Toxic Beam
Jared L.C.
Conroe, TX   Goodtimes Comics, Pokemon League
approx.  23-28
Japanese Cards that you have translations for are allowed
Pokemon (30)                                                                                 Trainers (10)
2xScyther (discovery)                                                                  Bill     (base)
Scizor (discovery)                                                                          2xProfessor Elm   (genesis)
Scyther (jungle)                                                                              3xPokemon Breeder  (base)
3xNidoran male (base)                                                                  2xPokemon Trader  (base)
2xNidorino (base)                                                                           2xSuper Energy Removal     (base)  
3xBulbasaur (base)
2xIvysaur (base)
2xVenusaur (base)                                                                          Energy (20)
Venusaur (promo from TCG Players Guide)                         20xGrass Energy
3xDratini (base)
2xDark Dragonair (Rocket)
Dragonite (promo from first movie)
2xHoppip (discovery)
Skiploom (genesis)
Jumpluff (genesis)
Pinsir (jungle)
Round 1 (ding ding ding)
Me Vs. AJ with Rain Dance deck with Houndoom
            Well I sorry to say that this was no challenge My arena pkmn was Dratini w/ Nidoran(male) on bench.  He had a base squirtle.  I won the toss and did 10, next turn retreated to end because I think he had a blastoise in his hand because he said he was going to beat me. Got Nidoran paralyzed and when recovered got a lucky flip and won the game.
Round 2
Me Vs. Kersey with a (dun dun dun) Fire deck (He has battled me b4 and knows that I use this                                                                                                                                                 deck NO MATTER WHAT!) 
He had a Charmander and a full bench with a Magmar,3xPonytas, & Blaines Vulpix.  I had Nidoran in play and 2x Dratini on the bench with a Dark Dragonair in hand with some energies.  He went first and took out Nidoran on turn 3 while I drew another built it up to 3e and used Evolutionary Light to get Nidorino & Nidoking.  He was mad because he couldn't draw energies for a while and finally built up Magmar and K.O.'d my Nidoking and himself because he was 2x poisoned and then I K.O.'d the rest with another Nidoking on the bench. 
Round 3
Me Vs. Some little kid with worse Blaine's Deck
          I had Nidoran in play with Bulbusaur, Dratini, and Scyther on bench. He had some Blaine's Charmander in play with Blain's Growlithe on bench.  He took out my guys pretty fast but I kept on stalling to get my master plan into effect.  He would get mad and curious as a cat why I would refused to attack.  Finally I got Dark Dragonair thanks to Professor Elm and put my master plan into effect.  He laughed because he had a full powered fired pokemon ready to destroy all my pokemon so I brought out Nidoking to get 40 damage in but he only had 20 Hp left and died.  I brought out Venasaur and it went downhill for him.  Let this be a lesson to all, build up as many of your pokemon at a time as possible.
Round 4
Me Vs. Matt with a Grass Deck
         He had Bulbasaur in play with 1 on bench.  I had Dratini in play with Bulbasaur & Hoppip on bench with Jumpluff and Ivysaur in hand with energies.  He powered up Bulbasaur and brought out an Ekans to poison my 20 hp hoppip I evolved it to Skiploom He poisoned again and I evolved again for a kill of 2 but then he got payback, or did he just help me?  Anyway I brought in Dark Dragonair in to help take out his weak pokemon but he got K.O.'d af only 3 turns in battle.  So I put my other Dark Dragonair in and he had a Ivysaur in play with 2 energies and used ER on my Venasur witch had 4 and I had NO energies in my hand.  I looked at my top card and... It was a pokemon trader...  So I Evolutionary lighted my way to get Dragonite so I could use Special Delivery and the card I got out of it was A  GRASS ENERGY!!! I didn't want to attach it to Dragonite because I don't enjoy putting the fate of the game in a coin flip so I retreated and brought Venusaur attached the energy and Solerpowered my way to victory.
Round 5
Me vs. Some kid and a ? Deck
    I never got to find out what type of deck this kid was using because I K.O,'d his only pokemon in play which was a Rattata and I had Nidoran (male) and he said that it wasn't a colorless deck but for some reason wouldn't tell me what it was.
Well I decided I'd quit battling and start trading for the remaining 30 minutes.  One of my good trades was:  I gave up Blaines Ninetails(Japanese), Lt. Surges Fearow(holo), and Base 2 Riachu for (all non holos) a Politoed, Houndoom, Unown (A), Dark Dragonite (which I put in my deck afterwards and took out Bill), and Smeargle.
My second trade was: my Sneasel for a 1st edition Dark energy.
.My mom for bringing me
.Dark Dragonair's PKMN Power
.The kids I battled and traded with
.You for reading my report
If you wish to make a suggestions for my deck you can email me at: