Steel Crash (Fighting/Steel)
                By Akin Dursun
            Mr Games-Cards and games shop
                 London, UK
            Saturday, 30th June
            Roughly 20 partcipants
There was a Leauge in my local game store and I had so much fun playing agaisnt new players with my new deck!
Pokemon  18
Onix (Neo Genessis) 4
Steelix (Neo Genessis) 3
Gligar (Neo Genessis) 4
Rocket's Hitmonchan (Gym Heroes) 3
Igglybuff (Neo Discovery) 2
Elekid (Neo Genessis) 2
Trainers 25
Proffessor Oak 3
Proffessor Elms 3
Bill 2
Computer Search 3
Gold Berry 3
Nightly Garbage Run 2
Gust Of Wind 2
Switch 2
Non Removal Gym 2
Energy Flow 2
Energy 17
Fighting 11
Steel 4
Full Heal 2
1. Steel Crash vs Darren's  Wigglytuff/Sneasel Deck
This boy's main attackers were Wigglytuff and Sneasel. In my hand I had 2 Onix, 1 Computer search, 1 Steelix, 1Gligar, Gust Of Wind and a Figting energy. I won the cion flip and went first. I drew a fihting energy and attaced it to Onix and used Screech. He had 2 Jigglypuffs and 1 or 2 Sneasels on the bench. He played a Proffessor Elms and attached a  energy to his active Gligar and used poisen Sting with a tails. I attaced a steel energy to Onix and evolved it into Steelix and used Tackle for 40 damage. The match carried on, I had a fully pumped Steelix in the active and 2 on the bench after a few rounds. He had 2 Wigglytuffs and a Sneasel attacking my Steelix, I knocked out both his Wigglytuffs while he Knocked out 1 of my Gligars and a Elekid. At the end I was down to 2 prizes and he had 3 prizes. After a few rounds I knocked out his lonely Gligar with my Steelix for the victory.
2. Steel Crash vs Michel's Blaine's Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard Deck
This match didn't take to long. I went first with a Elekid in the active and 2 benched Onixs and a Igglybuff. I had only 1 tainer in my hand which was a gust of wind.I attaced a steel energy to one of the Onixs and used Elekid's Playful Punch and got heads diong 20 damage to his Magmer (fossil). He had about 2 or 3 B's Charmander on his Bench and attaced a Fire energy and passed. Few rounds later I had 2 Fully Pumped Steelixs and knocked out his Magmer, and he managed to build up a B's Charmeleon. He gusted my Steelix and knocked it out with his B's Charmeleon. Dam!. I then sendid in my Elekid to stall for time while I build a Rocket's Hitmonchan up before he could evolve his Charmeleon into Charizard! But soon my Elekid then Igglybuff and then my Gusted Steelix from the bench were whiped out by his B's Charizard, leaving me with not much to do...
3. Steel Crash vs Jo's Venonat/Venemoth/Pinsir Deck
I went first with Gligar in the active and 2 Onixs and a Elekid on the Bench. I uesd Proffessor Elms to get a new fresh hand of cards. I attached a Fighting energy to Gligar and used Poisen Sting and got heads and poisend his Venonat. He put another Venonat on the bench alone with a another pokemon (can't remember), and attached a grass energy to one of his pokemon on the bench. In my turn 2 I evolved my Onix to Steelix with a Steel energy and knocked out his Venonat. Then he knocked out my Gligar and I brought in Steelix and whiped out all of his Grass pokemon (Steelix has resistance to Grass types, hee,hee). His Venonats, Venemoths and Pinsirs were nothing agaisnt my Steelixs. I got my 5th prize and he had no pokemon left to fight agaisnt mine!
All in all, it was a great night!
Thanks for reading.