The Strongest Wall ( Dark/steel )
     by Allan Apter
     Itiban Comic Shop
     Curitiba, Brazil
    Saturday, June 16th, 2001
     About 20 participants

3 Slowpoke
3 Slowking
3 Onix
3 Steelix
3 Sneasel
2 Cleffa
4 Steel
4 Double Colorless
4 Rainbow
4 Dark
2 Oak
4 Computer Search
3 Gold Berry
2 Elm
3 Gust
2 No removal gym
3 Switch
3 Item finder
3 Nrg charge
1st round: The strongest wall vs daniel ( dk plume )
Well, he deck was very creative, his idea was to get dk plume as soon as possible, then put
snorlax in the active pokemon, and dk gloom and drowzee (rocket) on the bench. Well, in the first
match i got sneasel, cleffa, and slowpoke. Well, i won the flip. He was with snorlax, in the
active, oddish and drowzee on the bench. Well, my hand was good, i had elm  cpu darkness nrg and
charge. Well, i did cpu, picked onix, put on the bench than tried charge, sucefull, so i elmed.
My hand was good: no removal, steelix, double, metal, darkness, slowpoke and gust. I attached
darkness on sneasel and did 30. He was good too, i dont remember his hand, but was good, he had
cpu and oak. Well, in the 3rd turn he was good, he had many things drowzee, dk gloom and other
drowzee on the bench. His snorlax had G berry. I was good, steelix with 3 metal ( oh thats too
good ), sneasel with 2 darkness, slowking and cleffa. Well this match was very long, his dk gloom
confused me and drowzee sleeped my too many times. With a hard work i won. Well, there's the 2nd
match. This i dont remember, but i lost, my hand was bad, just poke and onix,etc. Well, when we
were in the last match to decide who will win, time over.
This match finished 1-1 =/
2nd round: The strongest wall vs newbie ( grass deck )
Well, this match was too easy. He started w/ pinsir, giovanni's pinsir and clefairy on the bench,
he pumped his pinsir with 4 grass, and i evolved steelix, i had 4 metal on him, my hand was a
paradise for any tcg player. Nuff to say, i won the 1st and the 2nd match.
3rd round: The strongest wall vs mauricio ( magby, chan, gligar and sneasel )
Well, i know him, and i know that he's not a bad player. The first match, i evolved king and
steelix, he sneaked me many times, even with king in play , i'm too bad with flips,i got sneasel,
beat up most of his pokemon, and won the 1st. Well, the 2nd match i had a bad hand, got elm, but
he pumped sneasel too fast and plus power too many times. Well, i wasnt excited with the decisive
match, because i was afraid with the time. I started good, and him too. Well, this match was very
long, well, i was with 4 cards left, and 1 prize, the lucky of steelix helped me. He was with
sneasel with 2 darkness, but he had 10 damage left, and scyther and chan on bench, he retreated,
put scyther, passed, i did 50 on scyther, he put chan, 50 again! what a luck! He passed, i did
tackle, and ko'ed him.
4th round: The strongest wall vs Leon ( sneasel, murkrow, gastly fossil, slowking )
Well, i was afraid, because all deck's that he build are good. But if i win this match, i'll be
the champion. I dont like to play under pressure.
The first match, i couldn't evolve king because he evolved first. This match was a little long,
he was with a very bad hand, me not. I started to build up a steelix on the bench and my little
cleffa just eeeeeeeking me some metal nrg's , after some eeeeeeek's i was ready for action.
2 pumped sneasel's and a steelix with 4 metal and a DCE. He mean looked my cleffa and i couldn't
retreat because of his slowkings. But after i finally retreated, and sneasel's and steelix did
the ''job''. I was very happy with my luck, but i was afraid about this match. I got a bad hand
in the first turn, and his was good. My slowpoke didnt survive from sneasel's anger. =/. Now i
was too nervous. Our hands was not good, not bad. After 2 or 3 turns i got CPU and he got oak i
think. This match being too long. And i couldnt evolve slowking, cause they were the last cards.
I was afraid to lost by decking, so i thing to keep slowpoke and slowking on my hand to do eeeee
eek, but i didnt need, i got a sneasel, did nrg charge, pumped him, and beat up most of his pkmns
so i won!
So, i got one neo 2 booster pick for winning ( japanese ). The 2nd got one Japanese Gym 1 booster
pack, and the 3rd got one Gym challenge.
Here in Brazil the pack's are expansive, about 4 dollars a gym challenge booster, and 8 dollars a
neo 2 pack. I paid 5 reais ( about 2.3 dollars ) to enter in the tourney.
Now the props and slops:
Dad, he leaved me to the store
My card partner, we got one more foil!
Leon, we did a great match.
Me, for winning! And i did a great deck
People from wizards pokegym forum, i saw the wall there ( diferent one )
My new blue shield, i like to play with a new protector
Pojo, i never saw too much good players in the same site, ness, scott, etc.
God, for helping me in some flips
You, for reading

The owner of the store, the prize could be better...
Daniel, he's not fair while he's playing
Mauricio, same as Daniel, and he laught a lot while playing...
Me, for doing stupid mistakes
Devir (devir represents wizards in brazil), your pack's are so expansive!
Dad, he desagree i play pokemon tcg but he's cool
Allan Apter
Questions? Sugestions for the deck? Anything else? e-mail me! No virus!