In a message dated 12/04/2000 1:17:03 AM Central Standard Time, A1BUSTER007

festival market place mall
December 3
16 people were there

Hey pojo this was a pretty good tournament all in all I finished 4 anay way
my deck is like the sonic shadows by hawk but I made a little changes to
here it is sonicburn.

4 sabrina's venonat
3 sabrina's venomoth
2 scyther
2 chansey
3 movie promo mewtwo

4 bill
3 professor oak
3 computer search
2 item finder
3 gust of wind
4 energy removal
4 super energy removal
3 rocket's sneak attack
3 nightly garbage run

5 grass
8 psychic
4 double colorless

match one me Vs Mike
he was playing a turbo wiggly i made him before the tourney.this was a very
long match 22 minutes so i'm going to make this a long story the
beginning i had venonat and mewtwo he had ditto scyther and jiggly i kept
energy removaling him and he did the same to me mid game i got out venomoth
and chansey a very mean combo i saved my supers for when he got his tuff
out i got him confused and he was energy less the whole time by then i
whipped out chansey and double edged him and the i retreated and healing
pollen and got my chansey down to 20 damage and then brought out chansey
and got 2 more kills and that one the game he drew one prize i drew 3 he
had no benched pokemon.

match 2 me Vs girl forgot her name
i started with a venonat and scyther she had fossil gastly squirtle and
articuno.i won the flip i drew i attach a grass energy to scyther and sword
dance she energy removaled me and lick with heads.i draw i bill i attach a
psychic energy to venonat and evolve to venomoth and computer search for an
oak i energy removal her gastly and retreat scyther and sonic distortion
with confuse.she draws and attaches to squirtle and breeder blastoise flips
heads and retreats her gastly and oaks then she puts more energy on
blastoise and evolves to haunter fossil and knocks out my venomoth.i bring
up scyther and draw attach and super energy removal blastoise then i put
down chansey and said go.she drew put more energy on blastoise and knocked
out scyther because she had licked me befor.i bring up chansey and draw i
put down venonat and attached and psychic to him and said go.she drew and
gust of winded venonat and he was knocked out.i had ! ! nothing the rest of the
game but a chansey and she knocked it out in two turns.

match 3 me Vs Mike again
this match was over in two turns he had jiggly Vs my scyther i went first
nuff said.

match 4 me Vs guy forgot his name
he was playing fire but all he got out was two blain's charmander and a
blain's rapidash witch was energyless the whole game i got his charmander
confused and knocked it out with mewtwo and did the same to the other
charmander and rapidash..

match 5 me Vs the girl i played before for third place finals
this match was very long and we both wanted to win this might have been my
best match of all the start i had venomoth she had haunter and
articuno i kept energy removaling her but i did me no good do to haunter's
pokemon mid game she had got a blastoise i that i confused and
knocked out with the end i had two prizes left and she had three
i decked because of being energy less.

props and slops
props to
chris and paul for buying me lunch
my opponents for being good sports
paul's dad for taking me
no slops it was a good day

well thats the end of my report what did you think e-mail comments to