Haymorpher (Fire, Electric, Psychic)
By: Samantha Medeiros
South Shore Plaza
Saturday, October 7, 2000
???125 participants???

First off, I apologize for sending this report in so late. OK, to the
tournament. This was an STS qualifier, so there were a lot of people, in and
out all day, so I don't have a very accurate count. I got to the tourney at
9:30...half-an-hour to spare. The line was still pretty short, anyway. I got
into the 12:15 tourney for the 11-14 age group. Here is the deck:

3 Magmar (fossil)
3 Electabuzz
3 Scyther
3 MP Mewtwo
3 Ditto
3 Chansey
3 Bill
2 Oak
2 CPU Search
3 Plus Power
3 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Item Finder
3 Double Colorless
3 Full Heal energy
7 Electric
7 Psychic
7 Fire

Tournament 1

ROUND 1 vs. Guy w/Wigglytuff deck
I knew this guy from message boards. I sincerely think he is older than 14,
but enough of that. This was close. It was back and fourth. We had 5 minutes
left, 1 prize each. I had Ditto vs. Jiggly with 40 damage. The guy I'm facing
draws...Wiggly! Crap! Well, full bench and Plus Powers...bye Ditto...Good

OK...so there were no more 11-14 openings...but a guy from Wizards let me
into the 15+ group! Yay! At this point I had won "Queen" of the Hill (3 Team
Rocket boosters and promo Jiggly) and run up with a league friend, who was
playing in the same group as me (he never played me, thank goodness, he
always crushes me). On to tourney 2!

Tournament 2

ROUND 1 vs. ??NOBODY??
The opponent was a no-show. Not how I wanted to win, but I didn't complain.

ROUND 2 vs. Girl w/Psychic-fighting deck
...yawn...this went fast...MP Mewtwo came out and fried the 'Chans and other
MP Mewtwos. Good game!

ROUND 3 vs. Hay/psychic deck
All I really saw was a flash of 'Chan and MP Mewtwo...I had 'Buzz out and
Ditto benched. He Jabbed 'Buzz down and Psyburned Ditto to a crisp. Good game.
PRIZES-4 Gym Heroes

Well, this was my first ever tourney. No invite, but I had a great time, met
nice people, and won free stuff!

Props to...
*My mom for the drive and for suffering a whole day of "Pokeeman"
*Wizards for a great tourney and the free stuff
*Me for winning the promo Jigglypuff and a non-holo Dark Charizard from a
Rocket pack (I don't have too many cards)
*Ditto...he saved my neck a lot!
*Me again for being brave enough to wear my Team Rocket costume

Slops to...
*Wizards for the elimination format
*Me for losing and for thinking that the qualifier used PROP 15-3c
*Chansey for being shy and staying in the deck the whole tourney
*Item Finder for finding me nothing but a bunch of dead, discarded trainers
(this didn't show up the whole time either)

Samantha Medeiros