Old-style Wiggly (Fighting/Colorless)
            by Gary Haines AKA GLitcH
            Toys 'R Us
            Forsyth, IL
            Tuesday, July 24, 2001
            8 Participants
First of all, let me mention that this is single elimination. Secondly, I know Wiggly isn't the best. I played wiggly because I knew there wouldn't be much competition.. and I don't have any Discovery cards.. and very few Genesis cards. So I just made a few edits to an old deck of mine. Lastly and most importantly, =\. Now that that's out of the way, onto the report...
Old Style Wiggly
Pokemon (16)
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
4 Scyther
2 Hitmonchan
2 Cleffa (All I had unfortunately)
1 Erika's Jigglypuff (Tech)
Trainers (27)
4 Oak
4 Bill
4 CPU Search
4 Item Finder
3 Rocket's Sneak Attack
3 Gust of Wind
3 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Gold Berry
Energy (17)
11 Fighting Energy
2 Full Heal Energy
(I know the deck sucks... I don't play much anymore and only made a few changes its Base-Rocket form)
Round 1 vs ??? (Lighting/Metal)
First turn, I play Jiggly and lullaby his discovery magnemite. He goes, locks on w/ 'mite. Next turn I fill up the bench, add DCE, and Do The Wave for the KO. I took down two more of his lightning basics after that and he lost with no bench.
Round 2 vs Leah (Psychic/Dark)
In a word, ugh. This match seemed like it took forever. Leah's brother kept helping her and telling her what to do and wouldn't let her play for himself. SLOW. This guy helping her was annoying. "Do this do that, nooo don't do that". Bleh on him. Turn 1, she had out 4 eevees. Turn 2, she had out umbreons and espeons. I KO something, then she brings up an Umbreon and bites me for 40. Eventually, I kill it and some others. Then I repeatedly get ER/SER'd all day. Item finder for some more.. after awhile, I decided to just let her deck knowing she didn't have NGR and her Espeon couldn't hurt my Wiggly. I NGR'd some stuff back in to save myself and had 2 Item Finder in case needed. Didn't need it though, she decked soon after.
Final Round vs Jebediah (Psychic/Colorless)
I start out with a horrible hand. I had Scyther, some Energy, item finder, Wiggly, GOW, maybe some other unimportant stuff. I start with Scyther vs his Ditto. He swords dances, I gust his Clefairy to stop that and attach a fighting energy. He retreats for his Ditto and dances again. Still crap hand. I attach DCE and slash for 30. He attaches another energy and dances. I slash for another 30. He slashes for 60. One more turn and I'm screwed by basics. But, fortunately enough, I finally get another basic and am greatly relieved!! It's another scyther though =\. I bench it, kill his ditto and get a comp search in my prize! He sends up his Rocket's Mewtwo (Japanese)... oh well, I didn't care it was Japanese and trusted his translations from the top of his head. I then comp searched out the oak and eventually have wiggly set up. Wiggly pretty much dominates him after that and I have another on my bench ready by the end of the game anyway.
I then decide to go play one of the store's on-display GBAs. F-zero was in there, played one race... got bored. I decided to go look at the other display setups. I see Missile Command on the PSX and play it awhile. Missile command is 0wnage, I must say. League ends after I play 2 games and the Gym Leader gives me my prizes: Birthday Pikachu, Arcanine (Promo #6), and Pikachu (Promo #1).
* Props to my opponents for being cool, the elite Gym Leader, and Missile Command for occupying me.
* Props to "=\" ... that face is 0wnage. =\
* Props to Pojo for giving me the KDR section and to Scott & Doll for getting me into the Pojo community.
* Props to the GameCube for being 0wnage, slops to the wait until launch. Slops to GBA for boring me.
* Major slops to that friggin' annoying lamer helping Leah and wasting my time. =\
~ GLitcH
PS: I know my deck sucks, don't email me about it.
PPS: For the rest of you sending me reports, PLEASE read the rules before sending me your killer deck.