Metalic flame (fire,grass,metal) 
 Tyler A.K.A T-Bone(I choose not to use my last name)
Hesperia CA.
June 30th
About 25 people joined the tourney

The deck
Metalic flame

1-rockets moltres
1-unown D

3-comp. search
3-scoop up
2-sabrinas gaze
1-gold berry
1 eco gym


The tourny:

Ok this was my first tournyment in a while and i knew like no names sorry
bout that. the tourny was double elimination

Round 1 VS kid with tyranitar deck
This was the first time i used my deck againts anyone but my brother. He
started off with voltorb active and larvitar benched. He went first and
atached a water to larvitar and passed. I started with scyther active and
jiggly benched. i attatched a d.c.e. to scyther and passed. he attatched dark
to larvitar and evolved to pupitar and evolved his voltorb to base electrode
and passed. I evolved scyther to scizor, attatched fire and double clawed
both, both tails. His turn, he used bazzap and attatched two dark to to
pupitar and evolved to tyranitar. he put staru on the bench and used trample,
landed heads on my jiggly and tails on his staru. I draw a e.r. and remove
the electrode and attach d.c.e. to jiggle,double claw for 40. he draws and
attaches water to tyranitar and slams for the kill. I draw and all i have is
a half damadged jiggly and i put him to sleep with it. he wakes up, draws and
kills jiggly with slam. i ran out of basics.
Score 0-1

round 2 VS kid with sneasal deck
This kid was my friend but he wasnt very good. He started with sneasal and
thats it. I got scizor out on turn to and double clawed for sixty and the win
Score 1-1

Round 3 VS Kid with surge deck
It went like this, i got rockets moltres out realy fast and knocked out his
surges voltorb and magnamite and won due to no basics
Score 2-1

Round 4 VS my brother with dark maker
This match went quick. he had scyther and i had magmar, nuff said.
Score 3-1

Round five VS same kid round one
This round was as boring as the first. He got out two fully powered tyrantar
and just blew me away

Final score 3-2

All and all i had a blast. On a diffrent note, i played the kid with the
tyranitar deck after the tourny and totaly killed him :)

To the kid with sneasal deck, good friend
To my neo descovery pack, got holo foretress
To scizor for being so good
To me getting the jumpluff i needed for a new deck that I mad

To the kid with the tyranitar deck, realy cocky
To the packs i got, 4 genisis, I got 1 elekid,1 sneasal, 1time capsule, 1
To me having to ride my bike to league

Thats my tourny report thanks for reading
