                     approx:16 people
                     Toy's R Us

Ok,i'm at the poke'mon league that i always play at.I
usually play a differnt deck every week.Amyway,this
report is about as usual as it gets.

"Two-Bit's Poppurri"

8 poke'mon

3 buzz
2 mp mewtwo
2 scyther
1 rocket's scyther

32 trainers

3 challenge!
4 oak
4 serch
4 item finder
4 ER
4 +power
3 scoop up

20 energy

4 lighting energy
4 psychic eneergy
4 grass energy

I wanted 2 use something new,so i built a poppurri,not
like it's new,but i've never played one.I forgot half
of it,so bare with me here.

Round:vs. Shawn wit' Haymaker
    Deck look:Shawn used 2 play a very good stall deck
with 4 team rocket's mew2,but he switched over to
haymaker.I dunno why.It has
dittos,scythers,magmars,and buzzs.
     I think i lost the flip on this one.I started
with a buzz and benched a mew2.he started with a
scyther active,and a magmar benched.He drew a
card,threw down a buzz,retreated 2 it,put a lighting
energy on it and tundershocked for a heads.To make a
long stroy short,i got out challenge,he accepted,i got
out mew2 and ko'd 2 of his poke'mon.The he got out
magmar and smoged for heads.I scoop'd mew2,sent out
buzz,and killed magmar with 2 tunderpunches,both were
     Then we counted our decks.He had 12 cards
left,and i had 16.Well,i stalled with scoops and
tundershockes,untill he said "If i was to do something
honorable,it would be to ko all your pokoe'mon.(which
he didn't have the energy)But i'm not all that
honorable",so he oak'd.But he only had 1 card left,he
energy removaled my buzz,and pass'd.I drew and passed
and won!

round 2:vs.Jared with celfable (i think)
    deck look:Ok,he has a very good celfable deck.I'mk
not a critic,but i don't think lightning and celfable
are the best combo,since they both could die 5 times
before they hit the ground by a hitmonchan.But instead
of buzz's and celfables,he has rocket's zapdos and
     I REALLY forgot how this game started,but i know
how it ended.He serch'd away his hand for a +power to
ko one of my poke'mon with a celfable.I sent out
scyther,and i energy removal'd his celfable and swords
dance.He drew,threw a DCE on clefable and swords
dance.I drew,ser'd his celfable.Everone started to
laugh at me,but i didn't think he could draw anymore
energy,considering he didn't have a hand.I threw a dce
on scyther and slashed for 60.He drew,and passed.He
showed me his hand,which was a +power,and he said he
was going to ko my scyther on a second turn.Anyway,i
slash'd away his celfable and his scyther and i won.

round 3:vs. Ryan with Sabrina's alakzam and sabrina's
    Deck look:Ok,i think his deck sucks,becaouse it
foucused on poke'mon instead of card drawing.But
that's my opinion.
   Basicaly,i got out rocket's scyther,which tore up
almost everything on his table.He sent up sabrina's
abra and pass'd.I sent out mew2 and psyburned his abra
for the win.

It went on like this for the rest of the day.I now
know that poppurri is a very leathel deck.More
leathel,i bet,if i used lt.suge's buzz

propz and slopz

propz 2:
my deck
Jared for being 1 helluffa player
scott gerthard for making a great and fun arctype

slopz 2:
Toy's r us for not having any packs (ever)
will for not battling me for 2 weeks
hockey practice.I got a game next week at 5:00 in THE

e-mail me at