Deck:  Misty's Tears (Water, Colorless)
                          By:  Chris Howard
               Number of people at tournament:  36 (approx)
                 Location of tourney:  Charleston, SC
                   Date of tourney:  January 4, 2001

     Hello, everyone!  Just yesterday, my league had a special tourney to
celebrate the arrival of the new neo promos and that it was our first
session of the new season!!! (I feel sorry for all of you people that have
to wait to begin your season and I'm not being sarcastic!  We went through
the same thing last year)  Oh well.  Time to get to the deck listing! 

Misty's Tears

Pokemon: 19

4x Squirtle (TR)
4x Blastoise
3x Misty's Magikarp
2x Misty's Gyarados
2x Lapras
2x Wooper
2x Articuno

Energy:  17

17x Water Energy

Trainers:  22

4x Bill
4x Computer Search
4x Item Finder
4x Pokemon Breeder
3x Professor Oak
3x PlusPower

Stadiums:  2

2x Ecogym

Now, it's time to get onto the match replay.  (This time I exactly wrote
down the results of each match)

Match One:  Me vs Brad Johnson (Electro-cleaner)

I lost the coin flip and got the following in my hand:  Squirtle, pokemon
breeder, 2x bill, water energy, lapras, and Misty's Gyarados. I start Lapras
and bench Squirtle.  He starts an alone Electabuzz (ugh).  He draws and
passes his turn.  I draw an Ecogym, place it down, use my bills and get 3x
water energies and a computer search, drop a water energy on Lapras, and
water gun for 10.  He draws, places a Growlithe on the bench, drops a fire
energy on Growlithe, and passes his turn.  I draw a Blastoise, breed to
blastoise, drop two water energies on Lapras, and water gun for 30.  He
draws, drops a DCE on Growlithe, evolves into Arcanine, and passes his turn.
  I draw a Wooper, computer search and discard Wooper and my last water
energy to go get an oak.  I then Oak and get the following:  4x water
energy, Misty's Magikarp, item finder, and another Oak.  I place Misty's
Magikarp on the bench, drop four water energies on Misty's Magikarp, and
water gun for 30 and it knocks out Electabuzz.  I get a Bill as a prize.  He
sends out Arcanine, draws, places a Rocket's Zapdos on bench, attaches
another fire energy on Arcanine, used four bills (i think he needs to
shuffle), and knocked out my Lapras with takedown and draws his prize.  I
send out Misty's Magikarp (don't think im stupid, i got a combo coming).  I
draw a water energy, use my bill and got Articuno and Blastoise, place down
Articuno and drop a water energy on Articuno, Oak away my hand and get 2x
Squirtle, Computer Search, Misty's Gyarados (hahahaha), and 3x water
energies.  I evolve to Misty's Gyarados, drop 3 more water energies on
Articuno, and use Tidal Wave with 2 heads for Rebellion and knock out
Arcanine.  (I get another Ecogym as a prize)  He sends out Electabuzz,
draws, and just passes his turn.  I draw a PlusPower, and Tidal Wave with
one heads and one tails.  I won the match!!!

Record: 1-0
Place in tourney:  Tied 1st with 18 other kids

Match Two:  Me vs Anthony Rentz (Haymaker)

This was a breeze!!!  I get the perfect hand:  Squirtle, Bill, Oak,
Articuno, breeder, Blastoise, and an Ecogym.  You're thinking that I must be
crazy to think that a perfect hand would have no energies, but I have a Bill
and an Oak!!!  I start Squirtle (trust me I'm brave and I think into the
future instead of the small picture happening right now.  This game is like
Chess)  and bench Articuno.  I win the coin flip and draw a water energy. 
(He has two Scythers, and an Hitmonchan out)  He makes the fatal mistake of
starting the Hitmonchan.  I drop a water energy on Squirtle, use Bill and
get two more of those beautiful water energies, and pass my turn.  He draws,
drops a lightning energy on Hitmonchan, and passes his turn.  I draw an Item
Finder, breed to Blastoise, drop two energies on Blastoise, place Ecogym
(forgot about it), and Oak away and get 2x Computer Search, 2x Water Energy,
2x Bill, and a Pluspower.  I drop two more water energies on Blastoise, use
both Bills and get two Oaks, Misty's Gyarados, and another Ecogym.
I use one Computer Search to get rid of one Oak and my extra Ecogym to get a
PlusPower, drop a PlusPower on Blastoise, and hydro pump Hitmonchan into
oblivion!!!  I get a Item Finder as a prize.  He sends out a Scyther, draws,
drops a grass energy on Scyther (active) and used swords dance.  I draw a
Wooper, computer search and discard Wooper and Item finder to get yet
another PlusPower.  I drop the PlusPower on Blastoise and hydro pump for yet
another knockout.  (I get a water energy as a prize)  He sends out his last
Scyther, he draws, and just quits the match.  I won the match!!!

Record:  2-0
Place in tourney:  Tied 1st with nine other kids

Match Three:  Me vs Austin Beck (all Ghost deck)

This was a turn-two match.  I got a Wooper, 2x Bill, 3x Water energies, and
a PlusPower.  I send out Wooper and he sends out Sabrina's Gastly on level
16 and no bench.  I won the coin flip, draw a computer search, drop a water
energy on Wooper, bill twice and get an Articuno, two PlusPowers, and an
Item Finder.  I then used Amnesia to not allow him to use spook.  He draws,
places a psychic energy on Sabrina's Gastly, and passes his turn.  I draw an
Oak, place another water energy on Wooper, drop three PlusPowers on Wooper
and hit slam with one heads and a ko.  I won the match!!!

