Cross Counting Waves
by: David Hausknecht
Gotham City (that's the store)
Colorado Springs, CO
6 Participiants

Yes, I finally found an "official" tournament. It was a Sunday and I
finally got my parents to leave "Guiseppes." (you know how women talk
non-stop:) I was all happy as I was going with my friend. I decided to
count my
hhhh. Two of my Wigglys were missing and 6 other
cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put in trainers frantically (stupid ones
that were just there) and traded for 2 Wigglys (I should have put in more
energy). Please don't rant on me for bad trainer selections because I
threw in the first trainers I saw  :(    Oh was Swiss

Poke: 17
3 Jiggly (lost one)
4 Wiggly (pppphhhheeeewwwww)
1 Kangaskhan
1 Rocket's Hitmonchan (aaaahhhhh-I just realized that was 1 of those 8
cards arg)
2 Hitmonchan
3 Magmar (F)
2 Scyther
1 Erika's Jigglypuff (the new and improved part-lost one)

Trainers: 25
3 Bill
2 Oak (wish I had more)
2 Goop Gas Attack (put it in the night before the tourney because in
playtesting, I found that I HATE Mr. Mime)
4 Pluspower
2 Switch (have no Scoop UPs :(
2 No Removal Gym
1 Resistance Gym (last second)
1 Sabrina's Gaze (last second-Oak understudy)
1 Potion (Last second)
1 Challenge
1 Secret Mission (another Oak understudy)
1 Lass
1 Energy Retrieval (last second)

Energy: 18
7 Fighting
7 Fire

The ones labeled "Last second" are the cards I put in after finding only
MAD!!!!!!!!!! I had 4 DCE too arrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh. Sorry if the count
is off. I actually got names this time too :)

Roung 1: CCW vs. Dark Alakazam/Gengar/Chansey
It was a bad day for decks. He had forgot his at home. I saw him make his
deck before the tourney so I knew I should send out Jigglypuff. Guess my
luck......I don't get. I'm having a HORRIBLE day. I get Magmar and 2
Scythers  w/ Scyther active. He has.........BASE GASTLY!!!! I started
cracking up. I lay an energy and pass. He ERed it, lied an energy and
Sleeping Gas failed. My turn-I lie an energy and pass. He ERed it and
Sleeping Gas failed (seeing a pattern here?) Third turn-I lie an energy
on Scyther and pass. He.....doesn't ER it!!!!!!! Wow.....wait....dang it.
He got a Chansey and put it on his bench and put an energy on it. I'll
skip a few turns because it's BORING. His Gastly is knocked out and he
has a pumped Dark Alakazam and his Chansey has 40 HP left. I have no
energy w/ 2 Jiggly and Magmar on the bench w/ Scyther active. He
sacrifices his Chansey to knock out my Scyther. His Dark Alakazam KOs my
Jigglys because the first attack ignores resistance but not before I get
40 damage on him. Here's the miracle. I have Magmar with 1 Pluspower and
Oak in my hand (no energy). I lay a Pluspower, I Oak with 6 crap cards
and the last card is...................FIRE ENERGY!!!! I win the
Card of the Game: Pluspower

Round 2: CCW vs. Jared with Electric Haymaker variant  
I get Magmar and Scyther and he gets Tauros. I retreat Scyther, lay on
Magmar, and Smokescreen. He puts Buzz and (J) Pikachu on the bench and
attaches DCE to Tauros and tries to Stomp but fails (and he's using that
rigged Chansey coin-I roll a die). It continues like this until I Switch
for Scyther to KO his Tauros. He then proceeds to KO my Scyther and
Magmar w/ Buzz's T-Punch.
Card of the game: Magmar

Between Matches: I saw a Magikarp being dealt 300 damage by Surge's

Round 3: CCW vs. Chris with Haymaker with Surge's Buzz
I don't remember much except in the end, he Gusted out a Jiggly and
knocked it out with Hitmonchan.
Card of the Game: Hitmonchan (on both sides)

I'm getting very discouraged now.....The guy I just battled is 3-0 and
Jared is 2-1.

Round 4: CCW vs. Charizard/Machamp
I just saw my friend Jeremy whoop this guy's Charizard with his Raindance
by Gusting it out with Blastoise active :) Me-E. Jiggly Him-Machop (BS).
First turn-Pulled Punch. His turn-Low Kick. My turn-Pulled Punch=WIN.
Card of the Game: Erika's Jigglypuff and DCE

Last Round: CCW vs. Jeremy with Raindance that I helped him make
I thought I had this game turn 2 when he only had Magikrap
but he drew a Squirtle and quickly lied an energy on it. Next turn I KOed
his Magikrap w/ Scyther but he evolved to Wartotle and Bites w/ a DCE. He
Bit me to a KO of Scyther. I sent out R. Hitmonchan and CrossCountered.
He Bit and I flipped heads. At the end I KOed his Articuno with a
Pluspowered Do the Wave.
Card of the Game: Rocket's Hitmonchan

I am done with my games but I still have a chance. Jared plays Jeremy and
it all came down to a flip. Tails-we (me, Jeremy, and Jared) are still in
it. Heads-Jared and Chris are in the finals. The coin
flipped...........flip..........flip.........HEADS!!! Dang it!!!! Oh
well, no prizes because I got third. I still had fun and I bought a NH
Ditto for $3. Next week I'm using my Dark Muk deck cause I'm more
successful with it. Chris got 1st and Jared got 2nd.

Props to...........
My parents for taking me
Me for getting 3rd
Britney Spears for 2 (big) reasons
Scott Gerhardt
my deck
Erika's Jigglypuff (I'm using it in all my decks :)

Slops to............
Scott Gerhardt for not putting Dark Muk in his TR top 10 of Pojo's
December                                             magazine
[Editor's note from Scott G.: Everyone makes mistakes...]

Wesley again (I don't really hate him, I'm just trying to get him mad-it
works too)
Me for losing cards
low amount of people that showed up
Wesley for breathing
Neo not out at the time I'm writing this
Guiseppes (way too slow-never eat there)

That concludes my fourth deck report. Any Love notes or parking tickets
can be sent to
PS: This is NOT my real deck. I lost cards. I will fix it!!!!!!!!!
PSS: I've fixed MANY decks. You can send me yours. I WILL reply to every
If you send me hatemail, I will pick you up, throw you off a bridge, find
your body, chew on you, eat you, throw you up, then smash your face in
cow maneur.
Have a nice day :)