Burning Rubber
by Juan Paredes
MVP Sports
Las Vegas, Nevada
Saturday, December 2, 2000
Exactly 20 particapants

I'm Juan...This is my second time writing a KDR, this time not at Zany
Brainy,but at a tourney at MVP sports.It was the most unexpected, wildest
tourney I have ever been to.Well,once again my sister,her friend, and my
other friend,Justin went to the torney.Like in my other KDR, my sister and
her friend were just there for pretty much no reason.By the way, if you
did'nt know which KDR I wrote, it's Absorbant Bubble Gum deck from
september.My deck mainly relies on quick knockouts with Ditto , Buzz, and
Wiggly.By the way, you get eliminated when you lose twice.The time limit is
20 minutes.

Well heres my deck:

Burning Rubber
3 Jiggly jungle ( the beginning of a hella broken card)
3 Wiggly (one the most broken cards ever)
3 Ditto fossil ( my fave basic Pokemon...Mimicry, nuff said)
3 Base Electabuzz ( Thunderpunch is simpily too good)
2 Jungle Scyther(just serves for starting punching bag, then you scoop up or
1 Erika's Dratini (a great staller)


5 Grass (just in case...)
8 Electric (for buzz, of course)
4 DCE (for quick knockouts with Wiggly an Ditto)
2 Full Heal Energy ( I HATE paralysis!!!)


1 Energy Retrieval (get those lost energy back!)
1 Rockets Trap (For backup)
1 Nightly Garbage Run (Return those lost cards and gives you a little more
2 Bill ( card advantage, nuff said)
2 Scoop Up (get back the scyther and erikas dratini!)
3 No Removal Gym (gets rid of pesky narrow gym and no removals!)
3 Gust O Win (DIE MEWTWO,DIE!!!
3 Rockets Sneak Attack (screws opponents strategy)
3 Oak (see bill)
3 Comp. Search (this card wins games)
4 Plus Power (see comp search)

Now first lets see the people that particpated!

Mike C.
John A
Juan (me!)
Justin P (my homie)
Jesus (the last tourney champion)
Jordan (Derek's little bro)
Brentin (my best friend at the league and a hell of a good player!)

Now onto the matches!

Round 1
Me versus Albert with a psychic wiggly deck

This guy is tough, but I had the clean advantage with Psy pokes and all.We
started slow.I played No Removal Gym early.I picked up speed with oak
first.Then I just gusted his Mew2 and killed it with Ditto.The game pretty
much went this way for a while.I killed his WIggly after a while and
afterward he had 2 badly hurt Scythers.I killed em in 2 turns.He
congratulated me and told me good luck.He also said he hopes I win the
tourney so he coul be beaten by the best...  d:-|)


Star pokemon: Wiggly & Ditto

The results with the other matches:

Nichole defeated Derek
Paul defeated Mike C
Mark beat John A
Adam beat Nathan
Juan (me) beat Albert
Robert beat Richard
Thisoo beat Matt
Jesus beat Justin (tough luck, justin!!!)
Joseph beat Tim
Brentin beat Jordan

Now I have to fight Robert!

Round 2
Me versus Robert with a Electabuzz and Hitmonchan Hay

The match started with a bang.I oaked early to get my No Removal Gym (NRG).He
started burning his deck.His chans were killing my buzzes as he Oaked once
and billed about 3 times!Then i stalled with Dratini.When my dratini was
slimmed to 10 HP left, I scooped him up, sent scy, and retreated back to
dratini.His Chan finally killed Drat, and I sent Wiggly for a risk.I did da
wave w/ a pluspower to kill the Chan.With a little bit of cards and 3 prizes.
He sent a another full pumped chan and killed Wiggly.I stalled away with my
Scy.Then he smiled.He retreated to Buzz and started thunder punch.I kept
retreating back and fourth.When he drew his last card, he sluumped back in
his chair,as if waiting 4 something.I told him to make up his mind and get it
over with , but he said no.He explained to me that he would win because he's
waiting for time to be called and he would be leading in prizes 2 prizes
(robert) and 5 prizes left (me).I called over the owner and he said it's not
fair and theres no fun in that.Then he couldnt really do anything and
passed.I took my turn and I won because he decked out!I only had about 3
cards left!

