Typhlosion Zap v1.1 (Fire/Electric)
by Robert Perlmutter
Secaucus, New Jersey

Sunday, June 24rd, 2001
About 300 Total Participants

Day 1, I played a Sabrina's Gengar deck.  Yuck!  5-4 record with it (Horrid)!
 I'm lucky to play some Sabrina's Alakazam decks (Colin Hu).  On the first
day, I met a lot of people like ebArtemis410 and GeneralRaikou...Also I met
Stegy...we played...I met Mega Murkrow...and I met Rain Dansaur...The
strategy was pretty basic and not that well thought out because I built it
like 1:00AM on Saturday night.  Heh, I'm pretty impressed with the final
record since I built it so late.  It was crazy the Sunday morning...I was
depending on getting 3 Typhlosions (I had none) from the people who were
around me (bad mistake).  Left and right, I asked people if they could trade
me a Typhlosion...It was amazing that mostly everyone keep telling me, they
only had the Flame Wheel Typhlosion...man, was it frustrating...people could
see my desparation and they took advantage of it.  I had to trade like 2-3
holo-foils for ONE Typhlosion...Ugg...Anyway, I barely made it...I got all
three Typhlosions...and here is the report!

Pokemon [16]
-4 Cyndaquil
-4 Quilava
-3 Typhlosion
-3 Rocket's Zapdos
-3 Cleffa

-4 Professor Elm
-4 Gold Berry
-3 Double Gust
-3 Nightly Garbage Run
-3 Misty's Wrath
-3 Master Ball
-2 Mary
-2 Berry

-11 Fire Energy
-6 Lightning Energy

Round One - Rocket's Zapdos Sort of Deck (Sorry, I dont remember this one

I won this so easy...he keep on Plasma'n my Cleffa (Lucky, he got loads of
heads)...But in the end Typhlosion came in for the kill...


Round Two - Newbie Deck (Sabrina's Abra and Gastly)

One word here...0wNaGe...


Round Three - Gligar/Donphan/Cleffa Deck

Ah...my first challenge...I remember this one very well...he didn't start out
too good...he started with Gligar and Poison Sting...I couldn't seem to find
any Typhlosions with my Master Balls in the beginning...He put up some
Phanpy's on the bench...I set up some Quilava's, but strickly attacked with
Rocket's Zapdos...Finally I got out my Typhlosions and killed his Gligar and
Rocket's Zapdos...He sends out Phanpy (nice combo coming up)...Evolves it,
and Rapid Spins my Typhlosion to the bench and he sends out Cleffa and I send
out Cleffa...The combo I figured out was Rapid Spin and switch for a
baby...it was working because most of the time, I got tails...He killed two
Typhlosions...amazingly enough, I got out a third, and that one managed to
kill a Cleffa...after being sent to the bench...I drew a Double Gust...I use
it for Donphan and he brings up the only thing, Cleffa (who retreats
anyway)...I send out Typhlosion, and I get...TAILS!  Now, I was screwed (my
last Typhlosion falling)...After he goes and flips tails with Cleffa...I
begin my turn and time was called...He was pissed as hell!  He would have won
too because I lost all of my Typhlosions...we were tied at Two Prizes each,
so we both got one point!


Round Four - Sabrina's Alakazam (STSQT Winner)

Well this one was pretty challenging...to say the most...but he did manage to
get out a Kadabra and Life Drain...Now, here comes a rambling about those
mechanical coin flippers...he attaches a Sabrina's ESP and uses Life
Drain...He flips tails and then he pushes the button again for tails and
again for heads...now he started arguing with me about this one...I called a
Judge and she said she knew the flippers well and they don't make mistakes
like blinking...so we continued...basically it wasn't hard...he did pull off
a Life Drain once to me Typhlosion...lucky for me that wasn't my only
Typhlosion...I killed myself with Flame Burst...but with my other Typhlosion,
I won...


Round Five - Sort of Newbish Deck (Don't even remember this one)

Well, It is awfully strange how a newbie could make it this far, but I
consider myself lucky to face a newbie anyway...so, mostly I won 6-0...


