The No Name Deck
By Zach Schmieder
Toys R Us
Omaha, Nebraska
Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
About 40-50 people

Hey Pojo!!! Well, this is my 2nd killer deck report and this deck won every
battle that i played. Well here it is.

12 pokemon

3 Rockets Zapdos
3 Sneasel
2 Electabuzz
2 Cleffa
1 Ditto
1 Igglybuff

30 Trainers

4 Oak
4 Gold Berry
4 Pluspower
4 Computer Search
3 NRG charge
2 Scoop Up
2 Ecogym
2 Item Finder
1 No removal rym

18 Energy

10 Electric
4 Double Colorless
4 Dark

I don't really remember alot from these battles so bear with me.

Battle 1 NND (no name deck) Vs. Kid with bad wiggly deck

I started with an active R. Zapdos and he with a jiggly. He went first and
put me to sleep. I fliped heads and woke up. I attached a electric and 1
pluspower. I then Comp. searched for another, then used plasma. He used
lullaby again and i woke up again, i then just plasmaed again for the win.

Main Card in this battle: Rockets Zapdos

Battle 2 NND Vs. a typhlosion deck

I started with a sneasel active and a benched Zappy and cleffa, and he with
an active Neo magmar and benched cyndiqual. I won the coin flip and went 1st.
I attached a dark energy and used fury swipes for 30. He attached a fire
energy and passed. I searched for another dark energy, attached it, and then
oaked. I benched another Zappy and Igglybuff. Then used beat up and knocked
him out. He then sent up the cyndiqual and passed cuz he had no fire energy.
I then just knocked him out with sneasel.

Main Card in this battle: Sneasel

Battle 3 NND Vs. Unown Deck

This was toooo easy. I started with R. Zappy and him with a lone unown A. I
had 2 plus power in my hand so i just attached that and plasmaed for the win.

Main Card in this battle: R. Zapdos

Battle 4 NND Vs. Neo water deck

He started with a Mantine active and a wooper benched. Me, a Zappy Active and
Cleffa benched. I had a plus power and some other trainers in my had. I Comp.
searched for another pluspower and knocked out his mantine. He sent out his
wooper and i retreated my zappy for cleffa. I then eeeeeeek-ed for a new
hand. He passed and then i put down a sneasel and a Zappy. I retreated my
cleffa and sent out my sneasel. I attached a dark energy and fury swiped for
30. He passed again cuz he just couldn't get any energy. I attached another
dark and i think you know what happend after that.

Main cards in this battle: Zapdos and Sneasel

Battle 5 NND Vs. a skarmory/zappy/electabuzz deck

This one was a little tough but i pulled thru it. He started with a skarmory
and attached a metal energy. He Steel clawed (i think thats the attack) and
fliped heads for 20. Him and i battled with R. Zappys and more skarmory but
in the end, i ended up beating him.

Main card in this battle: Zapdos

Well, i went undefeated and i think it'll stay that way (hopefully). Now for
props and slops.

To Toys R us for having the leauge
To Rockets Zapdos
To Sneasel
And other stuff

None for now.

If you wanna Email/IM me you can do so at Later.