Alakazam's Dark Wave (Psychic/Dark/Colorless)
By Viper XIV
Space Coast Games
Melbourne, Florida
6 Participants

3 Alakazam
3 Kadabra
3 Abra
3 Chansey
3 Sneasel
3 Wigglytuff
3 Jigglypuff

2 Recycle
3 Dark
19 Psy

3 Scoop Up
2 Gold Berry
1 CPU Search
1 Itemfinder
1 Ecogym
1 poke center
2 Energy Charge

Wiith this deck I try to get Sneasel and/or Wigglytuff  out with one or the
other on my bench.  also have 1 Alakazam and the rest Chansey.  Well, you get
the picture.

Round 1  Me vs. Girl with ??? deck
      This was a wierd tournemnt, baecause you could come back after you got
beat in the first Round.  Ok, i started out with a Chansey(ugh), and a
horrible hand.  I don't remember much, but I got out Wiggly, and drew 3
prizes with him. Then he got K.O.ed.  I had a Sneasel ready, and with 2
carddss left in my deck and 4 ppl on my bech I flipped tails, tails, tails,
tails, and heads, doing forty for the kill on her Wiggly.

      I got out a quick Sneasel in this one and she only had 3 basics.  I
won around turn 10 or 11.

Round 2
      Since there were six ppl, I was luckly and got to sit out in the
round. =)  

Round 3  Me vs. Ryan With a Alakazam/R. Mewtwo/Wiggly/Scyther deck.
      Ryan had the same strategy as me, but with biffert pokemon.  The First
game was about 30 min.  I got the first prize, but then he got 3 in a row
without me getting any.  We both had Alakazam's out with Chansey's on our
bench.  I had 2 prizes left and he still had 3.  If was my Sneasel, vs. His
Wiggly.  He had no energy, but he kewpt lullabying me, but I finnaly woke up.
 It took 2 turns to kill his Wiggly.  The he sent out Scyther.  I Beat him up
for the win.

      This game was quicker, but we were the only 2 playing, everyone else
was done.  I got out a quick Alakazam, and a Sneasel out.  I Beat Up for the
win again.  

Round 4(final Round)  Me Vs. Eddy Tyrantier Deck
      This guy was the best there.  He was 6-1 because he had to play in the
second round, and his first game was 3 games long.  I didn't want to  face
him either.  I got Jiggly out first with a 2 nrg in my hand, and a Wiggly.  
He had Cleffa.  I got a DCE on my second turn and attached it to Jiggly and
evoled into Wiggly.  I couldn't attack cause I flipped tails.  Finally I
flipped heads, and did the Wave for 30.  Then I killed 3 more pokemon, but
then another Cleffa came up.  I flipped tails a recond of 7 TIMES IN A ROW.  
No lie.  By then he had a Tyranteir and destroyed me with trample and 3 Dark
nrg's.  I stood no chance after that.  

      This game was short.  I quickly got out Sneasel with 2 dark nrg's, and
a Alakazam fully charged with 2 chansey's on my bench.  His Clefa got killed,
but he already had A pupitar and quickly evovled.  He attached a dark nrg and
Slamed, for 0 damage. I beat up doing only forty.  He attached another Dark
nrg, and placed a gold berry.  He killed Sneasel, and killed 1 of my
chansey's.  He did no Damege to his bech cause he had Unown D out.  I sent
out Alokazam, and Failed to confuse him 3 times.  I could do nothing, and
lost, getting Second Place.  

      Well, I get to go back for free next time, so it wasn't a toal waste
of 4 bux.  Time for Props and Slops.

Props to:
-The owner for letting you play the video games for free while you waited for
the tourney to begin.  
-The owner again for give us free soda.
- The unkown girl for not crying when she lost.
- The owner once again for a T.V. and having the Simpsons on.  
- Everyone there in the tourny and not in it, for being funny.
- The owner agian for having First edition Neo 2 packs for 4 bux.

Slops to:
-Eddy for not trading me his Dark energy.
-Eddy again for winning. (he always does)
-Eddy once more for buying all the Shining Mews.
-Ryan and his Bro for saying they won't bring me again. =)
-The fat guy there, he took up to much space.  
-Ryan's Bro for whining when he was eliminated in the second round.