ThE dArK sIdE dark/electric
                        by Brandon Reeves(also known as SS4 Brandon1)
                                        Coral Springs, Florida
                                     Satarday, June 16th, 2001
                                      Roughly 40 total people

ThE dArK sIdE!  It is a trap deck and undeated i use it cause cleffa is less
played cause of umbreon and mukrow.

If this deck goes u have a 90% chance that u will win u trap them on turn one
if u go second u have a 65% chance of winning . After u trap them beatup with
sneasel and crush them with r. zappy.

ThE dArK sIdE

3 zappy
3 sneasel
1 magby[edtid]
2 cleffa

4 oak
3 misty wrath
4 comp
4 item
4 trap
3 rsa
1 lass
2 ior
2 gow
1 ngr
4 +power
2 no removal gym(only because u r usin the trapper combo so they get rid of
there hand for ya
2 gold berry
1 scoop up

4 dark
6 electric
2 metal
2 rainbow

Battle one vs. Jay a dark steel deck
I traped him first turn then brought out sneasael  easly beatup through his

Battle 2 vs Slashtap
This was i bit harder they one the flip lass me then eeeeeeeked i brought up
cleffa eeeeeeeked to after i layed down r. zappy trapped him down to 0 and
got 4 +powers and killed sneasel then he brought up another scyther and ened
his turn i i plasmed for 20. he scooped up scyther brought up sneasel and did
100 i i brought up a senasel oaked cp searched wrath and oaked one more time
to get a full bench with 9 cards left in my dedck i lass my hand ful of
trainers to by some time i killed his sneasel and went through his other

Battle 3vs vs water deck
i won the flip and me zappy him squirtle and bench totidle i oaked *powed and
traped his hand to 2 i killed squirtle with the the +power then he sent up
totidle i oaked then wrayhed for bench and oaked again he scooped totidle up
and sent out chansey i and he ended his turn i gusted out his tootildle and
itemfinder then oaked 2 gte 2 +powers  and killed it. he snet up chnasey and
end ened his turn i attcheed a metal and did ektcoburn for 60 then he had
noting to do iu eltroburned him again for the win.

Battle 4vs fire deck
he won the flip and straed off with f. magmar and did smoke screen then i
traped him down to 0 attched a drak to sneasle benche zappy and zappy and
sneasel i wrent through most of my deck trapping him then i id fury swies
sneasel 2 heads. his turn he poisned sneasel with smog i retraeed to sneasle
then retreated back put a glod berry on senasel and did beat up 80 he sent up
evee evoled to it to flaron i did beatup to knock it out.

5th battle vs slowking my exact copy
Well i won the fliped trapped him got 4  +powers on on zappy and i had 2
cards left in my deck and i did plasma and won

Probs to my deck
probs oto my oppent

no slops