Record:  3-0
Place in tourney:  Tied 1st with four other kids

This was a problem.  There were five kids left in the tourney (uneven
number), so the gym leader there volunteered to challenge one kid in the
fourth round, but it wasn't me!!!

Match Four:  Me vs Michael Howard (my brother) (Wigglytuff)

This would be easy!!!  I built this deck for him, so I know what to
expect!!!  I know that he had three Electabuzzes and three R's Zapdos, so I
had to get Wooper and fast.  Of course I didn't get one in my hand but I got
the following:  Articuno, three water energies, Ecogym, Bill, and Squirtle. 
I start Articuno and bench Squirtle.  He starts Jigglypuff with with a R's
Zapdos on the bench, so I knew he had a Wigglytuff coming.  I won the flip,
draw a Item Finder, use Bill to get a Computer Search, and a Lapras.  I comp
search away item finder and Lapras to get Wooper.  I place Wooper on the
bench, drop a water energy on Articuno, and pass my turn.  He draws, drops a
Lightning energy on R's Zapdos and passes.  I draw a water energy, place it
on Articuno, and pass my turn yet again.  He draws, evolves into Wigglytuff,
places a Lightning energy on R's Zapdos and passes his turn.  I draw an Oak,
I drop yet another energy on Articuno, Oak away and get breeder, Blastoise,
comp search, water energy, Ecogym, and two PlusPowers.  I drop Ecogym, breed
to Blastoise, drop another water energy on Articuno, comp search away two
PlusPowers to get an Oak and I Oak away and get crap:  Lapras, Wooper,
Articuno, 2x Breeders, Squirtle, and Item Finder.  I Item Finder to get back
Oak, and I Oak again.  I get four water energies, two Bills, and Oak.  I
drop four water energies on Blastoise, Bill twice to get three water
energies and a PlusPower, drop another water energy on Blastoise and drop
two on Wooper, and blizzard with a heads.  (I just looked at my deck...very
small!!!)  He draws, places yet another lightning energy on R's Zapdos and
passes his turn.  I draw a Item Finder, and Freeze Dry Wigglytuff for the
knockout.  I get my last Item Finder as a prize.  He draws, drops a fire
energy on R's Zapdos, and Electroburns me for the kill.  He gets his prize
and I send out Blastoise.  I draw a water energy and I hydro pump with five
water energies on Blastoise for the knockout.  I won the match!!!

Record:  4-0
Place in tourney:  Tied 1st with one other kid.  Let me explain how.

The gym leader beat his opponent and to not have three people in the finals,
he dropped out.  The kid felt ripped off that his match wasn't as serious as
ours or something like that, but the gym leader was so nice, he bought the
kid four Neo packs!!!  I believe he felt better...

Match 5:  Me vs Shannon Boles (Sponge)

This match wasn't fun.  Even though I won, Shannon got disqualified.  You
will see how later on.  I lose the coin flip and I start Lapras and bench
two Woopers and she starts a MP Mewtwo and has a benched Lt. Surge's
Electabuzz.  She draws, benches a vending machine promo Mewtwo.  As soon as
the ref saw that, he disqualified her on the spot. She had opaque back
covers and translations for it, but he didn't care.  I won and it was
bittersweet.  I won, but in the cheapest way possible.

Record:  5-0
Place in tourney:  1st as winner

My prize for winning the tourney was three packs out of each expansion made
so far that we had available.

Base packs:  Charizard, Beedrill, and Poliwrath
Jungle packs:  Scyther(holo), Venomoth(non-holo), and Pinsir(non-holo)
Fossil packs:  Ditto(holo), Moltres(non-holo), and Muk(holo)
Base2 packs:  Alakazam, Mr. Mime, and another Beedrill
Gym Hero packs:  Erika's Dragonair, Lt. Surge's Fearow, and Brock's Golem

Gym Challenge packs:  R's Mewtwo, R's Zapdos, and Lt. Surge's Jolteon
Neo Genesis packs:  Sneasel, dark energy, and Slowking

Now it's time for the props and slops

Props to:

-my parents for taking me to the tourney (i love you both
-my deck for taking first place
-pojo's site and mag (i know that you hear it all the time but it's true! 
They are both great)
-rares from my Gym Hero, Gym Challenge, and Neo Genesis packs
-gym leader for being sooooooooo nice
-gym leader giving me the points I needed for my Togepi promo for cleaning

Slops to:

-rares from other packs
-my cheap win in round five
-kid who was complaining about his loss in the semis
-gym leader for buying that kid those packs (it's his fault he lost)
-Austin Beck for his poor performance (I look foward to his matches)

Well, that's my KDR!!!  I hope everyone liked it!!!

Send comments, hate mail, suggestions, but no viruses to (i read this one more often)

P.S.  I know how kids have short KDR's and they lie about how long it took
them to type it.  I have a sliced finger and it took my 2 hours and 15
minutes to type this thing!!!  Look at how long it is!!!  Oh well, I hope
you post this!!!
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