KFZ - Kentucy Fried Zapdos aka "Bait"

By: Dawg Noble

Comic Warehouse

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, June 7th, 2001

Roughly 50 participants


This is my last KDR since SalaMander (June 2001)I thought I would counter some of big hitters in this store, Rocket's Zapdos and Sneasel. So I turned a Sneasel/Slowking into "KFZ" (Kentucky Fried Zapdos) aka "Bait"


Pokemon (23)

3 x Sneasel - Big hitter. You need this to win in this

4 x Slowpoke (NEO) - I play NEO for two reasons. Slowking, and and first atack.

4 x Slowking - Like Sneasel you need this to win

3 x Cleffa - Draw Power

2 x Clefairy - Underneith

2 x Clefable - Stops Rocket's Zapdos

3 x Mr. Mime - TecH. I'll tell you why*

1 x Unknown D - Sneasel is heavy at this store.

1 x Unknown N - Chansy and Wiggily is heavy here


Trainers (24)

4 x Comp. Search - A must

3 x Item Finder - Another must

2 x Prof. Oak - Draw Power

2 x Prof. Elm - Draw power. Also saves some cards in your hand

2 x Lass - Alone OK, with Slowking good, with Cleffa, killer!!!

2 x Super Energy Removal - 2 for 1 coupon

2 x Gold Berry - Healing power

2 x G.O.W - For a Bench threat

2 x Switch - Just in case of a Slowking Active

3 x N.G.R - I can deck out easily.


Energies (13)

4 x Recycle - Good. Get it back when, Super, Retreat, KO,

4 x Darkness - Two Words, Beat Up!!!

2 x Rainbow - Back Up

3 x Psychic - Needed More Non-Hurtful Energies.


*Mr.Mime is what the deck is named for. All it is, is Bait. If  it's on the bench early it will trick people playing Rocket's Zapdos into putting many early. But save space for a Poke. Once a lot of Zap's are there, Put down Falbe and burn 'em all away. Anyone some Kentucky Fried Zapdos???


BTW it was a double elimination tourney


Round 1

KFZ -vs- Brock Theme Deck

This was easy eventhought I had a terrible hand. I got out Senasel and two kings early. Eventhough he killed the sneasel i just cleaned up with Fable. I won with ease


Match Hilight: Killed a Brocks Rhyhorn by getting two heads on a metronomed drill takle (Yes Elektroflip)

Match Lowlight: Six tales on a beat up(No Elektroflip)

Card of the game: Fable


Round 2

KFZ -vs- My friend Derek w/ Fable Muk

This match was dirty. And the fact that he knew about Bait was even worse. I was doing OK at first because he wasn't putting down any Zap's. But when he put down Muk I had a bench full of powers so I died. He just used Fable to kill my only Sneasel. I knew I lost so I decked out on purpose. When I lose I have to lose my own way. By decking myself out.


Match Hilight: Derek getting mad seince I decked myself out instead of him winning by prizes.

Match Lowlight: When Muk came out!!!

Card of the game: None


Round 3

KFZ -vs- Easy kid with pitiful deck

I killed him Sneasel on turn two!!! Plus two Slowking !!! that was amazing. He had no chance. it was game on turn 5. He only got 3 basics the whole game


Match Hilight: 150 damage on a base magikarp. Beat Up 3 Dark all heads!!!

Match Lowlight: None

Card of the game: Sneasel

2nd loss-o-meter: 1 (This is where I count out how many people I gave there second loss to.)


Round 4

KFZ -vs- some fighting deck

It started out bad. He killed a cleffa off the bat by jabbing twice. But it didn't matter. I got another one out and eeeeeeeek like crazy. While I was doing this I was charging up Sneasel. He finnally killed my cleffa via Hitmonchan. But I beat up and kill chan.

Next turn attach dark (now thats 3 dark and 1 Rainbow) and kill the other chan. Next turn attach dark and beat up to a Tyrogue. Get heads and the heads. This is where I got cocky. I knew I won ( 2 King, and a Sneasel with 4 dark and a rainbow. It wasn't a Sneasel, it was a tank!!!) so I attach a Recycle and a Gold Berry for some extra flavour. But then he comes out of nowhere with an onix and kills me with rage because He schreeched and I only got one haeds on Beat Up. But then I came out of nowhere with a rainbow attatch to Fable and rage for the win.


Match Hilight: the Tank!!!

Match Lowlight : Neo Onix Killing The tank

Card of the Game The Tank

2nd loss-o-meter: 2


Round 5

KFZ -vs- Weird Sneasel/Murkrow

I had a hard begining because he Mean Looked a Slowpoke first turn. So I was charging up a sneasel And getting out two kings while I was mean looked. So when i was ready I used Switch then evolved into a King and sneaseled it up. Everything was gone 5-6 turns later


Match Hilight: 3 kings at once

Match Lowlight First turn mean look a Slowpoke

Card of the Game: Switch

2nd loss-o-meter: 3


Round 6

KFZ -vs- Revolving Door (Donphan Based) the son's version

This was hard at first but then once I gusted out his Phanpy's and was beating the up he was gone I killed mostly Phanpy's and kangkaskhan's.


Match Hilight: Killing 4 Phanpy's

Match Lowlight: Him Gusting A Slowking to stall twice

Card of the Game: Gust of Wind (Gust Phanpy kill,gust Phanpy kill)

2nd loss-o-meter 4 (tie for personal record)


Round 7

KFZ -vs- Revolving Door... again... the father's version

This was the easyest game ever. Long but easy I killed his only Phanpy with Sneasel. Then when I had 3 dark on Sneasel, his only basic was a Mr.Mime with 20 on it. I had an idea. I retreat to Fable and I put a  Dark on it and pass. He kept on trying to removal my sneasel and I always flipped heads on Slowking. So when the Fable died I had bench space to put down a Slowpoke put a Psychic Energy and Psyshock for the game. Nobody saw it coming.


Match Hilight: Killing Mime out of nowhere with Slowpoke.

Match Lowlight: The Suicide fable

Card of the game: Slowpoke/Dark Energy.

2nd loss-o-meter 5 (new record)


Round 8

KFZ -vs- My friend Steve with Almost original Heymaker

I got killed. He started with Chan Me with Cleffa and Fairys. he was jabbing every thing for kills. I knew I lost because all but 1 sneasel was in the prizes so I got out 4 kings and decked out. I was the one who ended the match, because i knew I lost. I had no way of comming back from all the jabs.


Match Hilight:None

Match Lowlight: All jabs worked for cleffa

Card of the game: Hitmonchan

2nd loss-o-meter: ended at five 5


I ended up at 3rd place getting 6 Base Set 2 packs I didn't want two Discovery.And a promo Pikachu Lv.16. I also got a bunch of dumb pokemon stuff. 3 posters, a doduo, dodrio pack of figures, a Pokemon marble holder with Arcanine on it and a Charizard acton figure where it shoots out plastic fire things.And a big stand that says "60 new pokemon on... "(some date) All for $5



to Pojo for posting this.

to My friends. I lost to them but Derek won and Steve got second

to Sneasel for getting a lot of my wins.

to my Japenese Fables. They look so cool

to my one good prize the giant Neo stand. It looks cool but my friends can't come over again or else they will see it.


to Mr.Mime for not facing one deck with Rocket's Zapdos to use Bait.

to my prizes. I got all these dumb pokemon toys that I'm going to give to my 18 year old sister.


Dawg Noble
