Chaotic Rocket Haymaker (Psychic/Electric)
                by Dr. D (Devin Peltier-Robson)
                     Tommorow is Yesterday
                          Rockford, IL
                 Saturday, December 30th, 2000
         32 participants (although 2 were dropped out)

Haymaker decks are popular around my area. Even though I
play them, I usually don't get much luck, so that's when I
thought about it... Over christmas, I finally got a Rocket's
Zapdos, so I of course wanted to make a deck. Although, I
already had a deck, so I just altered it a little bit. After doing
some test battles (well, real battles...) with my mom (who
is a great Pokémon card player), the deck seemed flawless.
The deck used a tricky strategy, but it wasn't easy to get it
working exactly the way I wanted it (although I had no trouble
with it), I needed skill, I needed... ...Lass!

Here's the deck:

1 Rocket's Zapdos (Gym Challenge)
3 Rocket's Mewtwo (Gym Challenge)
3 Electabuzz (Base Set)
3 Scyther (Jungle)
1 Blaine's Rhyhorn (Gym Challenge)
1 Brock's Rhyhorn (60HP with Horn Toss)
1 Cleffa (Neo Genesis)
1 Ditto (Fossil)
--->14 Pokémon total: 14 Basics, 0 Stage 1's, and 0 Stage 2's.
4 Lass
3 Rocket's Sneak Attack
3 Professor Oak
3 Computer Search
3 Gold Berry
1 Focus Band
3 Chaos Gym
--->20 Trainers
4 Double Colorless Energy
12 Psychic Energy
10 Electric Energy
--->26 Energy total: 22 Basic Energy, 4 Non-Basic Energy.

The goal of the deck is to get Chaos Gym out then beat down
at the opponent with Rocket's Mewtwo or Rocket's Zapdos. The
opponent will have a hard time using Trainers! And a good way
to power up Rocket's Mewtwo is have Rocket's Zapdos out front
and use Plasma to power it up, while attaching your Psychic
Energies to Rocket's Mewtwo, then when Rocket's Zapdos falls,
you'll have a fully powered-up Rocket's Mewtwo ready for action!
If you get to go first, use a Lass. That'll really disrupt your
opponent! In fact it could even win the match! Well, I entered
in the tourney (12/30/00) and I did pretty well...

1st Match - Kid with a Rain Dance deck
He wasn't too hard, because he couldn't get his Blastoise out
soon enough. Although he did manage to claim a prize, I
managed to beat him without much effort. I don't think I even got
my Chaos Gym out! He had Dewgong's in his deck, and I think
I saw a Magikarp, thank goodness it didn't evolve! Also, when he
got his Dewgong out, it was a different language card! He fixed
the problem though... ...anyway, the match went to me!

2nd match - Anthony Colleti with a Haymaker
This match was kinda lop sided. Even though he's a great
player, he didn't have very good luck with his draws. He won the
flip (actually, everyone but Kenny did). He had okay Pokémon
out, but I don't think his hand was too good. He Oaked and
didn't get anything else that useful. I was ripping it up! I had my
Rocket's Zapdos' and my Rocket's Mewtwo's out and ready.
After putting up a fight, I nailed him with my Rocket's Zapdos.
Listen to this, I shuffled my deck very well before this match,
but I managed to get 3 Gold Berry's in a row, one I had in my
hand, so I attached it, then after Electroburn-ing, the prize I
drew was another one, so I attached it and Electroburn-ed
again, the next card I drew was yet another Gold Berry! Guess
what I did... ...that's 3 prize's right there! I surprisingly won that

3rd Match - Arvel Rowe with a Haymaker
Another good player that I was up against. It was a tough
match, but I managed to get him with Rocket's Mewtwo.
(Sorry, I don't remember this match that much, I just
remember winning it and that he had a Haymaker.)

4th Match - Kid with a Rain Dance deck
Arggh! I don't remember his name, but he was a smaller
player. He had Articuno's out, and I had Rocket's Zapdos,
but he got powered up before I could Knock it Out, and then
he used Freeze Dry... ...heads... ...rats! Then I was powerless,
so I had to do something, but I couldn't. As I started beating
him with Electabuzz and Rocket's Mewtwo, he started getting
his army of Articunos ready and then he gave me a
Freeze Dry - Blizzard combo and that beat me down... ...bad.

Final Round - Kenny Rowe with a Haymaker
As I saw that I had to play Kenny for the last match, I got
scared! He gave me an intensive beating last time I played him!
He also played a Haymaker, but I won the coin flip! I think I
Lass-ed him, but I'm not sure. Fairly early in the game, I got my
Chaos Gym out, and that's when he started falling apart! I think
he said he got 13 tails... ..IN A ROW! I got to use most of the
Trainers he tried to use! Near the end of the match, he had 2
prizes left, and I had 1 prize left, and managed to get him with
Rocket's Mewtwo... ...Psyburn, I win! Although, it was a good

That was one of the best tourney's I've gone to in a while! And
my mom (remember, she's a total Pokémon fanatic!) had a
good record of 3-2, and my brother (who uses the Rain Dance
deck I made for him so we could go to the tourneys more often)
had a record of 2-3. They did good though. Kane Keller ended
up winning the tourney.

Props and Slops
Props to my brother (Dustin) for going to the tourney.

Props to my mom for trading her Rocket's Zapdos (Japanese).
(I didn't use it in the tourney though, the rules say that if you
play other language cards in your deck, you must have the
English card to the side of the play field. The three Rocket's
Mewtwo's were Japanese, but I had an English one on the side.)

Props to my dad for letting us drive down there. (It was bad

Props to Travis Keller for trading me 2 Japanese Rocket's

Slops to the Booster Packs that cost me $28 and had nothing.
good in them.

Slops to everyone in the tourney who tried copying my brother's
deck! (That I made him!)

Slops to Rick Ross for not shaking his opponent's (Kenny
Rowe) hand after he lost. Sorry dude!

Slops for not placing after beating some of the best players! I
got 5th! I needed to get 4th or better to get a prize.

Slops to the pack my friend, Gaven, got for placing 4th. It was
a Gym Heroes and it had the Rare Misty's Goldeen!

Check out my website!   it's cool!

Dr. D -
Dr [)  - Devin