ColorBlind(Water, Colorless)
Gilbert Ramirez
Astral Castle
Midland, TX
About 30 people

I arrived at my league hoping to play as many games
possible, so I could get my badge. I figured I had to
play about 12 games to get the badge. I was looking
forward to get my hands on a few Lugias for a new deck
I am making. 

Heres the deck I played:

3 Blastoise
3 Squirtle
2 Articuno
2 Lapras
2 Erica's Dratini
1 Erica's Clefairy
4 Bill
4 Oak
4 Plus Power
3 Gust of Win(d)
3 Computer Search
2 No Removal Gym
21 Water Energy
3 DC Energy

Its pretty much a raindance, only with E. Dratini to
stop basics like buzz in their tracks, and E. Clefairy
to search my deck for Blastoise. Sorry, but I dont
rememer all the matches or any names since all I
wanted to do is play.

Round 1 vs. ???(Lugia Deck)
I got Blastoise out by second turn. Articuno took out
all his pokemon.

Round 2& 3 vs. ???(Lugia Deck)
I played the same deck only against two difren people.
Same scenerio.

Round 5 vs. ???(Blaines Deck)
He was a newbie. I took his ponyta out second turn. I
won, because I benched him.

Round 6 vs. ???(Blaines Deck)
Blastoise took care of all his weak pokemon, and he
was a newbie.

Round 8 vs. ???(Wigglytuff Deck)
Same kid as round 5, only with wiggly deck.  My
Dratinis stoped his psy pokes, and Blastoise and
Articuno came in with the big hits.

Round 9
All I had was a Dratini, and no drawing power. He won
in 4 turns.

Round 11 vs. ???(Brock Deck)
Articuno was out against all his fighting pokemon the
whole time.

Round 12 vs. ???(Giovanni Deck)
I got Blastoise out second turn and won in about 6

After that I traded and got my last point to get my

Astral Castle
My Mom
Scott Gerhardt
My deck
Steelix the holofoil I got in my only Neo Booster!

Cheaters & Stealers
Me, not able to get any Lugias
Me, not remembering any names or half the matches