Howlfire (Dark/Fire)
                                by Andrew Peterson
                               Saturday, July 7th
                              Columbus, OH
                          about 22 Participants

I participated in events all day, but the $250 Pokémon Challenge (actually,
$150 because of fewer participants than expected) was the only actual
tournament. So I won't describe most of those battles.  Anyway, it's report

2 Houndour (Rare)
1 Houndour (uncommon)
3 Houndoom
2 Magmar (Fossil)
2 Chansey
2 Sneasel
2 Cleffa (Neo)
1 Neo2 Igglybuff
1 Promo Igglybuff ( I put this in at the last minute when I couldn't get
another Neo2 one, but it was pretty useful.)

3 Oak
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
3 Gold Berry
2 Lass
2 Rocket's Trap
2 Energy Charge
2 Elm
2 Scoop Up
2 Ecogym

8 Fire
4 Dark
3 Double Colorless
1 Rainbow


This is actually, when I used it in battle, what I found to be a type of
Cleaner deck. The goal of a Cleaner style deck is to stall (Magmar,Chansey,
babies)  while you build up a heavy-hitting Pokémon on the bench (Houndoom,
Sneasel, Chansey). Some trainers and Cleffa help me cycle through my deck
quickly while other trainers help me slow down my opponent's plans. Some
cards, like Neo 2 Igglybuff, are simply for metagame. I also like the fact
that all of my Pokemon have low retreat costs (no more than 1) so I can
switch when I need to.

Anyway, since I live in Indianapolis, we (me, my dad, and my friend Javon)
had to wake up at about 4:30 and leave by 5:30. We got to the convention at
about 8:45, after getting a little lost. We got inside and finally figured
out where to sign-in. (It was a bit easier for me, since I had
pre-registered already.) I found out that my other scheduled tounament, the
Theme Deck Challenge, had been canceled, so I just sat down in the
tournament hall. I met a fellow card player, and we started battling.

Battle 1: Guy with Magmar Deck

I am horrible with names, so I'm not sure if I'll remember any. This guy
used nothing but Fossil Magmar, Blaine's Magmar, and Magby. He started with
F. Magmar to my Cleffa and Chansey. I started powering up Chansey after
Eeeeeeeking a bit, hoping to knock out both Magmars early, but he knocked
Chansey out after I knocked out F. Magmar by using Blaine on B. Magmar to
power it up faster. Luckily, also as a result of Eeeeeeeking, I now had a
Sneasel and Promo Igglybuff. Igglybuff stalled for me long enough to power
up Sneasel and a Houndoom I got out later, thanks to Oak and Elm. After
benching a Chansey, I used Beat Up and Crunch to take all but one of my
prizes. He knocked out Sneasel and Houndoom with B. Magmar,  but I drew a
Double Colorless for Chansey, and stalled with Scrunch until I could use
Double-Edge and take my last prize.

After the match I wandered into the Exhibit Hall. There were so many booths,
it was hard to take it all in. I learned how to play Magi-Nation and got
tons of free stuff. Then, I ran into the Pokémon area and got to talk to...
Master Trainers Mike and Pat! Mike told me about the area, and explained how
it worked. After paying to get in, you got this neat B-Day Pikachu badge and
battled other people there. After every battle, you walked up front and both
drew a prize card. The winner got to choose which of the two cards he/she
wanted, and the loser got to keep the other. Although I won't describe most
of the battles, Javon and I got quite a few cards, including Holo Espeon,
Umbreon, Holo Chansey, Promo Psyduck and NP Mewtwo!:D

Battle 2: Member of Team Canada! with Aerodactyle Hay

I forget his name (once again). It was Jesse or Justin or something. He
knows who he is. I don't remember too much of this match. I believe I
started out with Magmar and Houndour (rare). He had Scyther and Rocket's
Zapdos. He saw Houndour and tried to use Fossil Egg, but failed. I remember
powering up a Sneasel I benched, and him gusting out my energyless Houndoom
and knocking it out after he finally got Aero. Towards the end, Houndoom
finally came out again after I benched Neo 2 Igglybuff, and I took my last
prizes. It was close, though. Great battle!

