KabuCleanerby - Anthony P.
Comic Warehouse,
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
like 38 people.
July 7th 2001

Hi PoJo well....this tourney was ok...the grand prize was a sealed cool porygon card a 30 dollars store credit. Not bad, and if you make it the the 6th round you get 5 dollars store credit.

Well here's my Deck.
Pokémon: 12

2 hitmonchan (base)
2 gligar (neo)
2 erika's dratini
3 Kabutops (neo 2)-this thing will kill anything with three energy.
3 Kabuto

Trainers: 29

3 pluspower
2 challenge!
3 comp search
2 master ball (dunno why this is here :P)
3 mysterious fossil
3 gold berry
2 fossil egg
2 oak
3 bill

energy: 19

16 fighting

ok, heres my report.

by the way this is a double elimination tourney.

Round 1 vs. Shawn and Ayrodactle w/ sneasel
I started with a chan, and he started with a sneasel and an m/fossil
I went first drew attached and jabbed.
Then he went. attached a darkness and fury swipes 2 of 3 head.
I drew a gligar, played him then played a DCE on him then played an m/fossil then jabbed
then he evolved m/fossil into dactle and gust my m/fossil attached and DCE to atcle and retreated sneasel
I coun;d evolve so I was screwed. he kill me with sneasels after.
0 W 1 L

Round 2 vs. some dude with an umbreon deck
I can't remember much but I know I killed him with kabutops.
1 W 1 L

round 3 vs my friend michele
he started with kahn ang me with chan...he didn't draw anything so he went boom in a matter of time.
2 W 1 L

round 4 vs alex
I started with a gligar and chan ang him with 2 mareeps I go first. DCE to gligar for a K.O. then he com searched a clefa and eeeeeeked, he didn't draw a base.
my turn, pluspower and K.O.ed clefa..I almost always get heads on baby check.he sent out marrep and I killed him.
3 W 1 L

round 5 vs. donphan deck
he killed me....I can't member if I decked out or lost...but he kill me with babys and rapid spin...argh...anpying...

Well I was gone from the tourney.well here are the props and slops:
Props to...
kabutops and chan for being good cards,
for PoJo for posting this.

Slops to.....
Matt B. For saying gold berry sucks.
For me not beating donphan....

Well thats all..
e-mail me or IM me
AIM sn: DaEvilZapy
well thats all byby.

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