Winner: Me


Star Pokemon: Dratini

What happened in the 2nd round:

Paul beat Nichole
Adam beat Mark
Juan (me) beat Robert (hell yeah!)
Jesus beat Thisoo
Brentin beat Joseph (uh-oh....is this an early sign of a winning streak?hint
Justin defeated and eliminated Richard from the tourney (good job homie!!!)
John defeated and eliminated Matt (c ya matt!)
Albert beat Mike (good job albert!)
Derek beat and eliminated Tim
Jordan beat and eliminated Nathan
Thisoo beat and eliminated Joseph

Between Matches: I found out my next oponent is Jesus and he has a good
Rocket and Base Zapdos Deck (if you forgot, Jesus was the last Champion and I
got freaked out)

Round 3!

Me versus Jesus with devastating Rocket and Base Zapdos deck

He seemed happy with his hand,but he had a lone R zapdos.I had a Ditto active
and Jiggly,Gust,Wiggly,another Ditto,Buzz,a L energy in my hand and bench. He
plasma-ed.We kept doing it back and fourth,but i killed it after a few turns
w/ a pluspower.But by then he oaked and brought up another R. Zapdos.He
placed down a Base Zapdos.He killed my ditto with plasma.I brought up an
electabuzz.I attached DCE to Ditto.I thunder punched with tails.He attached L
energy to Base Dos' and plasma-ed.I drew a Scy.I Thunder Punch 4 the heads.He
brought up his only Base Dos.He drew a card.He attached a 2nd L energy to his
dos.He used Rockets Experiment.I parayed for tails....He
flipped...TAILS!!!YES!!Now I need a DCE....I drew....OAK!!!OAK!!!I oaked and
prayed for dce or comp search.I hoped....DCE!I attached DCE to ditto and
retreated and killed DOS with his own move, Thunder Bolt!

Star Cards:Ditto and Buzz

This is what happened in the 3rd Round!

Adam Beat Paul
I beat Jesus
Brentin got 2 byes and is awaiting for either Adam or Me (whoever wins..)
Justin eliminated John (good job Justin!)
Albert eliminated Derek
Jordan Eliminated Thisoo
Robert Eliminated Nichole
Mark is off the bracket!(i think he went home early)

Round 4!

Me versus Adam Clefable,Hitmonlee and WIggly deck
( who ever wins is the only undefeated person so far besides Brentin and will
have to battle him!)

This match is really blurry.He kept stalling and making me re-do flips which
was funny.I kept flipping off the table for some reason.I cleaned up his
hitmonlees with Wiggly(after stalling with Scy).Then I killed his 40Hp-Tail
Flipping Kogas Ditto.He brought up the 1 energy wiggly.He lullabyed.(by the
way,the owners wife was watching).I flipped tails.Not knowing it was
tails,Adam told me to flip again.I said sure and flipped heads.The owners
wife (Joyce) burst out laughing.He realized his mistake.He got embarrassed.I
killed his wiggly with 2 PPowers.He brought up his last Hitmonleee with 1
Fighting Energy.He drew and attached fighting to Lee.Then he stopped.He
begged for about 5 minutes to get back the fighting energy.Afterward,He
bribed me with an opened booster with Lt Surges Jolteon in it!I refused.The
next Turn I waved for the game.
What happened in 4th round:

i beat adam
Brentins waiting for me in the undefeated match
Albert eliminated Justin (sorry,dude!)
Jesus Eliminated Robert
Jordan got a Bye (it think)

Round 5
Me VS Brentin with a Super Sponge Deck

This match was big.I burned my deck for most of the cards I needed.He
overcame.He used narrow gym to weaken wiggly and removal my Pokemon to
death.I lost with 3 prizes left.

What happened during round 5
Jordon eliminated Paul
Adam Eliminated Jesus (he metronomed his lone R.Zapdos!)
The Final Five:

Now I have to fight Adam!


Me VS Adam with Hitmonlee,Clefable,Wiggly Deck

I was in for shocking matchup.I start oaking fast,trying to get the cards I
needed.He was pumping up Lee and Jiggly with ease.Then my hopes sank.All I
had were a bunch of Buzz and Jiggly,then he placed..... ::dramatic music:: a
rockets chan!Uh-Oh!I burned my decks some more trying to get cards.I just
stuck with buzz as he kept cross countering.Then I retreated Ditto and Magnum
Punched with the PPower and the KO.He flipped heads on crosscounter to kill
ditto.He Nightly garbage runned and got back the chan and some other stuff.He
billed and found that stupid chan.He brought up Lee as I brought up Wiggly.He
attached fighting to chan and passed.I drew......Gust of WIND!!!Gusted the
chan and killed it.It all went downhill from their as I killed his Pokémon
with ease.