Round Six - The Wall(Steelix/Slowking) (Jimmy D. O'Brien)

I knew this battle would be hard since Jimmy is number one in New Jersey and
like Fourteenth in the World...We began...He starts off pretty good...I
managed one Quilava in the beginning...He got out two Slowking...Once he got
out Steelix, my Typhlosion just rips right through them...soon it came down
to no Steelix...he started making a third Steelix...used a Misty's Wrath
(Costing him the game) to find a Steelix...he was successful in finding one,
but it doesn't help him much...He evolves Onix and sends out Steelix and
attacks Typhlosion for 50...In my hand, I found some thing very
interesting...Double Gust!  But, I needed to get through two
Slowking...amazingly, I drew another one...the first one I played failed, the
second one succeded and brought out a Slowking...I sent out my only bench,
Cleffa...he has three cards left...he begins and attaches a Darkness Energy
to Slowking...I go and do nothing...he goes, attaches a Full Heal Energy to
Slowking...for sure, I thought he was going to win with another Energy to
retreat, but to my surprize, he got nothing...on his last draw, he played
Sabrina's Gaze to stall (time was almost over), Professor Elm, then an
Eeeeeeek...I begin to get angry with him, I felt like calling a judge since
he was drawing invinsible cards with the Professor Elm...anyway, finally it
was my turn, I pass and I won!


Round Seven - Murkrow/Rocket's Zapdos

This match wasn't so hard, but I know this kid wasn't a newbie or
anything...he starts with Murkrow and I start with Blaine's Charmander...he
attaches Darkness Energy to Murkrow and uses Professor Elm, he then Mean
Looked the Charmander...I draw, attach a Fire Energy to Charmander and use
Kindle and remove his Darkness Energy...mostly it went downhill for him
here...in the end I won this one...


In between matches

I went to look around for Tom(DrZaP84) to tell him about my victory over
Jimmy O'Brien...while looking for him, Robcatpz asks me for a photo...he
takes my picture...Anyway, after a while, I found Tom and I told him, he was
happy for me...currently, he was going 7-0 to my 6-0-1 (-_-)...then, I
checked my ranking and found I was 8th!  then I stopped to talk with Robcatpz
and a friend(KrisAlvarez7)...Rob was doing well, 6-1-0, I believe...they told
me a little about the Top 8 opponents...to my disadvantage, they didn't
mention Aaron Gerardo(DVPlume11)...my next opponent...

Round Eight - Downpour(Feraligatr) (Aaron Gerardo)

I got wiped clean this match...I was playing sloppy and I couldn't get out
anything to attack with except Rocket's Zapdos...he got out Feraligatr, I
tried to Char him with Quilava but it wouldn't work...he won this


In between matches

Apparently, Tom(DrZaP84) also lost his 8th Round match...he wasn't so happy
after that round and neither was I...I could no longer make Top 8

Round Nine - Sabrina's Alakazam/MP Mewtwo

This kid was actually a friend that I made that day, so I didn't really want
to play him, but oh well...hehe, this match was pretty funny...he got out
everything quickly and I got a powered up Cyndaquil...mostly I attacked with
Rocket's Zapdos until I got to Typhlosion with a couple of Master Balls...I
retreated for the big Typhlosion and knocked out his MP Mewtwo...he sent out
a Sabrina's Kadabra and successfully Life Drained me...Ugh, I play Gold Berry
and I flip heads and knock out Kadabra...after that, he could only send out
Sabrina's Abra...that little thing fell...and I won this game...


So, when the loud speaker comes on with the places of the Top 16 in 11-14
Catagory...I hear my name at Number 14!  =)...Pretty good work there...I
redeemed my packs and I got a lot of nice foils...I got a Cleffa which will
be useful...


Robert P.(Me! For getting 14th place and shooting up the hits for the Pokemon
Tom L.(For winning the STS and being a great player)
Robert Z.(For doing good and taking my picture at the STS)
Patrick P.(For taking me home from the STS)
Kris A.(For running awesome tournaments and telling me about the Top 8
Daniel D.(ebArtemis410)
David F.(GeneralRaikou)
All the people who traded my a Typhlosion!
Mega Murkrow
Rain Dansaur
WotC(For making such an awesome event)
My mom(For taking me back and forth to the STS)
All the other people who I met at the STS!


Jimmy O'Brien(For making so many stupid judge calls)
Flame Wheel Typhlosino
All the kids that had the Typhlosion, but didn't trade!

-AIM: MysticZapdos13
-Email: MysticZapdos14@aol.com