place: cobres de vitacura
participants: 10
type: grass
day: 23 of december

pokemons 15
3 ditto
4 scyther
4 jigglypuff
4 wigglytuff

trainers 30

4 oak
4 sneak attack
4 rocket trap
4 pluspower
3 bill
2 energy removal
2 item finders
4 computer search
2 gust of wind
1 nightly garbage run

15 energies

4 double colorless
4 full heal
2 potion energies
5 grass

slashwave v/s hitmonchan

I win with a scyther I start. I do sword dance then he
do the same then I put a plus power and

slashwave v/s ???

I was wining and his said that he have to go home

slashwave v/s magmar  fossil

I only remember hat I win with a wigly


slashwave v/s chansey body slam

he win with chasey he scrunch all the time.

final I got 2 and I win a pack  of gym challenge

please contact me

 Thomas Q Teixeira