Battle 3: Another Team Canada Member with First Turn Kill Deck

This was the most surprising deck I saw all day. The idea was to use Misty's
Poliwag (the one with Bubbles) with Pluspowers and Mistys or Erika's
Jigglypuff with Pluspowers to annihilate the active defender while trapping
your hand in the process. It dosen't sound all that effective, but he can
cycle through his deck unbelivably fast to do just that. I started with
Magmar and Houndour (rare). I went first and attached to Magmar and
Smokesceened. He used just about every draw card in the game to get 3
Pluspowers, and knocked out Magmar. I drew Chansey (phew!) and attached to
it. He trapped the rest of my hand (dang!) and K.O.ed Houndour with Poliwag.
I drew a Lass (insert huge sigh of relief here) and got rid of just about
all his hand. Lass messed him up so bad that I actually had enough time to
get out my other Chansey and begin Scrunching with my active. By this time
(it had only been 3-5 turns each!) his deck was really close to decking, and
he just Oaked the rest of his deck away.

I'll just go straight into the tournament from here. It was Swiss-style,
with the four with the most points going into the finals. I only got to stay
for three rounds, though.

Round 1: Guy with Clefable Grass Deck

It started Cleffa, Chansey, and Magmar vs Scyther, Rocket's Scyther and
Clefairy. After sending Cleffa to the bench for Magmar, I attached, Elmed,
and Smokesceened. I got Houndour, Houndoom, Dark Energy, and others. He used
Rocket's Scyther to stall with Shadow Images, and I  hit it once with Smog,
but didn't poison it. In the meantime, I had gotten out Chansey w/ Gold
Berry and Sneasel. He evolved to Clefable, retreated Rocket's Scyther, and
gusted out Sneasel for a K.O. I sent out Chansey, attaching DC to it, and
failed on Scrunch. He mistakenly Double-Edged me, himself.
He benched Grimer and another Clefairy, and sent out Scyther. I gusted and
Double-Edged Clefairy. I sent out Cleffa and began Eeeeeeeking, and powered
up a Houndoom.  He, however, had energy problems, and I got out Houndoom
with 2 Dark and 2 Fire on it and Crunched the rest of his energyless Poke's.


Round 2: Guy with Dragon Deck

This was my easiest match all day. I went first with my Cleffa and Sneasel
against a lone Base Dratini. I retreated Cleffa, Computer Searched for a
Dark, attached to Sneasel, and Fury Swiped for 20. He attached a Water to
Dratini and Pounded. I Fury Swiped again, doing another 20 for the K.O. He
had no more basics.


Round 3: Guy with Slowking deck

This was my worst match all day. I had nothing but Houndour (uncommon) Fire
Energies, Scoop Up, and Gust of Wind. He had an Electabuzz and Slowpoke. He
got out Slowking on turn 2. I tried to stall by Gusting it out, but Mind
Games stopped it, and Houndour was knocked out by a Thunder punch. If Gust
would have worked, my next card would have been a Cleffa. Oh well...


I could have played more but it was about 6:00, and it was a 3 hour drive
back to Indy, not counting stopping for dinner.

Origins was a blast, and I had a great time meeting new people and playing.
I know I'll be back next year! When I counted wins and losses, my deck went
about 23-3, even though I've never played this type of deck before.(I've
never used Houndoom or Sneasel before, either.) Well, Props and Slops time.

Props to:

My Dad for driving me
Wizards for running Origins
All the free things (about $80 worth!)
All my opponents, they were very courteous
My new deck

Slops to:

All the people bashing Neo 2, saying it's "worthless". I just proved that a
deck that uses Neo 2 as the main Pokés can work just fine, even in Standard.
Maybe next time a set comes out, you should try pulling your head out of
your cloud of ignorance and look at a few new strategies, not just how to
strengthen old ones.

I'm signing off. You can reach me at

Growlithe09 "aka" Andrew Peterson

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..."-Semisonic