Deja Vu Games
Kitchener, Ontario
Saturday December 2, 2000.
Participants: ONLY 4!
Hello and welcome to my first and final Killer Deck Report! As some of you have already read above that the tournament that I was participating in only had 4 people! Those four people were my two brothers, my best friend Matt and myself. For only four people showing Deja Vu Games has officially closed all Pokemon tournaments there.  Now onto the deck...
Strategy: Use Fossil Magmar to stall while
Deck: Sharp Shooter
Pokemon: 16
4 Growlithe
4 Arcanine
4 Fossil Magmar
2 Rocket Porygon
2 Lickitung
Trainers: 25
3 Professor Oak
3 Bill
3 Computer Search
2 Item Finder
2 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Gust of Wind
3 Switch
3 Defender
3 Plus Power
Energy: 19
14 Fire Energy
1 Full Heal Energy
4 Double Coloress Energy
Now onto the report...
This tournament was every one played every one once, and then they tallied up the points.
Round 1:
Sharp Shooter Vs Alex.B (My Brother) Using a Wigglytuff Deck (I made it for him)
At the beginning of this match I thought this would be a breeze, but something horrible happened. My starting hand was:  1 Arcanine, 2 Growlithe, 2 Fire Energy, 1 Oak,  1 Computer Search. I played Growlithe he played a Lickitung. If you ask me the deck I made for him works excellent anyway, All he kept on doing was using his Lickitung against me. He got heads 95% of the time. I then got my Arcanine all powered up and started plowing through his Pokemon, he was bulding up some Hitmonchans on the bench and he killed both of my Arcanines since Take Down does 30 damage to itself. Now we were both tied at 2 prizes each and there was 5 minutes left on the clock. I played a no removal Gym at the start of the game, but he was so determined to use his energy removals he still discarded extra cards to use them. At this time one thought went through my head "I'm going to loose to my own brother!" Now I had another Arcanine out, but with no energys. He was powering up a Ditto on his bench and he used Take Down against him to win the game.
W: 0 - L: 1
After the match I did a deck count on him just to see if he was cheating. I know he did, we played many times before I always won before, why did I have to loose now?
Round 2 :
Sharp Shooter vs My other brother Oliver.B (I also made this deck) Magneton/Alakazam
This was a game I know I could win. I started with 1 Magmar, 1 Growlithe, 4 Fire Energy and a Bill. I played the Magmar and benched the Growlithe. He played 2 Magnemites one benched, the other active. This game started slow but once I pulled out Arcanine not even his Dark Alakazam could save him from loosing.  He only took one prize the whole game, because he was cheating so much, he cheated right in front of the judge, he picked up three extra cards and lost the game, but I insisted that we should continue. And I won.
W: 1 - L: 2
Round 3 : 
Sharp Shooter Vs. Matt.W (Best Friend) Dark Vileplume Deck With Dark Blastiose
This match was even easier than the battles against my brothers. My friend needs work on collecting the cards he needs! Anyway, A had two Arcanines on the bench all powered up. His Dark Vileplume didn't come out, thank god! His Blastiose remained hidden in his deck some where. I had about three prizes when he forfeited because he saw my Arcanines and knew he had lost.
W: 2 - L: 3
First place and Second place both got 2 boosters. I got a Dark Muk non-holo and a Dark Slowbro non-holo. And my brother got... who cares what he got.
Now for Slops and Props:
Props: To The City Transit (Bus)
Props: To my deck
Props: To Matt for trying hard and not complaining when he lost
Slops: To Deja Vu Games for not hosting any more Pokemon tournaments
Slops: To Alex.B (My Brother) for winning.
Slops: To Oliver.B (My Other Brother) For CHEATING!
That's all for now. If anyone knows of a near by tournament where I can play please e-mail me. And if anyone has any ideas for my deck or questions or comments please e-mail me at Thanx.