have never in mi memory battles Chris before, so this was our 'Enougral Battle'. I didn't think Chris had a chance, but he made some pretty nice moves and made me think he was better than I thought he was =P. He plays a defensive Erika's Dratini/Scyther/Chansey deck. It was his Erika's Dratini's stalling me out in the early game. Luckily, I got out Magby and Sputtered+Thunder Punched all his Erika's Dritinis away. His Scythers were Hit-n-Running like mad, so I pumped up a Rocket's Zapdos and killed off 2 Scyther's with Electroburn. He noticed mi deck was running low on cards, so he proceeded to stall me with Chansey while I powered up mi Sneasel. When I drew mi last card, I lassed and put back seven Trainers! I ended up KOing Chansey with Sneasel to take mi 6th prize.
<Justin> Poor Chris (sniker) I never thought the boy who runs 1 Oak total could do it... erm here's my match:
<Justin> Round 2 Vs. Girl with a R. Mewtwo newbie rainbow:

This game was simple..I killed off her multiple Newbie Pokemon with Buzz till she somehow used a succesful Justapoxe and then switched out for Gigafrig for the KO. I sent Sneasel and cleaned up some Neo Buzz and a few other terrible basics.

<Maccy> How manly of you, beating a girl like that =P.


Jared was being excourted out by his dad because he was being dissrespectful to Will's mom, Cindy. Well, this is what they say, but I didn't really see what the big fuss was about =P. Jared's hopes of winning his 4th tournament in a row jus' got killed by Cindy.

Maccy's Matches: Round 3 Versus Will

Deck Look: Will was playing Slowking today and I told him miself that Slowking decks never win tournies. They didn't at the STS Qualifer in Nashville, they didn't in the STS, and I have yet to seen one win a tourny thus far. The game started with me going through mi deck real fast and KO'ing Slowpoke's and anything that had energy. It was a real fast and easy game, but losing is the Slowking way! =P

<Justin> Clap Clap. Maccy dominates Slowking while I redominate the angry Cory!

<Justin>Round 3 Vs. Cory with his Raindance Same old story except his pokemon went down to Sneasel. Not even his Blastoise stood after a furied Beat Up!

<Maccy> Sniff...Cory makes me want to quit playing Raindance.

<Justin> The next round was (BUM BUM BUM) Vs. Maccy!

<Maccy> Muahahahahaha....

Round 4 Maccy Vs. Justin

<Maccy> We're gonna commentate this match together, so don't get lost.

<Maccy> I started with mi Ditto active and no bench

<Justin> I had Buzz active, Cleffa benched.

<Maccy> I lost the flip of this game =(

<Justin> I thought that was a good sign for me but....

<Maccy> The game started almost too fast, he Lassed me and Thundershocked me and got a Heads.

<Maccy> I drew and passed. He thunderpunched me for a tails, and I attached an Energy to Ditto and Thundershcoked for a Heads! I then drew a Cleffa, laid it on mi bench, retreated it and Eeeeeeeked.

<Maccy> and it was all downhill for Justin then. I got Sneasel powered up and killed off anything that appeared to be a threat courtesy of Gust of Wind.

<Justin> (Groan)

<Maccy> I eventually won this game. Justin couldn't put up a defense, but he managed to kill off mi Sneasel with his. I got out Ditto which took out his Sneasel. I took mi 6th prize by KOing one of his Buzzes with mi Ditto.

<Justin> Maccy earned the M-A-C in his name in that match =P

<Maccy> lol

<Maccy> Since I won that match, I had earned two byes. WIll, Justin, Chris, Matty and I were the only people left in the tournament. Justin had to play Chris while Will had to play Matty. I took this time to sit around and read and re-read the note Jessica gave me. =)

<Justin>Well it turns out I get a bye because Chris had to leave and then Will knocked out Matty so it was Will and I in semi finals.. Round 5=bye :)

<Justin> Round 6 vs. (gasp) Will and his Slowking/Sneasel

I cruised through this. He started with is Slowpoke active and a Chancey benched while I stared with Murkrow Active and the Cleffa benched. I went first. I attacked with Mean look. HIS SLOWPOKE WAS LOCKED IN! Anyhow, in 2 turns that thing was gone and Chancey was in. I hurt it until he brought out another Slowpoke in its place to save the game. I koed it and he drawed hoping to topdeck something.. No luck! I win and Ko the Chancey  and prepare to face my new arch rival (Bum Bum Bum) Maccy!

<Maccy puts away note and is prepared to battle Justin>

<Justin's thoughts> What a lovesick fool!

<Maccy> =D

<Maccy> This is the finals of the tourny. He has to beat me twice, while I only had to beat him once to win. Not fair, eh? But I'm not complaining =P

<Justin> Sheesh. Anyhow....<Justin> Well this game is not gonna be as exciting as Maccy with his Feraligatr, because I get a hand of pure 100% percent state of the art crap, thereby beating Will Londons worst hand in the Guiness World Record Book by a mile!

<Maccy> Alas, this match wasn't much fun and it seemed incredibly cheap. I got out Sneasel and killed everything while he was sitting there thinking about how his hand would look in the Guiness World Record Book.

<Justin> No, it wasn't cheap! But it was Guiness Record Material. =P

<Justin> My total record with this deck is (drum rolls) something like 15-6! lol

<Maccy> I went undefeated, so I am supreme! =/

<Justin> Thats why there is always next time =P

<Maccy> Ok, time for PROPZ and SLOPZ!

<Justin> I know his already by heart =P


<Maccy> To Jessica <even though she didn't show> Justin <even though he didn't beat me> WIll <even though he played Slowking> Jared <even though he left> Brandon and Ryan <even though they didn't show> Cindy <even though she more or less kicked Jared out> WHite Boy James <even though he now has mi Zeo Sneasel> and me to Jessica for giving me the note and for trading me her Magby.

<Justin> My props r: To Maccy for winning, for my deck and his being good, for me finally beating Will, for Maccy being the only Tennesee STS contestant (I think) and for Maccy helping me out with this report!


<Maccy> To Jared for taking his Gatr's back =( To Will for playing Slowking To the STS for being to much luck-based <even though I made 9th, two-thousandths of a apoint away from 8th! I can't say that enough....to mi deck for being almost too powerful andto everything and everyone I'm forgetting.

<Justin> Slops to My sis Jess for not showing, Slops to Jared for backtalking and getting Cindy on his case, for my deck for going second for the third time and for Wizards and the Harry Potter TGC :/ SEE YA!

Justin- steelstructure@hotmail.com
Maccy- maccy_the_sk8er@hotmail.com


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