Sticky Liquid(Grass)
By Adam "Stegy" Trunzo
Columbus, Ohio
July 7th
 $250 Pokemon Challange
22 Participants

Yay! I get to right another Killer Deck report for the all mighty PoJo! :P
Erm, enough of that, lemme move on. By knowledge of my Origins book, I got to
attend a Pokemon Tournament where the prize was 250 bucks! Of course, after
much consideration, I decided to take my famous--and prized--Dark Muk deck,
known to many as:


3 Fossil Grimer
3 Dark Muk
2 Scyther
2 Chansey
2 Igglybuff
2 Cleffa

4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Energy Removal
3 Item Finder
3 Gold Berry
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Lass
2 Gust of Wind
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Sprout Tower

10 Grass
4 Double Colorless Energy
2 Recycle Energy

Well, from the helpful people on the PoJo message boards, I was able to
upgrade to this version. There was 4 Item Finder and 9 Grass, but I decided
to drop an Item Finder for another Grass, which I should NOT have done, as
you'll find out.

Ok, after an hour drive, we arrived in Columbus, but couldn't find the
Convention center for a couple of minutes. Well, we found it and went
straight to registeration. I got signed up and practically ran to the
tournament area, since I was running a bit late. Well, it turns out that only
17 other people were there, out of 128! Now THAT's weird. =/ After a few
minutes, we had enough people. I got to meet JDub1344 whom I met online, and
he asked to play. Why not?

Practice game vs. Joel(JDub) with ER deck..

Well, I can't really remember much of this match, except he was playing
Fossil Golduck, MP Mewtwo, and ER/SER. We both got off slow, ERing
each-other's Pokemon. I think remember double-edging a Fossil Golduck before
we had to stop and get ready to play.

Ok, I checked my pairings for my first match, and was seated at Table
Four..ew..purty good. :)

First match: Me vs. ...uh, Mr. Natuska(SP?) with Blaine's Rapidash/Electabuzz
(I'm really sorry..I forgot his first name, and I'm not sure on the spelling
on his last. =/)

Ok, more Energy Removal..This game was fuzzy, but it went back and
the end, I decked, and I needed one more prize to win, him 2 with 2 cards
left in his deck. All I needed was a lucky flip vs. a Cleffa, which I never
got. =/ Decking would really hurt me later on..

[funniest game moment: When I asked him to cut my 3 Grass deck.]

Ok, so I'm 0-1...I mean, it's not bad, and 4-1 can make the top 4(not a lot
of people...=/)

Next match: Me vs. uh..Brock's Sandslash
[Ok, I forgot his name too...Sorry. =/]

Ok, I drew Grimer as my only basic, and he mullis, so two more cards. Yay! I
check my hand: Crap, it's all crap. I had like 4 Grass Energies, 2 Doubles,
ER/SER and some other junk. =/ But, I think I went first. Drew: crap.
Attached to Grimer, he has Cleffa active, Neo magmar benched, and a Brock's
50hp Sandshrew benched. I use Nasty Goo: Tails on Baby rule. He goes,
Searches for a Brock's protections, puts it on Sandshrew, attached an energy
to it, passes turn. I draw more crap, attemp to Nasty Goo: Heads, then Tails.
He drews, promotes Sandshrew, evovles, attaches energy, Poison attack: Tails.
Phew..I draw even MORE crap and I can't ER! So I Nasty Goo for stalling:
Heads! Yes! (FYI: Sandslash has a Gold Berry also..] He drews, energies his
Cleffa, passes turn..I drew..Computer Search! I look up at the ceiling and
thank the lord..then I get a few laughs. :) I search for an Oak, use it, Oak
again, get Dark Muk, evolve Grimer, attach, bench Chansey and Cleffa, then
Sludge Punch to kill it. From then on, I had control of the game. :) I took
all 6 prizes.

[Funniest game moment: when I couldn't kill his Cleffa for atleast 6 turns!]

1-1..ok, I'm getting there..

Third match: Me vs. Jennifer with Magmar/Zappy/Scyther/Base Dragonair
[She also knew how to play Magi-Nation..:)]
Ok, this game went back and forth with ER/SERing and a lot of drawing. In the
end, she Oaks with 6 cards left for a NGR, and never gets it. She decks, but
I only needed one more prize, which I was going to get..
[Funniest game moment: ..uh, there wasn't. =/]

2-1! Oh yeah! Just 2 more wins..

Fourth match: Me vs. Seena G with Slowking
[Seena is Seen77 from the boards..he really didn't want to play me]

Well, my deck performed it's highest power in this match. I went first with
Cleffa vs. brock's Mankey and a Cleffa benched. I manage to Lass/Eeeeeeek
first turn and establish game control. I Double Edge a Cleffa, Murkrow, and a
Brock's Mankey with a Sprout Tower in play..I clean up with Dark Muk. He did
manage to get 3 Slowkings in play, but I got BOTH Igglybuffs. :P So he
decked, and I took my last prize at the same time. :)

[Funniest game moment: when he SER'd my Dark Muk and all he had was a
Darkness energy, which he discard.]

Alright! 3-1! Just one more win!

Fifth match: Me vs. older man with Hay

This game went back and forth. In the end, I made a very stupid mistake by
using a Computer Search with a 3 card deck..I was holding a Lass and that
Computer Search would have decked him..I could have Eeeeeeked on my last turn
and decked close! We had a few watchers even, and my opponent
from round 1 pointed out what I could have done..I searched for a NGR, which
I knew was somewhere, and it was my last prize. =/

[Funniest game moment: Well, when I got around Gold Berries..I dunno. =/]

3-2..I think I finished 6th..too bad it wasn't DCI santioned. =/

Well, I left and didn't get home til about 8:00ish..

Props and slops! Why? 'Cuz it's fun! LoL

Props to:

The amazing competition!

My mom for taking me

Dark Muk and Chansey :)

Muk007, Omnislash, FemaleQ and RainMaster44 from the PoJo message boards for
being fantastic Dark Muk players. :) Go Dark Muk!

Slops to:

Seena, for being a sore lozer. =/ He counted my deck after I won. =/

All the Energy Removal! Argh!

The un-orginal decks..=/ Only 4 showed up: Fossil Golduck, Dark Muk, Blaine's
Rapidash and Brock's Sandslash

My name is Adam, and my e-mail is


"You shall feel the Wrath of Frieza!" -Slashtap in an IM.

"..Frieza? Is that some sort of 'Fridge?" -My reply.