Star Pokemon:Ditto and Wiggly

Jordan Eliminated Robert
I eliminated Adam (whoo-hoo!)
Brentin awaits the winner of the semi finals


Me VS Jordan with Dodrio Haymaker

This match was quick.Very Quick.After Jordan mulliganing 4 times,he was stuck
with doduo.I won the flip.I had a lone ditto active.I computer searched for
Buzz and put him on the bench.Attched L energy to buzz and passed.He drew a
card.Freaked out.He was still stuck with doduo and nothing else!He fury
attacked with 2 tails.I attached energy to buzz,retreated and T-Punched 4 the
game.IM IN THE FINALS!!!!!!!!


Im in the finals against my best friend at the  league...BRENTIN!


Me vs brentin with the super sponge

Now this is it.How ironic is this?Now this seems impossible.I have to beat
him twice,but he only has to beat me once since i already lost to him
earlier.I cant even beat him once!Anyway,I started with 2 Ditto.I went
first.He had an active R.Zapdos, another R. Zapdos,and Mewtwo on bench.I
quickly Rockets Trapped.Heads!He smiles.he says he can deal with his two
cards.I attached energy and plasma-ed.His turn.He narrow gymed and oaked.Oh
man.My hopes are sinking now.He energy removaled and plasma-ed.I found Comp
Search.I searched for oak.I oaked quickly.I placed No Removal Gym.Put down
Jiggly and Buzz.I attached DCE and plasma-ed.He didnt do much.Every body from
the torney and the owners of the store were watching the match.It was really
quiet.Then,my sister's stupid friend (RJ,nickname that means Retarded
Jenny),was all saying Pokemon with Metaphors and kept saying gotta catch em
all and wouldnt shut up.I broke the silence by telling RJ to shut the hell
up.People laughed.Then it got quiet again.I started laughing.He plasma-ed.I
RSA'ed his GUst.I worked quickly.We were eventually in prizes 3-3.This match
was good.My Wiggly was out and pumped.I just killed Mewtwo with Ditto for the

Now, we're even.Whoever wins,is the tournament champ!

The REAL Finals

Me VS Brentin Super Sponge
Here we go.The match went off.It went fast.I had Scy active and Jiggly and
Ditto on bench.Once again he had rocket's zap active and Mew2 benched.He goes
first.He plasmas.I attached Dce to jiggly and oaked.I played no removal
gym,put down 2 buzzes.I pass.He narrow gyms and plasmas.I draw.I comp search
for No removal gym,evolve wiggly and pass.He plasmas.I retreat to
Wiggly,attach,and wave for 50.He elctroburns.I Wave.KO.He sends out the lone
mewtwo.He energy aborbs.I draw.OAK!I find energy and another scy...and I find
COMPUTER SEARCH!Now this is for the game...I computer search...hoping for a
Plus Power...I find it!!! I attach and wave for the win!!!

Winner and the new champion:ME!!!

I was awarded a Plaque,2 gym 2 boosters,1 gym 1 booster,2 topps boosters,2
rocket boosters,1 japenese rocket booster,1 rocket deck holder,a rocket
folder,pokemon vitamins ::lol::,a pokemon league gym leader t shirt,Cool
Porygon,the team rocket top deck mag with a fossil booster, and....A JUMBO
CHARIZARD!!!HELL YEAH!They took my picture and they're gonna make a card out
of me!They called it Juan's Search (since my favorite trainer is computer
search, and my favorite Pokemon,Ditto.

Props and Slops:

Props to:Me for winning a great and unexpected tourney
Props to :Brentin for being a very tuff opponent
Props to:Albert,for cheering me on
Props to:The Jamba Juice Smoothie Shop, for a great,nutritous,refreshing
smoothie!(this is not an advertisemeant)  d:-|)
Props to the prizes
Props to my holo Mistys Golduck,Dark Blastoise Holo,Giovanni's Gyarados, and
Japenese Dark Dragonite I got in my packs
Props to Pojo
Props to my deck,of course!
Props to you for reading ( i was typing for 4 hours...ouch)

Slops to RJ for being her typical RJ self
slops to sabrina's veno moth (i have too many)
slops to Prop 15-3

Thanks For Reading!!!  d:-|)---|--|:

Juan Paredes
