Mind Games
By Seena Ghaziaskar
Game Trader6/30/01
Cuyahoga Falls,Ohio
Well I'm going to another pokemon tournament. Recently, I got 4 Slowkings and decided to use Mind Games this week.Why?Because at my store,no Neo Discovery is allowed until 7/1 so thos Igglybuffs are banned.Well, here is the list.
4PC Search
3Item Finder
2Gold Berry
3Energy Removal
2Super Energy Removal
2Sprout Tower
1Nightly Garbage Run
2Gust of Wind
1Full Heal
The strategy is to get multiple Slowkings on the bench and Beat-Upwith sneasel.Then the energy denial comes into play.A Lass/Eeeeeeek First turn is pretty nice.Well here are the results
Round1vs. kid with poor rain dance
If you would even call this rain dance,the deck SUCKED(no offense to the kid).He had 4 Stage2 pokemon(water) in his deck.I got 2 quick Slowkings and a fully powered Sneasel and started to Beat-Up his weak pokemon including Horsea,Squirtle,and Misty's Poliwag.1-0,3pts.
Round2 vs. Kid with Dark Muk
I got 2 quick Slowkings and a fully powered Sneasel. He started playing around and doing stupid things.He then gusted out my Slowking!!I was as well running out of cards.When I drew my last card,I lassed two cards back into my deck.I finally got the third energy needed to retreat Slowking.Brought up Sneasel and got enough heads for Beat-Up.His Dark Muk never got set up and he barely attacked.2-0,6pts.
Round3 vs. Jeff with Sneasel/Blaine'sRapidash
He went first and lassed my Oak but I got a PC Search 2 turns later.I get a fully powered Sneasel as well as 1 Slowking on the bench.he doesn't play energy removal so he is in real trouble. I continue to Beat-Up until he runs out of pokemon.3-0,9pts. I'm gauranteed the playoffs now and am the only undefeated person.
Round4 vs. Julius with Slowking
He ran Clefables in his deck. I think he Lassed me early and got some quick Slowkings.I also got 2 Slowkings. The game went slow and when time was called he beat me in prizes 2-1.3-1,9pts.
Semis vs. Jeff with Sneasel/Blaine's Rapidash
I got 3 quick Slowkings and a fully powered Sneasel. I think that you can guess the rest.4-1,12pts
Championship vs. Julius with Slowking
He offered to split prize money, I refused(dohh!!).To be honest, I think my Slowking deck is better than Julius's.I got a really bad hand and no drawing power.He gets a Scyther out and Slashes me to death. I try to play an Oak which is my only chance since I only have a Murkro with 20HP left. He has 3 Slowkings and gets 1 heads.He slashes my Murkrow for the win.Screw you Julius.,Screw You!
I get 6.25 Store Credit.Get 2 Discovery packs and get junk.Rares:Butterfree,Yanma.Traded for some PC Searches
Matt is Cool?
My Deck
My Dad for driving me there
Taco Bell
Julius(I'll get U next week)
My Hands
Slowking:Fun to play with.But not against.
Columbus for not having any stores with DCI tournaments.Peace Out-Seena