Hey, everyone! My name's Drew. I'm from Greenfield, Indiana. This is my deck.
Hope you enjoy!

2 Base Alakazam (Damage swap, duh!!)
1 Dark Alakazam (For those annoying normal types)
2 Base Kadabra (Hmm... super psy. Niiiiice)
2 Dark Kadabra (Also for the normal types. Plus, where does                   
   Dark Alakazam come from?)
1 Promo Sabrina's Abra (Synchronize. Nice. 40 HP. Nice for
   Abra. 0 retreat. Awesome!)
2 Sabrina's Abra (Not a bad Abra)
2 Rocket Abra (Also not bad)
4 Promo Movie/Video Mewtwo (Take your best guess)
2 Mr. Mime (Invisible wall and meditate. Cool. Now if I could just
   do something about that HP...)
4 Scyther (If you don't know why, you've got problems)
2 Koga's Ditto (Giant growth. Awesome)
1 Blaine's Kangaskhan (One-two punch. Also awesome)
4 Energy Removal
3 Potion
3 Gust Of Wind
2 Energy Search
13 Psychic Energy    
6 Grass Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

Well, I went to a tournament and won 1st place! the details are a
little fuzzy because this was 2 days ago, but this is what I remember:
                                          ROUND 1
      I went up against a guy with a deck similar to mine. He had Abra,
Kadabra, Alakazam, and Promo Mewtwo. We started out both with a Promo Mewtwo.
Fortunately, I won the flip. I drew a Scyther and put it on my bench. Charged
up Mewtwo with a psy. energy, and used energy absorption. He did the same on
his turn, except he didn't have a Scyther (he he he) I drew an energy
removal, used it, played a psy energy, and won the only prize needed (he had
no more basics). 1- 0
                                                ROUND 2
      This one is one of the fuzzy ones. All I remeber was knocking out a
Hitmoncan w/ my Scyther, a Machop w/ Scyther again, and a Hitmonlee w/
Mewtwo. 2- 0
                                                ROUND 3
      This person had a water deck. I started out with a Promo Sabrina's
Abra, a Koga's Ditto, and a Scyther. I put out the Abra. He easily K.O.'ed a
Horsea, but was K.O.'ed himself by another. This was when Ditto came out. I
used giant growth, got a heads, which raised his HP from 40 to 80 and made
his pound do 30 damage instead of 10. I then K.O.'ed a Horsea, a Goldeen, and
a Starmie. Not very hard.
                                          ROUND 4=FINAL
      This one was hard. The person had a ghost deck (Ghastly, Haunter,
Gengar, Zubat, Golbat) He easily knopcked out an Abra, then another. I hate
Gastly! Then I got Mewtwo. Big trouble. I knocked out his Ghastly, a Zubat,
and a Haunter. He knocked out my Mewtwo. It was down to a one on one. I
brought out a Scyther, and luckily, all he had was a Ghastly. I knocked him
out and got my last prize.
      All I won was a Gym Leader 2 1st edition booster pack, and got a
Koga's Beedrill. The way I get battle experience is playing my friends. One
of my friends quit playing because I beat him a million times (not really)
and he, literally, never won. Another friend has changed his deck a bunch to
try to match mine. This guy has EVERY jungle, EVERY base, and EVERY fossil.
My last friend is pretty good. he beats me 2- 5 times. His electric deck is
awesome. I also get experience from the PTCG for Gameboy and PC. Well, you
can e-mail me at: