This deck is called the "pychic assassination"
Name: Jacob Folkoff
Place: Singapore
Time: 4th December
Participants: 15
Hi pojo. ( or Scott ( my brother said this is the correct spelling i hope ) if your reading this ) This is another deck report i'm sending though u might put it in the next month deck report.
This tourney is special cause only the top 15 players are allowed to take part in this huge tourney in this shopping mall Takashimya.
we were all grouped in groups of 3's . I was in group 4. Well i better stop blabbering and get on to my deck. If u wanna copy my deck please do so.
4 promo mewtwo
4 rocket mewtwo
4 ditto
3 chansey
16 pychic energy
4 colorless energy
3 oak
3 bill
3 plus power
3 potion
2 gust
3 removal
3 super energy removal
3 nightly garbage run
2 comp search
The strategy to my deck is to get chansey or ditto to stall or kill while I charge hard hitters like rocket mewtwo or promo mewtwo. This is like anyother sponge or haymaker but has rocket mewtwo to destroy them all. Ha ha ha ha ha. Lets not get too drastick and get on with the report.
Round1 me vs chou soon with fighting deck( rank 11th )
YES! but wait calm down. these guys are good. ok i start with 2 promo mewtwo and rocket with oak and energies. He had a hitmonchan and machop. I do the usual stuff like charging guys with promo in front. Then i was down to my last prize. I retreated and sent out rocket mewtwo to kill his machamp. Game over.
W-1 L-0
Round2 me vs mike with electric deck
This was fast. He only had an electabuzz while i had a ditto. i attached a colorless and for a plus then oaked for another. I then comp. search again for another for the first turn kill. I flipped, heads I WIN!
W-2 L-0
Round3 Quater Finals me vs tom with haymaker.
I knew i was gonna lose. He was one of the best out there.
I'll make along story short. He went first and in less than 10 minutes killed 3 of my pokemon. I guess I would have to settle for 3rd or 4th.
W-2 L-0
Round4 Finals me vs greg with raindance deck
Lets go. He went and had 3 squirtles adn a magikarp. I had chansey, ditto and rocket mewtwo. I don't think he had any energies cause the first few turns he did not add any to his pokemon. Let me make this nice and clear to team rocket. Rocket mewtwo is the best creation yet. Thanks. Anyway he had a full bench with no energies while i had.... drums roll...... 2 fully powered rocket mewtwo. After that it was chicken **** . I wiped them out. Thanks. I got third.
Props and slops
Props to pojo for this cool website
Props for getting 3rd
No slops.
And Scott if ur reading this i would like to ask if i could not be a deck mechanic but to help out the deck mechanics. I know u don;t need anymore but could i help out? i figured since they are getting so many decks they might need a helping hand once in a while? Anyway cya and happy battling
E-mail me at
Thanks, Jacob Folkoff