Super Scary Steelix (metal/electric)
Dark Mind (psy/dark)
Dark Muk (grass)
gatr's rage (water)
Dark Raichu's revenge (fighting/fire/electric)
RK9 (fire/psy)
Fossil showdown (fire/fighting/water)
Zap! (psy/electric)
by nimrod dror & eric hadany
eriks house
raanana israel
8 decks, 3 people
decks history:
Super Scary Steelix-
3 onix (neo, screech)
3 steelix (look at the name of the deck for info)
3 buzz (haymaker stuff)
2 tr zapdos (do i really have to explain?!?)
2 igglybuff (slowking & dark plume)
2 cleffa
3 ER
2 swich
3 gusts
3 pc search
2 gold berry
3 plus powers
4 oaks
2 item finders
2 recycle enrgy
4 metal energy
9 lightning energy
one hell of a deck! last couple of city tournys it took 2nd, 3rd & 8th places! by N.D
dark mind-
3# Slowpoke (Neo of course)
3# Slowking (Do I have to explain)
3# Houndour (Dark Type)
2# Houndoom (See Slowking)
3# Sneasel (A psycho killer which will stop at nothing)
3# Scyther (Hay maker material)
2# Igglybuff (As cute as pie)
2# Cleffa (Even cuter)

6# Psychic E
7# Fire E
4# Darkness E
4# Rainbow E
4# DCE

2# Gust of Wind
3# CPU Search
3# Oak
3# ER
3# Gold Berry

another excellent deck by erik hadani

dark raichu's revenge-

another excelent deck by N.D witch is actually made by some Dark Raichu's some chans & some magmars (fossil). it was only beaten by another N.D's deck, Super Scary Steelix. by: N.D

this may sound a bit weird, but we did a deck checking showdown, each used all of his decks, & we did a non friendly playoff.
we construckted a gatr deck for the 8th place to fill the missing place....
anyway, the two main decks that we excpected to see 1st & 2nd were the steelix one & the sneazel one, Super Scary Steelix & Dark Mind, so we seeded the so they will meet only at the finals. the plan was like that:
steelix vs. zap  
RK9 vs. fossil showdown
gatr's rage vs.dark muk
dark mind vs. dark raichu
1st round- steelix vs. zap
the top seeded deck against a simple zap, steelix arrived late, but wasnt needed, tr zapdos & buzzi buzz took over the match & steelix is in the 2nd tound easily
2nd round- RK9 vs.fossil showdown
it seemes like rk9 had a chance at the start, but then kabutops came, with only 1 prize left for the fossil & 3 for the rk9, rk9 had a really nice comeback, they were both down for 1 prize, when omaster came & fossil won (all because of the tyrogs....)
3rd round- gatr vs. dark muk
this round was very important, although we didnt saw that coming, the newest deck, the gatr one, was excellent!
the muks were a problem for the swines & gatrs, but then gatr recoverd & riptied again & again & again, & won.
4rh round- dark mind vs. dark raichu
both decks only losses were against N.D's Super Scary Steelix, so we excpected one hell of a battle! dark raichu never showed up & dark mind, the second seeded deck, had a pretty large advantage.... reminds the roland garros 2001 when capriati kicked hingis...
anyway, we expected a graet comeback fro dark raichu, but it never happend, both slowking & SER were to much for raichu, the seeded deck, won.
it goes like this:
steelix vs. fossil
dark mind vs. gatr
5th round- super scary steelix vs.  fossil showdown
everybody expected to see fossil falling quickly, & so it happend, kabutops stood usless against the 6-2 crush, steelix is in the finals.
6th round- dark mind vs. gart's rage
everybody expected to see gatr fall quickly.
dark mind started of with a slowpoke, when gart started with a totodile & started, toto fury swipd for 20. dark ming has a slowking with his hand, & couldnt evolve it cause it was turn 1, so he attached a psy energy card to slowpoke & psyshocked fot not paralyze. gatr attached a water energy on toto & fury swiped for, heads.. geads... HEADS! amazing win on turn 2!
an un expected final with gatr vs. steelix
7th & last round gatr vs. steelix
one hell of a round!
gatr & steelix fought to the finish when gatr riptied for 200 damge, killing steelix easily, tr zapdos took over & finished gatr, anothe gatr come but with no energy, do tr zappy finished hime & healed himself in the prosses with two gold berries, the a third gatr without energies came & died, 6-4
N.D's props & slops
STEELIX! for being the strongest, quickest & smartest
TR ZAPDOS! for being the second strongest quickest & smartest!
ELECTABUZZ! for being the third.... well, u got the point...
for the third place
for steelix again
for erik to help me build together the gatr deck
for erik for losing in the semis
no slops for a change
Erik's props & slops
sneazel, slowking & murkrow, fot being the best in the good times
Nimrod... argh.....
GATR!!!! What are u thinking?!?!? beating me?!?!?
thats it
hope u enjoyed the longest kdr of all times.
for Erik-